import { markRaw } from "vue"; import { getNerveNames, getParentsRegion, } from "../components/SimulatedData.js"; import EventBus from "../components/EventBus"; import { mapStores } from 'pinia'; import { useSettingsStore } from '../stores/settings'; import { useSplitFlowStore } from '../stores/splitFlow'; import Tagging from '../services/tagging.js'; function capitalise(text) { return text[0].toUpperCase() + text.substring(1) } /* eslint-disable no-alert, no-console */ export default { emits: [ "flatmap-provenance-ready", "resource-selected", "species-changed"], props: { /** * Object containing information for * the required viewing. */ entry: Object, visible: { type: Boolean, default: true, }, mouseHovered: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, }, computed: { ...mapStores(useSettingsStore, useSplitFlowStore), idNamePair() { return this.splitFlowStore.idNamePair; }, syncMode() { return this.splitFlowStore.syncMode; }, useHelpModeDialog() { return this.settingsStore.useHelpModeDialog; }, connectivityInfoSidebar() { return this.settingsStore.connectivityInfoSidebar; }, annotationSidebar() { return this.settingsStore.annotationSidebar; }, }, mounted: function () { EventBus.on("startHelp", () => { this.startHelp(); }); this.multiflatmapRef = this.$refs.multiflatmap; this.flatmapRef = this.$refs.flatmap; this.scaffoldRef = this.$refs.scaffold; }, methods: { toggleSyncMode: function () { return; }, getState: function () { return undefined; }, openMap: function (type) { if (type === "SYNC") { this.toggleSyncMode(); this.trackOpenMap('toggle_map_sync_mode'); } else { EventBus.emit("OpenNewMap", type); this.trackOpenMap(`open_new_${type}_map`); } this.onConnectivityInfoClose(); }, onMapmanagerLoaded: function (mapManager) { this.settingsStore.updateMapManager(mapManager); }, trackOpenMap: function (category) { // GA Tagging // Open map tracking Tagging.sendEvent({ 'event': 'interaction_event', 'event_name': 'portal_maps_open_map', 'category': category, 'location': 'open_new_map' }); }, updateWithViewUrl: function() { return; }, /** * Perform a local search on this contentvuer */ search: function () { return false; }, /** * Get a list of search suggestions on this contentvuer */ searchSuggestions: function () { return; }, /** * Callback when the vuers emit a selected event. */ resourceSelected: function (type, resource) { // Skip processing if resources already has actions if (this.resourceHasAction(resource)) { EventBus.emit("PopoverActionClick", resource); return; } let returnedAction = undefined; let action = "none"; let fireResourceSelected = false; const result = { paneIndex:, type: type, resource: resource, internalName: undefined, eventType: undefined, }; if (type == "MultiFlatmap" || type == "Flatmap") { result.internalName = resource?.feature?.label ? resource.feature.label : this.idNamePair[resource.feature.models]; if (resource.eventType == "click") { result.eventType = "selected"; if (resource.feature.type == "marker") { let label = result.internalName; if ( this.settingsStore.isFeaturedMarkerIdentifier( ) ) { // It is a featured dataset search for DOI. returnedAction = { type: "Search", term: this.settingsStore.featuredMarkerDoi( ), featuredDataset: true, }; } else { // Facet search on anatomy if it is not a keyword search returnedAction = { type: "Facet", facet: label, facetPropPath: "", term: "Anatomical structure", }; } fireResourceSelected = true; if (type == "MultiFlatmap") { const flatmap = this.$refs.multiflatmap.getCurrentFlatmap().mapImp; flatmap.clearSearchResults(); } } else if (resource.feature.type == "feature") { // Do no open scaffold in sync map if (this.syncMode) { fireResourceSelected = true; } else { action = "scaffold"; } } } else if (resource.eventType == "mouseenter") { result.eventType = "highlighted"; fireResourceSelected = true; } } else if (type == "Scaffold") { if (resource && resource[0]) { if (resource[0].data?.id === undefined || resource[0].data?.id === "") { resource[0] = resource[0].data?.group; } result.internalName = resource[0]; // Facet search if marker is clicked if (resource[0].data.lastActionOnMarker === true) { returnedAction = { type: "Facet", facet: capitalise(resource[0], facetPropPath: "", term: "Anatomical structure", }; } } result.eventType = "selected"; fireResourceSelected = true; action = "search"; } if (returnedAction) EventBus.emit("PopoverActionClick", returnedAction); if (fireResourceSelected) this.$emit("resource-selected", result); }, resourceHasAction: function (resource) { return ( resource.type === "URL" || resource.type === "Search" || resource.type === "Neuron Search" || resource.type == "Facet" || resource.type == "Facets" ); }, /** * Check if this viewer is currently visible */ isVisible: function() { const paneName = this.splitFlowStore.getPaneNameById(; return paneName !== undefined; }, displayTooltip: function() { return; }, /** * Get the term to zoom/highlight in a synchronisation event, * if it cannot be found in the map, it will perform several * calls to try to ge a valid name/id. */ getNameAndIdFromSyncData: async function (data) { let name = data.internalName; if (name === undefined && data.resource) { name = data.resource.label; } let id = undefined; if (data.resource && data.resource.resource) { id = data.resource.resource[0]; } if (this.entry.type === "Scaffold") { const objects = this.$refs.scaffold.findObjectsWithGroupName(name); // If a region is not found use a hardcoded list to determine // its parents region first if (objects.length === 0) { //Use nerve mapping if (data.resource && data.resource.feature) { const matched = getNerveNames(data.resource.feature.models); if (matched.length > 0) return matched; } let matched = getParentsRegion(name); if (matched) { return matched; } // Hardcoded list failed - use an endpoint to find its parents if (id && data.eventType === "selected") { return fetch(`${this.apiLocation}get-related-terms/${id}`) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { if (data.uberon.array.length > 0) { name = data.uberon.array[0].name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + data.uberon.array[0].name.slice(1); id = data.uberon.array[0].id.toUpperCase(); return { id, name }; } }); } } } else if (this.entry.type === "MultiFlatmap") { if (name === "Bladder") { name = "Urinary Bladder"; } else { const matched = getNerveNames(name); if (matched.length > 0) name = matched[0]; } } return { id, name }; }, // Get the species and andaotmy info for the featured datasets getDatasetAnatomyInfo: function (identifier) { fetch(`${this.apiLocation}dataset_info/anatomy?identifier=${identifier}`) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { const resultPayload = data.result[0]; let markerCurie; try { markerCurie = resultPayload.anatomy.organ[0].curie; } catch (error) { markerCurie = undefined; } let markerDoi; try { markerDoi = resultPayload.item.curie; } catch (error) { markerDoi = undefined; } let markerSpecies; try { let index = 0; let found = false; while (!found && index < resultPayload.organisms.subject.length) { const entry = resultPayload.organisms.subject[index]; if (entry.species) { markerSpecies =; found = true; } index += 1; } } catch (error) { markerSpecies = undefined; } // can test the featured marker by uncommenting the line below: // markerSpecies = "Rat" this.settingsStore.updateFeaturedMarker({ identifier, marker: markerCurie, doi: markerDoi, species: markerSpecies, }); }); }, // Check if the old featured dataset api has any info oldFeaturedDatasetApiHasInfo: async function () { let response = await fetch(`${this.apiLocation}get_featured_datasets_identifiers`) let data = await response.json() if (!data.identifiers || data.identifiers.length == 0) { return false; } else { return data.identifiers; } }, // Check if the new featured dataset api has any info newFeaturedDatasetApiHasInfo: async function () { let response = await fetch(`${this.apiLocation}get_featured_dataset`) let data = await response.json() if (!data.datasets || data.datasets.length == 0) { return false; } else { return =>; } }, /** * Get a list of featured datasets to display. */ getFeaturedDatasets: async function () { let datasetIds = []; // Check the two api endpoints for featured datasets, old one first let oldInfo = await this.oldFeaturedDatasetApiHasInfo(); if (oldInfo) datasetIds = oldInfo; else { let newInfo = await this.newFeaturedDatasetApiHasInfo(); if (newInfo) datasetIds = newInfo; } // Update the store with the new list of featured datasets this.settingsStore.updateFeatured(datasetIds); datasetIds.forEach(element => { this.getDatasetAnatomyInfo(element) }); }, zoomToFeatures: function () { return; }, handleSyncMouseEvent: async function (data) { let info = await this.getNameAndIdFromSyncData(data); if (data.eventType === "highlighted") { this.highlightFeatures(info); } else if (data.eventType === "selected") { this.displayTooltip(info); //this.zoomToFeatures(info, true); } }, /** * Handle sync pan zoom event */ handleSyncPanZoomEvent: function () { return; }, highlightFeatures: function () { return; }, receiveSynchronisedEvent: async function (data) { if (data.paneIndex !== { if (data.eventType == "panZoom") { //this.handleSyncPanZoomEvent(data); } else { this.handleSyncMouseEvent(data); } } else { if (data.eventType == "selected") { let info = await this.getNameAndIdFromSyncData(data); this.zoomToFeatures(info, false); } } }, requestSynchronisedEvent: function () { return; }, flatmapMarkerUpdate() { return; }, onResize: function () { return; }, startHelp: function () { if (this.isInHelp === false) { this.helpMode = true; window.addEventListener("mousedown", this.checkEndHelpMouseDown); this.isInHelp = true; } }, endHelp: function () { window.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.checkEndHelpMouseDown); this.helpMode = false; setTimeout(() => { this.isInHelp = false; }, 200); }, onHelpModeShowNext: function () { this.helpModeActiveItem += 1; }, onHelpModeLastItem: function (isLastItem) { if (isLastItem) { this.helpModeLastItem = true; } }, onFinishHelpMode: function () { this.helpMode = false; // reset help mode to default values this.helpModeActiveItem = 0; this.helpModeLastItem = false; }, onTooltipShown: function () { if (this.$refs.multiflatmap && this.$refs.multiflatmapHelp) { this.$refs.multiflatmapHelp.toggleTooltipHighlight(); } if (this.$refs.flatmap && this.$refs.flatmapHelp) { this.$refs.flatmapHelp.toggleTooltipHighlight(); } if (this.$refs.scaffold && this.$refs.scaffoldHelp) { this.$refs.scaffoldHelp.toggleTooltipHighlight(); } }, onMapTooltipShown: function () { if (this.$refs.multiflatmap && this.$refs.multiflatmapHelp) { this.$refs.multiflatmapHelp.toggleTooltipPinHighlight(); } if (this.$refs.flatmap && this.$refs.flatmapHelp) { this.$refs.flatmapHelp.toggleTooltipPinHighlight(); } if (this.$refs.scaffold && this.$refs.scaffoldHelp) { this.$refs.scaffoldHelp.toggleTooltipPinHighlight(); } }, /** * End help-mode only if user clicks outside of help mode dialog. */ checkEndHelpMouseDown: function (e) { const el =; if (!el.closest('.help-mode-dialog')) { this.endHelp(); } }, mapHoverHighlight: function (mapImp) { if (this.visible) { const hoverAnatomies = this.settingsStore.hoverAnatomies; const hoverOrgans = this.settingsStore.hoverOrgans; if (hoverAnatomies.length || hoverOrgans.length) { clearTimeout(this.hoverDelay); if (this.multiflatmapRef || this.flatmapRef) { mapImp?.zoomToFeatures(hoverAnatomies, { noZoomIn: true }); } else if (this.scaffoldRef) { mapImp?.changeHighlightedByName(hoverOrgans, "", false); } } else { this.hoverDelay = setTimeout(() => { if (this.multiflatmapRef || this.flatmapRef) { mapImp?.clearSearchResults(); } else if (this.scaffoldRef) { mapImp?.changeHighlightedByName(hoverOrgans, "", false); } }, 500); } } }, onAnnotationOpen: function (payload) { EventBus.emit('annotation-open', payload); }, onAnnotationClose: function () { EventBus.emit('annotation-close'); }, onConnectivityInfoOpen: function (connectivityInfoData) { EventBus.emit('connectivity-info-open', connectivityInfoData); }, onConnectivityInfoClose: function () { EventBus.emit('connectivity-info-close'); }, onConnectivityGraphError: function (errorInfo) { EventBus.emit('connectivity-graph-error', errorInfo); }, }, data: function () { return { apiLocation: undefined, activeSpecies: "Human Male", scaffoldCamera: undefined, mainStyle: { height: this.entry.datasetTitle ? "calc(100% - 30px)" : "100%", width: "100%", bottom: "0px", }, helpMode: false, helpModeActiveItem: 0, helpModeLastItem: false, multiflatmapRef: null, flatmapRef: null, scaffoldRef: null, scaffoldLoaded: false, isInHelp: false, hoverDelay: undefined, mapManager: undefined, }; }, created: function () { this.flatmapAPI = undefined; this.apiLocation = undefined; if (this.settingsStore.flatmapAPI) this.flatmapAPI = this.settingsStore.flatmapAPI; if (this.settingsStore.sparcApi) this.apiLocation = this.settingsStore.sparcApi; if (this.settingsStore.mapManager) { this.mapManager = this.settingsStore.mapManager; } }, watch: { helpMode: function (newVal) { if (!newVal) { this.helpModeActiveItem = 0; } } }, };