

  1. Make sure that we always use our in-house processEvents() method. (details)
  2. Common widget: only allow for events to be processed if our parent's (details)
  3. CSV data store: make sure that a value actually exists before retrieving (details)
Commit 6d6c8f45e5e039424580f365937d7ec3602522ff by Alan Garny
Make sure that we always use our in-house processEvents() method.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/organisation/FileBrowserWindow/src/filebrowserwindowwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit b8a996a15142e57ed51ef774fbf31cae6598e111 by Alan Garny
Common widget: only allow for events to be processed if our parent's
updates are enabled (#1622).
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/commonwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 022d71c0c8f73e675ba8597f73fbf32a3675a9e9 by Alan Garny
CSV data store: make sure that a value actually exists before retrieving
We have a Q_ASSERT which was triggered when exporting some simulation
(running noble_1962_local.sedml for 3000 ms and then 30000 ms) to CSV
using the debug version of OpenCOR (in Qt Creator). The release version
was (somehow) working fine, but we were definitely trying to retrieve a
non-existing array value, which could have bitten us at some point…
The file was modified src/plugins/dataStore/CSVDataStore/src/csvdatastoreexporter.cpp (diff)