

  1. Renamed ULLONG_WIDTH to AttributeNumberWidth since it's defined by gcc (details)
  2. Prevent a deprecated warnings for the CellML API on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. (details)
  3. Make sure that our plugins use RPATH rather than RUNPATH on Linux. (details)
  4. Make sure that OpenCOR itself uses RPATH rather than RUNPATH on Linux. (details)
  5. Properly deploy some system libraries on Linux. (details)
Commit 2a62ea024548f89db086938a1552fe4e96c4e923 by Alan Garny
Renamed ULLONG_WIDTH to AttributeNumberWidth since it's defined by gcc
on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/corecliutils.cpp (diff)
Commit 3faee38fec527dcda5749ba63704d5870f3a8582 by Alan Garny
Prevent a deprecated warnings for the CellML API on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
The file was modified src/plugins/api/CellMLAPI/src/cellmlapibegin.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/api/CellMLAPI/src/cellmlapiend.h (diff)
Commit 608befcb9d6021c5121a0a668639113957ae1515 by Alan Garny
Make sure that our plugins use RPATH rather than RUNPATH on Linux.
The file was modified cmake/common.cmake (diff)
Commit 11a75c15f353518d316317681acbcb7faf2796a5 by Alan Garny
Make sure that OpenCOR itself uses RPATH rather than RUNPATH on Linux.
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 116f084564496daa721effceef8661360b600345 by Alan Garny
Properly deploy some system libraries on Linux.
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified cmake/common.cmake (diff)