

  1. QScintilla widget: added line numbers (#1413). (details)
  2. QScintilla widget: have line numbers scale properly (#1413). (details)
  3. Slight updates to our downloads and what is new pages (#1413). (details)
Commit af24b4e278b93823dd35872145d3d9ffe07f6e7f by Alan Garny
QScintilla widget: added line numbers (#1413).
The file was modified src/plugins/support/QScintillaSupport/src/qscintillawidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/QScintillaSupport/src/qscintillawidget.h (diff)
Commit 9f726098be1f7686934287d82805cb2525328537 by Alan Garny
QScintilla widget: have line numbers scale properly (#1413).
The file was modified src/plugins/support/QScintillaSupport/src/qscintillawidget.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/plugins/support/QScintillaSupport/src/qscintillawidget.h (diff)
Commit 7466a283eb2c4dad15f5d7712ed4fa05f29643c4 by Alan Garny
Slight updates to our downloads and what is new pages (#1413).
The file was modified doc/user/whatIsNew.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/downloads/previousSnapshots.js (diff)
The file was modified doc/downloads/index.js (diff)