

  1. Google code prettify: updated it to commit 05ad1b7 and customised it a (details)
  2. Slight update to our third-party libraries page (#1542). (details)
  3. Slight update to our downloads page (#1542). (details)
  4. Slight update to our prerequisites page (#1542). (details)
  5. Slight updates to our file structure page (#1542). (details)
  6. Slight updates to our develop page (#1542). (details)
  7. Slight update to our coding style page (#1542). (details)
Commit 9adcaeebd5c40be438bae535d925060eb91535f4 by Alan Garny
Google code prettify: updated it to commit 05ad1b7 and customised it a
bit (#1542).
The file was modified doc/developer/thirdPartyLibraries.html (diff)
The file was modified doc/3rdparty/googleCodePrettify/prettify.css (diff)
The file was modified doc/3rdparty/googleCodePrettify/prettify.js (diff)
Commit 712206f655737f2cfd3883c48a33eeb485e3fd84 by Alan Garny
Slight update to our third-party libraries page (#1542).
The file was modified doc/developer/thirdPartyLibraries.html (diff)
Commit 13ac1a20c7ffc2d39765b7e4fece0eca68266906 by Alan Garny
Slight update to our downloads page (#1542).
The file was modified doc/res/downloads.js (diff)
Commit b161b56e36d3cb3ae4c3a90489ddfa21787664b7 by Alan Garny
Slight update to our prerequisites page (#1542).
The file was modified doc/developer/prerequisites.html (diff)
Commit 59ad2ad75d1a81155f96cdc5c775d2fd6d83112e by Alan Garny
Slight updates to our file structure page (#1542).
The file was modified doc/developer/fileStructure.html (diff)
Commit b51ee8beacc30c308950d433153cdccd08395cac by Alan Garny
Slight updates to our develop page (#1542).
The file was modified doc/developer/develop/index.html (diff)
Commit 10a4107729a68f2c014d046a6cb2d2b3349fb348 by Alan Garny
Slight update to our coding style page (#1542).
The file was modified doc/developer/develop/codingStyle.html (diff)