

  1. SimulationExperiment view: renamed our "Graphs" panel to "Graph Panel" (details)
  2. Merge branch 'master' into issue1426. (details)
  3. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  4. Added a menu icon (#1426). (details)
  5. Collapsible widget: added a menu icon to the right (#1426). (details)
  6. Collapsible widget: added support for a menu to the right (#1426). (details)
  7. SimulationExperiment view: our "Graph Panel" panel now has a menu to (details)
  8. SimulationExperiment view: our "Graph Panel" panel now has a menu to (details)
  9. SimulationExperiment view: our "Graph Panel" panel now has a menu to (details)
  10. SimulationExperiment view: our "Graph Panel" panel now has a menu to (details)
  11. Renamed src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelwidget.* to (details)
  12. Renamed src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelwidget.* to (details)
  13. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  14. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  15. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  16. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  17. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  18. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  19. SimulationExperiment view: added the shell of a graph panel and graphs (details)
  20. SimulationExperiment view: added the shell of a graph panel and graphs (details)
  21. SimulationExperiment view: removed the shell of a graph panel and graphs (details)
  22. SimulationExperiment view: some work on distinguishing our (future) (details)
  23. SimulationExperiment view: some work on distinguishing our graph panel (details)
  24. SimulationExperiment view: some work on distinguishing our graph panel (details)
  25. SimulationExperiment view: some work on distinguishing our graph panel (details)
  26. SimulationExperiment view: some work on distinguishing our graph panel (details)
  27. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  28. SimulationExperiment view: added some menu items to get access to our (details)
  29. SimulationExperiment view: added some menu items to get access to our (details)
  30. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  31. SimulationExperiment view: can now select and show our graph panel or (details)
  32. SimulationExperiment view: removed the "Logarithmic X Axis" and (details)
  33. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  34. PropertyEditor widget: distinguish between all and root properties. (details)
  35. SimulationExperiment view: some work on populating our graph panel (details)
  36. SimulationExperiment view: some work on populating our graph panel (details)
  37. SimulationExperiment view: can now modify the colour, font size and (details)
  38. SimulationExperiment view: don’t use a signal to let people a graph (details)
  39. SimulationExperiment view: some minor refactoring (#1426). (details)
  40. SimulationExperiment view: can now select a colour using the graph panel (details)
  41. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  42. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  43. SimulationExperiment view: some work on populating our graph panel (details)
  44. PropertyEditor widget: fixed a small problem with the icon we generate (details)
  45. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  46. PropertyEditor widget: can now initialise the selection of a colour by (details)
  47. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  48. Just for testing... (details)
  49. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  50. Removed our test code. (details)
  51. PropertyEditor widget: can now initialise the selection of a colour by (details)
  52. SimulationExperiment view: make sure that a model could be compiled (details)
  53. SimulationExperiment view: make sure that our graph panel gets properly (details)
  54. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  55. PropertyEditor widget: make sure that we get the focus back straightaway (details)
  56. GraphPanel widget: make sure that the background works with (details)
  57. GraphPanel widget: make sure that the background works with (details)
  58. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  59. GraphPanel widget: make sure that the background works with (details)
  60. SimulationExperiment view: make sure that our graph panel gets properly (details)
  61. Reverting commit 66250bb. (details)
  62. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  63. GraphPanel widget: also change the colour of the background surrounding (details)
  64. GraphPanel widget: also change the colour of the background surrounding (details)
  65. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  66. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  67. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  68. PropertyEditor widget: make sure that we are double clicking on a (details)
  69. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  70. SimulationExperiment view: improved our setting of property editors' (details)
  71. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  72. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  73. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  74. SimulationExperiment view: improved our setting of property editors' (details)
  75. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  76. SimulationExperiment view: make sure that the labels of a new graph (details)
  77. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  78. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  79. SimulationExperiment view: make sure that all our solvers' properties (details)
  80. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  81. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  82. SimulationExperiment view: give more importance to our parameters widget (details)
  83. SimulationExperiment view: give more importance to our parameters widget (details)
  84. SimulationExperiment view: renamed "Colour" to "Background colour" for (details)
  85. SimulationExperiment view: remove the visible property for our grid (details)
  86. SimulationExperiment view: can now specify a title for a graph panel (details)
  87. SimulationExperiment view: can now specify a title for a graph panel's (details)
  88. SimulationExperiment view: can now specify the foreground colour to be (details)
  89. GraphPanel widget: account for the Y axis title when aligning a graph (details)
  90. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  91. GraphPanel widget: slight improvements to our setting of the background (details)
  92. SimulationExperiment view: can now specify the grid lines settings to be (details)
  93. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  94. SimulationExperiment view: use an integer for sizes/widths rather than a (details)
  95. SimulationExperiment view: can now specify the point coordinates (details)
  96. Some minor cleaning up and refactoring. (details)
  97. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  98. SimulationExperiment view: can now specify the point coordinates (details)
  99. SimulationExperiment view: can now specify the zoom region settings to (details)
  100. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  101. SimulationExperiment view: update our French translations (#1426). (details)
  102. SimulationExperiment view: update our French translations (#1426). (details)
  103. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  104. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  105. Changed the encoding back to UTF-8 (stupid Windows application!). (details)
  106. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  107. SimulationExperiment view: make sure that the expanded/collapsed state (details)
  108. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  109. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  110. SimulationExperiment view: export all graph panels, even if they don't (details)
  111. SimulationExperiment view: export all graph panels, even if they don't (details)
  112. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  113. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  114. SimulationExperiment view: put back a graph panel's log scale (details)
  115. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  116. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  117. SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the background (details)
  118. SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the foreground (details)
  119. SimulationExperiment view: better handle the further initialisation of (details)
  120. SimulationExperiment view: make sure that all our graph panels get (details)
  121. SimulationExperiment view: make sure that all our graph panels get the (details)
  122. Slight update to our what is new page (#1426). (details)
  123. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  124. GraphPanel widget: make sure that we are properly aligned when adding a (details)
  125. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  126. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  127. GraphPanel widget: make sure that our graph panels are properly aligned (details)
  128. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  129. GraphPanel widget: improved our addition/removal of graph panels (details)
  130. SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the font size (details)
  131. Make sure that the GUI is up-to-date after executing a message box. (details)
  132. SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the title (details)
  133. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  134. GraphPanel widget: retrieve some memory when possible. (details)
  135. GraphPanel widget: improved our removeAllGraphPanels() method (#1426). (details)
  136. SimulationExperiment view: make sure that our graph panels are properly (details)
  137. SED-ML support: some minor refactoring and make sure that a line width (details)
  138. SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the grid lines (details)
  139. SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the grid lines (details)
  140. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  141. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  142. SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the point (details)
  143. SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the X axis and Y (details)
  144. SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the zoom region (details)
  145. Slight update to our downloads and what is new pages (#1426). (details)
Commit c8efb875794436e416c261a2751b3c8fbdae080d by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: renamed our "Graphs" panel to "Graph Panel"
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was removedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphswidget.cpp
The file was removedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphswidget.h
The file was addedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelwidget.h
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
The file was addedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelwidget.cpp
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit c12e70d46b43b0fc71ec216e7caae59893a17a45 by Alan Garny
Merge branch 'master' into issue1426.
The file was modified doc/downloads/index.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/downloads/previousSnapshots.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/user/whatIsNew.js (diff)
Commit 63c6b2558898ab7bb316c0e92406aaf26e7b0259 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/collapsiblewidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/collapsiblewidget.h (diff)
Commit bfff6da0ed1bb4c77bab3a30b7fd1b1764bf367d by Alan Garny
Added a menu icon (#1426).
The file was modified res/ui.qrc (diff)
The file was addedres/menu.png
Commit eddb3715e2b7a06dd055929d450ac10607521d9f by Alan Garny
Collapsible widget: added a menu icon to the right (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/collapsiblewidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/collapsiblewidget.h (diff)
Commit ea96359efdfd7c0289306ecc8a917ab6c083b9de by Alan Garny
Collapsible widget: added support for a menu to the right (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/collapsiblewidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/collapsiblewidget.h (diff)
Commit 8f69b8fbbf0c53cc5af79d8b7a6ca927133def82 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: our "Graph Panel" panel now has a menu to
switch between graphs and graph panel settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit ca567a126aef7b9863ff4c42ff88426570c1477d by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: our "Graph Panel" panel now has a menu to
switch between graphs and graph panel settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
Commit c5a86628d212fb2fd31b4b5fe4ce77fb69ed436a by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: our "Graph Panel" panel now has a menu to
switch between graphs and graph panel settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
Commit d2282254f2fa166082ff432ef0f56dd3468d73c5 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: our "Graph Panel" panel now has a menu to
switch between graphs and graph panel settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/collapsiblewidget.h (diff)
Commit 2a597c6b14afce2b58c856afed11651382b42580 by Alan Garny
Renamed src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelwidget.* to
The file was removedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelwidget.h
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was addedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was removedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelwidget.cpp
The file was addedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 49a73ccdb221295b804ff053c97384d91e09d7ce by Alan Garny
Renamed src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelwidget.* to
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit cdc2f0b886a617f67dd6208fbc5760b8ff91ea4c by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 53834e449f6688fc0a421b47fc28b66c7693d36c by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit ae070c8150588a2837ddc7e05763734698784359 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 33bc3acd0b8f2f80e5005f46871a6e5fab6b2a79 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 66250bb8c3e29d1cc072e3058cd74d95badfa754 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/windowwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/ZincWidget/src/zincwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/EditorWidget/src/editorlistwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/CellMLAnnotationView/src/cellmlannotationviewmetadataviewdetailswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/treeviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/usermessagewidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/widget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/WebViewerWidget/src/webviewerwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/splitterwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 6e0119f24f9d819a577e2995ed5dd4e258bea9d0 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit e083d8a7e5a5d189a9c95b53639986d57cdf98b0 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added the shell of a graph panel and graphs
specific property editor (#1426).
The file was addedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphspropertyeditor.h
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was addedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelpropertyeditor.h
The file was addedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphspropertyeditor.cpp
The file was addedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelpropertyeditor.cpp
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
Commit baf26726252b42d2618d21d2260156e789e7ccc9 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added the shell of a graph panel and graphs
specific property editor (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit e01002596ae979c3860d4a2dce01615a20dd77ae by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: removed the shell of a graph panel and graphs
specific property editor (#1426).
Indeed, refactoring the Graphs property editor was proving to be too
tedious, not to mention that this meant several instances of our context
menu, etc. one for each graph panel. So, not optimal at all.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was removedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelpropertyeditor.cpp
The file was removedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphspropertyeditor.h
The file was removedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelpropertyeditor.h
The file was removedsrc/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphspropertyeditor.cpp
Commit c84b08ca25092013997bd4dafe95f57e939e9b3c by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: some work on distinguishing our (future)
graph panel property editor from our (existing) graphs property editor
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 34ce446dff3328051b724609032f5d0748197867 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: some work on distinguishing our graph panel
property editor from our graphs property editor (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit c6b8efc32ec40e7950e262fc4bcecf400de6de3f by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: some work on distinguishing our graph panel
property editor from our graphs property editor (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit d283369dcc9c127f7496616b45a01772468af346 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: some work on distinguishing our graph panel
property editor from our graphs property editor (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 2f5cc3176244c26720a2dd41191ac3188bfdeb50 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: some work on distinguishing our graph panel
property editor from our graphs property editor (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 9d9eb91e207629043021df18b2379537f1ede139 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 0fe40bab1e56053f107e73e58b63a5ecd69f3202 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added some menu items to get access to our
Graph Panel and Graphs settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/i18n/GraphPanelWidget_fr.ts (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit df9da73b82b0d4184da1ceef7e7a98a64f3d840d by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: added some menu items to get access to our
Graph Panel and Graphs settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit 89455872118df246b325e3bc5ccf40b89f0e358a by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit ad2825c81b8ffdec50df36d144fee6bca0b38208 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: can now select and show our graph panel or
graphs settings from a graph panel’s context menu (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 10ba9b38dc3898beea4a0661afa1b3b4a928e44a by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: removed the "Logarithmic X Axis" and
"Logarithmic Y Axis" menu items from a graph panel's context menu
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/i18n/GraphPanelWidget_fr.ts (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 03e2d76b7ca9afe660ecfad93f96f4f0fd62c14b by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit fe2dffe34a703db969b86ffbaba6c5b54378ec3d by Alan Garny
PropertyEditor widget: distinguish between all and root properties.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
Commit 7832e0d279c833a9461417541aea0a7f7e47d644 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: some work on populating our graph panel
property editor (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
Commit 1e068d499e31313b4ab3e46066d0f829526d3912 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: some work on populating our graph panel
property editor (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
Commit 2eefc317b7f334f4cbaf794aac6153ec016fd6c1 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: can now modify the colour, font size and
axes’ scale of a graph panel (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 2a8c3431344db4a972b41a98aa7e33df157ca53f by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: don’t use a signal to let people a graph
settings have been changed, but replot the graph’s plot straightaway
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.h (diff)
Commit 3281c6ce9fda7d83bd39fff92755210729fab587 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: some minor refactoring (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 46dac2bd791ca02c2c17a251a87afec228680c2c by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: can now select a colour using the graph panel
context menu (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
Commit b9f19df6d057397c0555173ec13cf9e75d42dad3 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit a2b6b4740d85575107982abafac18e5a3453ff05 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
Commit 0f3ffe1fb77d193c7b69c957fac70a4f8a6653af by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: some work on populating our graph panel
property editor (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
Commit 8322779bf24537899c7d77613c1609fb245934f6 by Alan Garny
PropertyEditor widget: fixed a small problem with the icon we generate
for a colour property.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 92936693d663cd167cd340a73a4c2fdf40cdb7fa by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
Commit 1b56c60491ab40915831ecdf6a8eb054c6a16c54 by Alan Garny
PropertyEditor widget: can now initialise the selection of a colour by
double clicking on/near a colour icon.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/i18n/Core_fr.ts (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
Commit 58e31b26f7ec1bea09e442f5dabe25fdab132fe6 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 64343bea8a9c3bac02fb455e57bef195b2ccd846 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit e1ba0851c32097e624be72bb4a194de382accb3e by Alan Garny
Removed our test code.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 1bddb1eab91a108d636ec46efec7fb9fbe40ea69 by Alan Garny
PropertyEditor widget: can now initialise the selection of a colour by
double clicking on a colour icon.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit fe878172e670d90f7a81e29a8f00fecc1a4b73d6 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make sure that a model could be compiled
before setting the current widget to our graph panel or graphs property
editor (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit b8b74eea2e5963c32cafcd6400f3a830abb8dcc2 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make sure that our graph panel gets properly
replotted when changing some of its properties (#1426).
Indeed, if we were to pan the Y axis (so that it would now range from,
say, -10 to 990) and increase the font size, then everything would be
fine. However, if we were to reset the font size to its original value,
then we would get a ‘big’ gap to the left of the Y axis labels.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit eb72e9c123dc5295d3c44ec070414d500ef5a2ba by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit db5b4a87567882a9b7a1d58996f6c9457467edbb by Alan Garny
PropertyEditor widget: make sure that we get the focus back straightaway
when changing a colour property.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 8c1382a3addb8bece5eba2b1adff0ced2dc192c4 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: make sure that the background works with
semi-transparent colours (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit be9ce35fcbd6cc0f878926511384d3f6efabd3dd by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: make sure that the background works with
semi-transparent colours (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 619cb7dfdc497530b4da0849b400e5c3a777df3a by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit ed3d454d1c04ab6691b49b574014d15dc5d644a0 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: make sure that the background works with
semi-transparent colours (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit bcacadcd9fc09dfe144f76016f21ce015dcae568 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make sure that our graph panel gets properly
replotted when changing some of its properties (#1426).
Indeed, if we were to pan the Y axis (so that it would now range from,
say, -10 to 990) and increase the font size, then everything would be
fine. However, if we were to reset the font size to its original value,
then we would get a ‘big’ gap to the left of the Y axis labels.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 8e30dbebedf548be631d1a864ac5571d7db60733 by Alan Garny
Reverting commit 66250bb.
This was a bad move since we use the parent of a CommonWidget object
when showing a busy widget. In other words, the parent gets disabled,
which can be problematic if we use the ‘wrong’ parent. This is what
happened with our CellML Annotation view. After commit 66250bb, as soon
as we would type one character in the Term field, the busy widget would
kick in and the whole OpenCOR application would be disabled. In other
words, after entering one character, we had to wait for the ontological
terms to be retrieved. Not great at all!
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/splitterwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/widget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/CellMLAnnotationView/src/cellmlannotationviewmetadataviewdetailswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/treeviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/EditorWidget/src/editorlistwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/windowwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/ZincWidget/src/zincwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/usermessagewidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/WebViewerWidget/src/webviewerwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 8da22f8dc008b035a4b6047ff4a74dd7468598d0 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/widget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/widget.h (diff)
Commit 9042bc58b935ba60d2ab961eed341be2b61f4a5a by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: also change the colour of the background surrounding
the canvas (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit bd76da0401c5faa9ab0da9a3a81fcbf58069dcee by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: also change the colour of the background surrounding
the canvas (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 7a090a2af2c769d8ba2ea89e51dbcc8704624aa8 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit f91776930105d901e855656d8cee28ac318c856f by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 9610d7b1b909ff2604b21b7ebd539ff0de98dcf7 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 6d643cdfacef6abb000ee8a7a82f0270b4787435 by Alan Garny
PropertyEditor widget: make sure that we are double clicking on a
property before trying to change its colour value (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 961d859067f6c7737c24c53607c24a5bcecfe4c4 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit fc540c36a37d24bd2a8dc329a3bfd0c118b36b14 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: improved our setting of property editors'
column widths.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 47221d9d59e771576c7f84c388457fb1b5afe02d by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 9c02444ae16be1725dda0b4de113e007834fae80 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit e8480dda1c4301d4c5681e0890823f50f137c046 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 704c53c4084972ace12abb703df639a554b4ee4d by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: improved our setting of property editors'
column widths.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit bec99cf43c205bfd350e1dd3949130340ff454af by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 2e4a9d171ea40e8d5a059ab95dbd1c2317167a60 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make sure that the labels of a new graph
panel editor are initialised (#1426).
Not a problem for the very first graph panel editor (since we call
retranslateUi() in the constructor), but definitely one if we add a new
graph panel.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
Commit 8ba2a5da406bdee8a34937771c4075bbecc7438b by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/coreplugin.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 68634ee2aececf2905a8179d1585d6586d5f199d by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationparameterswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 43d24bc68507f9ad2b2b5acfe7c03d25e27d294f by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make sure that all our solvers' properties
are properly translated, and that all of our parameters get properly
updated (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationsolverswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationparameterswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit c860162562715b5e454a57a02113fa000906cec4 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 4c31edab0a84f8fdf9580987460594b9c0d41595 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/CellMLAnnotationView/src/cellmlannotationviewmetadatadetailswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewplugin.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/RawTextView/src/rawtextviewplugin.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/RawCellMLView/src/rawcellmlviewplugin.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/busywidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/CellMLAnnotationView/src/cellmlannotationviewplugin.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/CellMLTextView/src/cellmltextviewplugin.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/centralwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/dataStore/DataStore/src/datastoredialog.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/RawSEDMLView/src/rawsedmlviewplugin.cpp (diff)
Commit 77c9d9d456f4cafa19b221c482936ea220d7d2d6 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: give more importance to our parameters widget
than to our graph panel / graphs widget (#1426).
As a nice side effect, to set stretch factors for our parameters and
graph panel / graphs widgets prevents the the vertical scrollbar of our
graph panel / graphs widget from quickly flashing the first time we
switch files (probably a Qt-related issue)…
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit ad44257cfea057de99b657cb5f8cc7c3bc704cc8 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: give more importance to our parameters widget
than to our graph panel / graphs widget (#1426).
As a nice side effect, to set stretch factors for our parameters and
graph panel / graphs widgets prevents the the vertical scrollbar of our
graph panel / graphs widget from quickly flashing the first time we
switch files (probably a Qt-related issue)…
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 4a5069930f8da272677a1ce45651cee2b8c50d9d by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: renamed "Colour" to "Background colour" for
our graph panel settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
Commit 1ac8a8f17fbf05afd01e502ca262ec33d1360777 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: remove the visible property for our grid
lines (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 3fafe746434368dfb136f17fdcdfb9766853a0d7 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: can now specify a title for a graph panel
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit e2b83b3e8e742c022c0b57c5239e6f6180ae83cc by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: can now specify a title for a graph panel's
axes (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit b3bfc01fe847998163e45a2eeea87e3d8b7d0cd8 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: can now specify the foreground colour to be
used by a graph panel (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit f60fa4646e1152d9739cc2916f915ef0f7e63928 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: account for the Y axis title when aligning a graph
panel with its neighbours (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 96375607cd918b43589347409673b41064cf9246 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/coreguiutils.cpp.inl (diff)
Commit 16c8d55d38f5a5386d1ffdd503b879f892f56ecd by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: slight improvements to our setting of the background
colour (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit f18a4a51f455c73d8a71f26b4e69767920443b74 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: can now specify the grid lines settings to be
used by a graph panel (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 5fa98a0b8328207478f6250a2242fefd8266b466 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit 0886b8f2bf074eb1d7933a860e329ca02b00c3cd by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: use an integer for sizes/widths rather than a
double (#1426).
This will make things easier for showing the coordinates of a point /
zoom regions.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit c79d8689f526f89e990ca7f5da54f75d0b97a98f by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: can now specify the point coordinates
settings to be used by a graph panel (#1426).
Still need to get the coordinates label in the right position with
regards to the horizontal and vertical lines highlighting the point for
which we want to show the coordinates.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 1f33982ecf2f1e9603eaa002ec8cbea35d9cfb9a by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up and refactoring.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit b14372628bc73da26f689d428178fcc1b7b87e5a by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 451fe8812bba8e426bd96110bae5575e1e49f37c by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: can now specify the point coordinates
settings to be used by a graph panel (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
Commit 26ce931368419ffe84de904510fd6fe4b5c09bc2 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: can now specify the zoom region settings to
be used by a graph panel (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 22a648554142730088f02180325b629fe47e9443 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 28c7d540b54dadbe614c7f8f843fe9d51039a3db by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: update our French translations (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
Commit c031544e89240f5eed551f2c18f83b4fdd825493 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: update our French translations (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
Commit aeb0b3ad953fc1000137234414afb7497669f1f4 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 86a71e891e2e0fd71dc35c661d55c5eca45a355d by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/preferencesdialog.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/PMRSupport/src/pmrworkspacemanager.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/editing/CellMLTextView/src/cellmltextviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 28381aafff67f0ad60c6dc686f029a9105933b06 by Alan Garny
Changed the encoding back to UTF-8 (stupid Windows application!).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/i18n/SimulationExperimentView_fr.ts (diff)
Commit 4e8e457c3ef17fc9c67e3b3d4d7ec6dee20f8ac7 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
We don’t keep track of the horizontal bar value for our other property
editors, so why would we do it here?…
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 713983a5cac038a7156909a87147dbc0963e2988 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make sure that the expanded/collapsed state
of all graph panel editor's sections remains the same when switching to
another graph panel or file (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.h (diff)
Commit 0260eed7d3ec2e310ff9e9df20fb789bb434666f by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit ac428fa53a988f76e9a9e319086a0879c7362358 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit b7e12d35777d2d28623c5608073c18b032a6f318 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: export all graph panels, even if they don't
contain graphs (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 65002f0c551cfb0cd31fdc100b9e9e37c06d8488 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: export all graph panels, even if they don't
contain graphs (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 4861604d85c8a1f30e2f0b21a2cd73651883da78 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 2b31bed573d808a75b834123537fcf2b914f902b by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit b166b8a127818d4a1b07107ee42120f59dcd3f47 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: put back a graph panel's log scale
information (#1426).
I thought I could get away with putting that information as annotation,
but SED-ML explicitly requires it to be at the curve level…
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit ce944a6f6365a939451a8d3651302e34f04a652e by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 2c5250572fb0f229a4919c70e29d4837c337aee0 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
Commit 07f8e0ff7e413825dd27ec87a4d15bcaa907d727 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the background
colour (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
Commit f1f84627745e8b9d3184567ec09dbcb5ba3a495d by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the foreground
colour (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
Commit 5877d1f25031bee3c6bfedc0f6a32d68a27be2be by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: better handle the further initialisation of
our view due to a SED-ML file (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit fa0b5ae3561ce2028870c14c38a5cc5ce2eb4c52 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make sure that all our graph panels get
properly initialised when opening a SED-ML file / COMBINE archive
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/propertyeditorwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 442ffbe9b0d46045fd6a6572366e883e1aaaf6dd by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make sure that all our graph panels get the
correct height when adding a graph panel or opening a SED-ML file with
several graph panels (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 2168d8273fb4f7ba516515b3af5670caa7958a9d by Alan Garny
Slight update to our what is new page (#1426).
The file was modified doc/user/whatIsNew.js (diff)
Commit e38ac8a642adb1ff813379873c7949f5b2bdbd54 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 9c3eec2b6fee47c1b93cf6d7d1a5a7a8a2668810 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: make sure that we are properly aligned when adding a
graph panel when another has a Y title (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit c391c7e40312b0ce3212898bc1f872ff5a663bbd by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 57aacb01716f5257f950f53122a931b3fb109147 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit efce4284ee250b34cffe6e52032be9464045d076 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: make sure that our graph panels are properly aligned
Indeed, if we had one graph panel, added a title to its Y axis, added
another graph panel and also wanted to add a title to its Y axis, then
only the Y axis title of the first graph panel would be visible. That
is, until we would, say, pan the second graph panel.
This was because the QwtScaleWidget for the Y axis of the second graph
panel didn’t have its internals updated. To ‘fix’ this, we have to
subclass QwtScaleWidget, so that we could call its layoutScale() method…
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 27de164f4fab655ac3d53444ce7de88e36e29140 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 2a4567d015c1644131366a0f156ac5a077b658c9 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: improved our addition/removal of graph panels
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 8c4a48420f512fb3d01d97ac48a34bf00c0fbbac by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the font size
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
Commit b6c96df1dbbf9c2d67e944e341ee8b4e6704e2fa by Alan Garny
Make sure that the GUI is up-to-date after executing a message box.
The file was modified src/plugins/miscellaneous/Core/src/coreguiutils.cpp.inl (diff)
Commit 62c9007facb5527544e1447e22ce3cc35f54d036 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the title
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
Commit a3430e8bb334a2403f6c61b36f783b7b023c18bd by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
Commit 8c1643a5e96d96162dd0c096d8c4742ec6febbd1 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: retrieve some memory when possible.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 8082effc794bcad38e9c65d2984f3b427b1d7b14 by Alan Garny
GraphPanel widget: improved our removeAllGraphPanels() method (#1426).
Indeed, until now, we were removing all the graph panels, but the first
one. This was not only arbitrary, but if the graph panel had been
customised (e.g., a title had been set), then it means that it would
still be there. So, now, we add a graph panel (since we need at least
one graph panel) and then really remove all the other graph panels.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelswidget.cpp (diff)
Commit d788febc37abaa6aa3dd9539b643585462184113 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: make sure that our graph panels are properly
reinitialised when reloading a SED-ML file (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewinformationgraphpanelandgraphswidget.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 8321aaefe0876a3cb206aa4fa200c8f5112f426d by Alan Garny
SED-ML support: some minor refactoring and make sure that a line width
is an integer (and not a double) greater than zero (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
Commit b11756cefbe31b4f5ef4ea03db3d16cf6011292b by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the grid lines
settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 55f6cc3f7fc224a7734348260bc95efce4aff139 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the grid lines
settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
Commit ab4da5af68cc6bb45131b1d46cb6a2c7b5cc1683 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/widget/GraphPanelWidget/src/graphpanelplotwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 2c45770aaa6513a485bc098f398ddf5b16cd96e8 by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
Commit 52a1a2c98398e40b01d114467662bec51f76fb76 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the point
coordinates settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
Commit e2f48c48108fea7939d3e95b23f70e587b71a967 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the X axis and Y
axis settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
Commit 99b9d0bc0dff6580efa227a36793ab6a9104e636 by Alan Garny
SimulationExperiment view: now have SED-ML support for the zoom region
settings (#1426).
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/simulation/SimulationExperimentView/src/simulationexperimentviewsimulationwidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/SEDMLSupport/src/sedmlfile.h (diff)
Commit 21ca3b3c60033c3f7409a8e926e607bcb3da1c30 by Alan Garny
Slight update to our downloads and what is new pages (#1426).
The file was modified doc/user/whatIsNew.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/downloads/index.js (diff)