

  1. Some minor cleaning up. (details)
  2. Python: renamed our Shell scripts. (details)
Commit 6c26a783ab2882d52e17ccd40a22986b44be4f6f by Alan Garny
Some minor cleaning up.
The file was modified cmake/common.cmake (diff)
Commit 81b3061c6a7286d36f1309210578c97a2d6af272 by Alan Garny
Python: renamed our Shell scripts.
The file was removeddistrib/linux/
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was removeddistrib/macos/
The file was removeddistrib/macos/
The file was removeddistrib/macos/
The file was addeddistrib/macos/
The file was modified cmake/common.cmake (diff)
The file was addeddistrib/linux/
The file was removeddistrib/linux/
The file was addeddistrib/macos/
The file was removeddistrib/macos/
The file was removeddistrib/linux/
The file was addeddistrib/linux/jupyterlab
The file was addeddistrib/macos/jupyternotebook
The file was removeddistrib/linux/
The file was removeddistrib/macos/
The file was addeddistrib/linux/jupyternotebook
The file was removeddistrib/linux/
The file was addeddistrib/linux/
The file was addeddistrib/macos/
The file was addeddistrib/macos/
The file was addeddistrib/linux/runjupyter
The file was addeddistrib/macos/
The file was removeddistrib/linux/
The file was removeddistrib/macos/
The file was addeddistrib/linux/setpythonpath
The file was addeddistrib/macos/jupyterlab
The file was removeddistrib/linux/
The file was removeddistrib/macos/
The file was addeddistrib/linux/