

  1. Upgraded KaTeX to version 0.8.3 (#1401). (details)
  2. Updated our downloads page (#1401). (details)
Commit 23eb5ddd698b4d62f419bc6c37c6967e75399e7d by Alan Garny
Upgraded KaTeX to version 0.8.3 (#1401).
The file was modified doc/3rdparty/KaTeX/katex.min.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/developer/thirdPartyLibraries.html (diff)
The file was modified doc/3rdparty/KaTeX/contrib/auto-render.min.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/3rdparty/KaTeX/katex.min.css (diff)
Commit 0ed362afe74fa5a4d04e402b1ff96ff2b592dd8c by Alan Garny
Updated our downloads page (#1401).
The file was modified doc/downloads/previousSnapshots.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/downloads/index.js (diff)