/* * World Calendars * https://github.com/alexcjohnson/world-calendars * * Batch-converted from kbwood/calendars * Many thanks to Keith Wood and all of the contributors to the original project! * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /* http://keith-wood.name/calendars.html Calendars extras for jQuery v2.0.2. Written by Keith Wood (wood.keith{at}optusnet.com.au) August 2009. Available under the MIT (http://keith-wood.name/licence.html) license. Please attribute the author if you use it. */ var assign = require('object-assign'); var main = require('./main'); assign(main.regionalOptions[''], { invalidArguments: 'Invalid arguments', invalidFormat: 'Cannot format a date from another calendar', missingNumberAt: 'Missing number at position {0}', unknownNameAt: 'Unknown name at position {0}', unexpectedLiteralAt: 'Unexpected literal at position {0}', unexpectedText: 'Additional text found at end' }); main.local = main.regionalOptions['']; assign(main.cdate.prototype, { /** Format this date. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof CDate @param [format] {string} The date format to use (see formatDate). @param [settings] {object} Options for the formatDate function. @return {string} The formatted date. */ formatDate: function(format, settings) { if (typeof format !== 'string') { settings = format; format = ''; } return this._calendar.formatDate(format || '', this, settings); } }); assign(main.baseCalendar.prototype, { UNIX_EPOCH: main.instance().newDate(1970, 1, 1).toJD(), SECS_PER_DAY: 24 * 60 * 60, TICKS_EPOCH: main.instance().jdEpoch, // 1 January 0001 CE TICKS_PER_DAY: 24 * 60 * 60 * 10000000, /** Date form for ATOM (RFC 3339/ISO 8601). Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ ATOM: 'yyyy-mm-dd', /** Date form for cookies. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ COOKIE: 'D, dd M yyyy', /** Date form for full date. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ FULL: 'DD, MM d, yyyy', /** Date form for ISO 8601. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ ISO_8601: 'yyyy-mm-dd', /** Date form for Julian date. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ JULIAN: 'J', /** Date form for RFC 822. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ RFC_822: 'D, d M yy', /** Date form for RFC 850. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ RFC_850: 'DD, dd-M-yy', /** Date form for RFC 1036. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ RFC_1036: 'D, d M yy', /** Date form for RFC 1123. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ RFC_1123: 'D, d M yyyy', /** Date form for RFC 2822. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ RFC_2822: 'D, d M yyyy', /** Date form for RSS (RFC 822). Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ RSS: 'D, d M yy', /** Date form for Windows ticks. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ TICKS: '!', /** Date form for Unix timestamp. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ TIMESTAMP: '@', /** Date form for W3c (ISO 8601). Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar */ W3C: 'yyyy-mm-dd', /** Format a date object into a string value. The format can be combinations of the following: Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar @param [format] {string} The desired format of the date (defaults to calendar format). @param date {CDate} The date value to format. @param [settings] {object} Addition options, whose attributes include: @property [dayNamesShort] {string[]} Abbreviated names of the days from Sunday. @property [dayNames] {string[]} Names of the days from Sunday. @property [monthNamesShort] {string[]} Abbreviated names of the months. @property [monthNames] {string[]} Names of the months. @property [calculateWeek] {CalendarsPickerCalculateWeek} Function that determines week of the year. @property [localNumbers=false] {boolean} true to localise numbers (if available), false to use normal Arabic numerals. @return {string} The date in the above format. @throws Errors if the date is from a different calendar. */ formatDate: function(format, date, settings) { if (typeof format !== 'string') { settings = date; date = format; format = ''; } if (!date) { return ''; } if (date.calendar() !== this) { throw main.local.invalidFormat || main.regionalOptions[''].invalidFormat; } format = format || this.local.dateFormat; settings = settings || {}; var dayNamesShort = settings.dayNamesShort || this.local.dayNamesShort; var dayNames = settings.dayNames || this.local.dayNames; var monthNumbers = settings.monthNumbers || this.local.monthNumbers; var monthNamesShort = settings.monthNamesShort || this.local.monthNamesShort; var monthNames = settings.monthNames || this.local.monthNames; var calculateWeek = settings.calculateWeek || this.local.calculateWeek; // Check whether a format character is doubled var doubled = function(match, step) { var matches = 1; while (iFormat + matches < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + matches) === match) { matches++; } iFormat += matches - 1; return Math.floor(matches / (step || 1)) > 1; }; // Format a number, with leading zeroes if necessary var formatNumber = function(match, value, len, step) { var num = '' + value; if (doubled(match, step)) { while (num.length < len) { num = '0' + num; } } return num; }; // Format a name, short or long as requested var formatName = function(match, value, shortNames, longNames) { return (doubled(match) ? longNames[value] : shortNames[value]); }; // Format month number // (e.g. Chinese calendar needs to account for intercalary months) var calendar = this; var formatMonth = function(date) { return (typeof monthNumbers === 'function') ? monthNumbers.call(calendar, date, doubled('m')) : localiseNumbers(formatNumber('m', date.month(), 2)); }; // Format a month name, short or long as requested var formatMonthName = function(date, useLongName) { if (useLongName) { return (typeof monthNames === 'function') ? monthNames.call(calendar, date) : monthNames[date.month() - calendar.minMonth]; } else { return (typeof monthNamesShort === 'function') ? monthNamesShort.call(calendar, date) : monthNamesShort[date.month() - calendar.minMonth]; } }; // Localise numbers if requested and available var digits = this.local.digits; var localiseNumbers = function(value) { return (settings.localNumbers && digits ? digits(value) : value); }; var output = ''; var literal = false; for (var iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++) { if (literal) { if (format.charAt(iFormat) === "'" && !doubled("'")) { literal = false; } else { output += format.charAt(iFormat); } } else { switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) { case 'd': output += localiseNumbers(formatNumber('d', date.day(), 2)); break; case 'D': output += formatName('D', date.dayOfWeek(), dayNamesShort, dayNames); break; case 'o': output += formatNumber('o', date.dayOfYear(), 3); break; case 'w': output += formatNumber('w', date.weekOfYear(), 2); break; case 'm': output += formatMonth(date); break; case 'M': output += formatMonthName(date, doubled('M')); break; case 'y': output += (doubled('y', 2) ? date.year() : (date.year() % 100 < 10 ? '0' : '') + date.year() % 100); break; case 'Y': doubled('Y', 2); output += date.formatYear(); break; case 'J': output += date.toJD(); break; case '@': output += (date.toJD() - this.UNIX_EPOCH) * this.SECS_PER_DAY; break; case '!': output += (date.toJD() - this.TICKS_EPOCH) * this.TICKS_PER_DAY; break; case "'": if (doubled("'")) { output += "'"; } else { literal = true; } break; default: output += format.charAt(iFormat); } } } return output; }, /** Parse a string value into a date object. See formatDate for the possible formats, plus: Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar @param format {string} The expected format of the date ('' for default calendar format). @param value {string} The date in the above format. @param [settings] {object} Additional options whose attributes include: @property [shortYearCutoff] {number} The cutoff year for determining the century. @property [dayNamesShort] {string[]} Abbreviated names of the days from Sunday. @property [dayNames] {string[]} Names of the days from Sunday. @property [monthNamesShort] {string[]} Abbreviated names of the months. @property [monthNames] {string[]} Names of the months. @return {CDate} The extracted date value or null if value is blank. @throws Errors if the format and/or value are missing, if the value doesn't match the format, or if the date is invalid. */ parseDate: function(format, value, settings) { if (value == null) { throw main.local.invalidArguments || main.regionalOptions[''].invalidArguments; } value = (typeof value === 'object' ? value.toString() : value + ''); if (value === '') { return null; } format = format || this.local.dateFormat; settings = settings || {}; var shortYearCutoff = settings.shortYearCutoff || this.shortYearCutoff; shortYearCutoff = (typeof shortYearCutoff !== 'string' ? shortYearCutoff : this.today().year() % 100 + parseInt(shortYearCutoff, 10)); var dayNamesShort = settings.dayNamesShort || this.local.dayNamesShort; var dayNames = settings.dayNames || this.local.dayNames; var parseMonth = settings.parseMonth || this.local.parseMonth; var monthNumbers = settings.monthNumbers || this.local.monthNumbers; var monthNamesShort = settings.monthNamesShort || this.local.monthNamesShort; var monthNames = settings.monthNames || this.local.monthNames; var jd = -1; var year = -1; var month = -1; var day = -1; var doy = -1; var shortYear = false; var literal = false; // Check whether a format character is doubled var doubled = function(match, step) { var matches = 1; while (iFormat + matches < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + matches) === match) { matches++; } iFormat += matches - 1; return Math.floor(matches / (step || 1)) > 1; }; // Extract a number from the string value var getNumber = function(match, step) { var isDoubled = doubled(match, step); var size = [2, 3, isDoubled ? 4 : 2, isDoubled ? 4 : 2, 10, 11, 20]['oyYJ@!'.indexOf(match) + 1]; var digits = new RegExp('^-?\\d{1,' + size + '}'); var num = value.substring(iValue).match(digits); if (!num) { throw (main.local.missingNumberAt || main.regionalOptions[''].missingNumberAt). replace(/\{0\}/, iValue); } iValue += num[0].length; return parseInt(num[0], 10); }; // Extract a month number from the string value var calendar = this; var getMonthNumber = function() { if (typeof monthNumbers === 'function') { doubled('m'); // update iFormat var month = monthNumbers.call(calendar, value.substring(iValue)); iValue += month.length; return month; } return getNumber('m'); }; // Extract a name from the string value and convert to an index var getName = function(match, shortNames, longNames, step) { var names = (doubled(match, step) ? longNames : shortNames); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (value.substr(iValue, names[i].length).toLowerCase() === names[i].toLowerCase()) { iValue += names[i].length; return i + calendar.minMonth; } } throw (main.local.unknownNameAt || main.regionalOptions[''].unknownNameAt). replace(/\{0\}/, iValue); }; // Extract a month number from the string value var getMonthName = function() { if (typeof monthNames === 'function') { var month = doubled('M') ? monthNames.call(calendar, value.substring(iValue)) : monthNamesShort.call(calendar, value.substring(iValue)); iValue += month.length; return month; } return getName('M', monthNamesShort, monthNames); }; // Confirm that a literal character matches the string value var checkLiteral = function() { if (value.charAt(iValue) !== format.charAt(iFormat)) { throw (main.local.unexpectedLiteralAt || main.regionalOptions[''].unexpectedLiteralAt).replace(/\{0\}/, iValue); } iValue++; }; var iValue = 0; for (var iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++) { if (literal) { if (format.charAt(iFormat) === "'" && !doubled("'")) { literal = false; } else { checkLiteral(); } } else { switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) { case 'd': day = getNumber('d'); break; case 'D': getName('D', dayNamesShort, dayNames); break; case 'o': doy = getNumber('o'); break; case 'w': getNumber('w'); break; case 'm': month = getMonthNumber(); break; case 'M': month = getMonthName(); break; case 'y': var iSave = iFormat; shortYear = !doubled('y', 2); iFormat = iSave; year = getNumber('y', 2); break; case 'Y': year = getNumber('Y', 2); break; case 'J': jd = getNumber('J') + 0.5; if (value.charAt(iValue) === '.') { iValue++; getNumber('J'); } break; case '@': jd = getNumber('@') / this.SECS_PER_DAY + this.UNIX_EPOCH; break; case '!': jd = getNumber('!') / this.TICKS_PER_DAY + this.TICKS_EPOCH; break; case '*': iValue = value.length; break; case "'": if (doubled("'")) { checkLiteral(); } else { literal = true; } break; default: checkLiteral(); } } } if (iValue < value.length) { throw main.local.unexpectedText || main.regionalOptions[''].unexpectedText; } if (year === -1) { year = this.today().year(); } else if (year < 100 && shortYear) { year += (shortYearCutoff === -1 ? 1900 : this.today().year() - this.today().year() % 100 - (year <= shortYearCutoff ? 0 : 100)); } if (typeof month === 'string') { month = parseMonth.call(this, year, month); } if (doy > -1) { month = 1; day = doy; for (var dim = this.daysInMonth(year, month); day > dim; dim = this.daysInMonth(year, month)) { month++; day -= dim; } } return (jd > -1 ? this.fromJD(jd) : this.newDate(year, month, day)); }, /** A date may be specified as an exact value or a relative one. Found in the jquery.calendars.plus.js module. @memberof BaseCalendar @param dateSpec {CDate|number|string} The date as an object or string in the given format or an offset - numeric days from today, or string amounts and periods, e.g. '+1m +2w'. @param defaultDate {CDate} The date to use if no other supplied, may be null. @param currentDate {CDate} The current date as a possible basis for relative dates, if null today is used (optional) @param [dateFormat] {string} The expected date format - see formatDate. @param [settings] {object} Additional options whose attributes include: @property [shortYearCutoff] {number} The cutoff year for determining the century. @property [dayNamesShort] {string[]} Abbreviated names of the days from Sunday. @property [dayNames] {string[]} Names of the days from Sunday. @property [monthNamesShort] {string[]} Abbreviated names of the months. @property [monthNames] {string[]} Names of the months. @return {CDate} The decoded date. */ determineDate: function(dateSpec, defaultDate, currentDate, dateFormat, settings) { if (currentDate && typeof currentDate !== 'object') { settings = dateFormat; dateFormat = currentDate; currentDate = null; } if (typeof dateFormat !== 'string') { settings = dateFormat; dateFormat = ''; } var calendar = this; var offsetString = function(offset) { try { return calendar.parseDate(dateFormat, offset, settings); } catch (e) { // Ignore } offset = offset.toLowerCase(); var date = (offset.match(/^c/) && currentDate ? currentDate.newDate() : null) || calendar.today(); var pattern = /([+-]?[0-9]+)\s*(d|w|m|y)?/g; var matches = pattern.exec(offset); while (matches) { date.add(parseInt(matches[1], 10), matches[2] || 'd'); matches = pattern.exec(offset); } return date; }; defaultDate = (defaultDate ? defaultDate.newDate() : null); dateSpec = (dateSpec == null ? defaultDate : (typeof dateSpec === 'string' ? offsetString(dateSpec) : (typeof dateSpec === 'number' ? (isNaN(dateSpec) || dateSpec === Infinity || dateSpec === -Infinity ? defaultDate : calendar.today().add(dateSpec, 'd')) : calendar.newDate(dateSpec)))); return dateSpec; } });