

  1. Getting ready to build the QScintilla package (#1358). (commit: 97b09e9) (details)
  2. QScintilla: some work on upgrading to version 2.10.1 (#1358). (commit: ba9bb7a) (details)
  3. QScintilla: some work on upgrading to version 2.10.1 (#1358). (commit: f7787f0) (details)
  4. QScintilla: generated the 2.10.1 binaries (#1358). (commit: 4e0177d) (details)
Commit 97b09e9edca55a5b93b38fdd2fd325d707d7c55e by Alan Garny
Getting ready to build the QScintilla package (#1358).
(commit: 97b09e9)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit ba9bb7ab54f2d83b842367375b6ce14c53be5cbc by Alan Garny
QScintilla: some work on upgrading to version 2.10.1 (#1358).
(commit: ba9bb7a)
The file was modified src/plugins/thirdParty/QScintilla/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit f7787f08f2828e1454aaf05b6d128e1a742b70f8 by Alan Garny
QScintilla: some work on upgrading to version 2.10.1 (#1358).
QScintilla now distinguishes between release and debug versions (on
Windows at least).
(commit: f7787f0)
The file was modified src/plugins/thirdParty/QScintilla/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 4e0177dae2d6b22c39db827ea24dc65484bb93bf by Alan Garny
QScintilla: generated the 2.10.1 binaries (#1358).
(commit: 4e0177d)
The file was modified src/plugins/thirdParty/QScintilla/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt (diff)