

  1. Python support tests: clean our numbers since it sometimes seems to be causing problems on Windows. (details)
Commit 30df0f6d089424b25d657fdd193cc3420c5371c0 by Alan Garny
Python support tests: clean our numbers since it sometimes seems to be causing problems on Windows.

Indeed, I have experienced cases a number would be printed as, say, 0.3000 or 0.30000!?
The file was modified src/plugins/support/PythonSupport/tests/data/ (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/PythonSupport/tests/data/ (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/PythonSupport/tests/data/basictests.out (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/PythonSupport/tests/data/coveragetests_connection_timed_out.out (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/PythonSupport/tests/data/coveragetests_host_not_found.out (diff)