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  1. Rename article.html to KMarticle.html, as article is a reserved keyword and messes up page display of physiome article list (commit: f0aed1e) (details)
  2. Adding sidebar (commit: 75a17c4) (details)
  3. Hiding FAQ page for now; Fixing colours of sidebar and visibility oif Physiome logo (commit: d762a8d) (details)
  4. Fixing alignment of logo (commit: 52ba931) (details)
  5. Fixing italics in css (commit: aefe3cf) (details)
  6. Fixing italics in css (instructions to authors page) (commit: 7bed011) (details)
  7. Removing editorial board link from About Us page (commit: 8bd9932) (details)
  8. Changing alignment of footer, and removing Contact us there. Contact us has been moved to the sidebar. (commit: 93d462e) (details)
  9. Adding dropdown menu fcapability on sidebar (unfinished) (commit: c1515ed) (details)
  10. Adding dropdown button with hover visibility (commit: 62af648) (details)
  11. Revert "Sidebar with dropdown menu added" (commit: f3ac64b) (details)
  12. Hiding mail and phone from contact us (commit: 11bbd17) (details)
  13. Push (commit: 8977c46) (details)
  14. With dropdown (commit: 7dcdcd9) (details)
  15. Adding labels for sections in About page (commit: 327ab50) (details)
  16. Locking sidebar dropdown visibility on click (commit: 7309dac) (details)
  17. Putting Contact us button on bottom of sidebar (commit: eb5bc11) (details)
  18. Putting Contact Us button on bottom of sidebar (right file this time) (commit: e228f15) (details)
  19. Trimming text, iterate 1 (commit: eaacb46) (details)
  20. Add TOCs and section boundaries and back-to-top arrows to author instructions page; links to FAQ (commit: a7a52cb) (details)
  21. Making page organisation/layout consistent across pages (commit: d6cd3c0) (details)
  22. Hiding redundancies (commit: 1779e8c) (details)
  23. Making sidebar horizontal lines same colour as text (commit: 2402247) (details)
  24. Beginning to flesh out questions - incomplete! (commit: 5c3d370) (details)
  25. Fixing syntax (commit: 2a28437) (details)
  26. Fixing button to submission system that went nowhere. Re-added overleaf template button. (commit: bff52cf) (details)
  27. Table for repository usernames (commit: 704c0bb) (details)
  28. Clarifying usernames at repositories (commit: 32538d5) (details)
  29. Loose branch ends (commit: 4353270) (details)
  30. Putting back article.html (commit: 1c2566e) (details)
  31. opening external links in new tab (commit: 72eb882) (details)
  32. Missing new tab open for one link (commit: 6093302) (details)
  33. Fixing link to omex in FAQs (commit: 69874d7) (details)
  34. Removing old files (commit: 0ca5631) (details)
  35. lol forgot to modify one more DOI link to open in new tab (commit: d683a95) (details)
  36. Making sidebar lines more visible, and move Email Us link from bottom of page due to zoom issues (commit: 88217cf) (details)
  37. Fixing all external links to open in a new tab (commit: f479d8c) (details)
  38. Adding ISSN to About page (commit: 64673f2) (details)
  39. tweaks to the answers in the FAQ (commit: 0542555) (details)
  40. naming articles page 'Published articles' and capitalising on sidebar (commit: 7684823) (details)
  41. Adding submission S000010 (commit: aa72fad) (details)
  42. Modify line endings for abstract (commit: 15e509d) (details)
Commit f0aed1edd3c88e4189421ba27952330f20ea27e5 by s.fong
Rename article.html to KMarticle.html, as article is a reserved keyword and messes up page display of physiome article list
(commit: f0aed1e)
The file was removedthemes/pj/templates/article.html
The file was addedthemes/pj/templates/KMarticle.html
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was addedcontent/pages/
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/index.html (diff)
Commit d762a8db55951eb3171a894caf7a36739753de50 by s.fong
Hiding FAQ page for now; Fixing colours of sidebar and visibility oif Physiome logo
(commit: d762a8d)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/index.html (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
Commit 7bed011901fe6c6f86bd12c7ccfe45e585b77218 by s.fong
Fixing italics in css (instructions to authors page)
(commit: 7bed011)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
Commit 8bd9932b55d9c55ca305d8baa8b6ba282b83b873 by s.fong
Removing editorial board link from About Us page
(commit: 8bd9932)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
Commit 93d462e65859615d31da5d891d2fddafd6f37cac by s.fong
Changing alignment of footer, and removing Contact us there. Contact us has been moved to the sidebar.
(commit: 93d462e)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
Commit c1515ed583f3187252f9ee8c294cbf8ebd5e1e63 by s.fong
Adding dropdown menu fcapability on sidebar (unfinished)
(commit: c1515ed)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
Commit 62af64820de9f2a86416e7a68bfac8f293732533 by s.fong
Adding dropdown button with hover visibility
(commit: 62af648)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
Commit f3ac64b286080032c8fcf54e07dfee6606f3faa4 by noreply
Revert "Sidebar with dropdown menu added"
(commit: f3ac64b)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
Commit 11bbd1733e776b066f9ff12093ca0808e9252f10 by s.fong
Hiding mail and phone from contact us
(commit: 11bbd17)
The file was addedcontent/pages/
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
The file was addedpelican
The file was addedcontent/pages/
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was addedthemes/pj/templates/index-textEditpush.html
The file was removedcontent/pages/
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
Commit 327ab50ddbe9e47f725197b963ba1269b6b2f498 by s.fong
Adding labels for sections in About page
(commit: 327ab50)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
Commit 7309dacac25ac9caebe56a91ae3c5b3e1373f516 by s.fong
Locking sidebar dropdown visibility on click
(commit: 7309dac)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
Commit eb5bc11d1092ef26eaa7cea3808ef9b9b2f998d7 by s.fong
Putting Contact us button on bottom of sidebar
(commit: eb5bc11)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/index.html (diff)
Commit e228f153c9f27849803bddeacefe5cac5b10e9d6 by s.fong
Putting Contact Us button on bottom of sidebar (right file this time)
(commit: e228f15)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/index.html (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
Commit a7a52cb1a40ec8820666ccef1b8f51243659e4de by s.fong
Add TOCs and section boundaries and back-to-top arrows to author instructions page; links to FAQ
(commit: a7a52cb)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
Commit d6cd3c092886cfd7a7a6ae1e9fe6647192ef8c4e by s.fong
Making page organisation/layout consistent across pages
(commit: d6cd3c0)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/index.html (diff)
Commit 24022478c20e7213d33414efcc8ae0b44b8732e9 by s.fong
Making sidebar horizontal lines same colour as text
(commit: 2402247)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
Commit 5c3d370737d4f5e6797f9015b761a36ddfd2c005 by s.fong
Beginning to flesh out questions - incomplete!
(commit: 5c3d370)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
Commit bff52cfc7076a4056b8f24e22634ea6428a5da3b by s.fong
Fixing button to submission system that went nowhere. Re-added overleaf template button.
(commit: bff52cf)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
Commit 704c0bb3a892639bfb1e743d408fb4c658b3ec92 by s.fong
Table for repository usernames
(commit: 704c0bb)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
Commit 32538d5e57afaf11916b4f6f5fd44113bace4c50 by s.fong
Clarifying usernames at repositories
(commit: 32538d5)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was addedthemes/pj/templates/article.html
Commit 72eb88231dbc5b7cebbbf56ab37db63aae965ae9 by s.fong
opening external links in new tab
(commit: 72eb882)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/article.html (diff)
Commit 6093302f05fbfa6fb24b2e1b03e4e174dd2c9296 by s.fong
Missing new tab open for one link
(commit: 6093302)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/article.html (diff)
Commit 69874d7d203d3e1422504c40dc2fb4c5eb4a2932 by s.fong
Fixing link to omex in FAQs
(commit: 69874d7)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/article.html (diff)
The file was removedthemes/pj/templates/index-textEditpush.html
The file was removedthemes/pj/templates/KMarticle.html
Commit d683a958556c9ee7772690a20c5cf8ef98ee3cc4 by s.fong
lol forgot to modify one more DOI link to open in new tab
(commit: d683a95)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/article.html (diff)
Commit 88217cfa9fa7730aebb6d2825db42400a898a8ee by s.fong
Making sidebar lines more visible, and move Email Us link from bottom of page due to zoom issues
(commit: 88217cf)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
Commit f479d8c5b819182a0afc52567ac7beaf1bd94f51 by s.fong
Fixing all external links to open in a new tab
(commit: f479d8c)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/index.html (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
Commit 0542555be9305417a774dc9acf4dcb9bf80d4544 by David Nickerson
tweaks to the answers in the FAQ
(commit: 0542555)
The file was modifiedcontent/pages/ (diff)
Commit 7684823b33d22b369acfbd7fffa1706c2d3ec11a by s.fong
naming articles page 'Published articles' and capitalising on sidebar
(commit: 7684823)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/category.html (diff)
The file was modifiedthemes/pj/templates/base.html (diff)
The file was addedcontent/Articles/
Commit 15e509d78e23cf72fd83079a8fd47fa14304b7a5 by s.fong
Modify line endings for abstract
(commit: 15e509d)
The file was modifiedcontent/Articles/ (diff)