/* * World Calendars * https://github.com/alexcjohnson/world-calendars * * Batch-converted from kbwood/calendars * Many thanks to Keith Wood and all of the contributors to the original project! * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /* http://keith-wood.name/calendars.html Hebrew calendar for jQuery v2.0.2. Written by Keith Wood (wood.keith{at}optusnet.com.au) August 2009. Available under the MIT (http://keith-wood.name/licence.html) license. Please attribute the author if you use it. */ var main = require('../main'); var assign = require('object-assign'); /** Implementation of the Hebrew civil calendar. Based on code from http://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/calendar/. See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_calendar. @class HebrewCalendar @param [language=''] {string} The language code (default English) for localisation. */ function HebrewCalendar(language) { this.local = this.regionalOptions[language || ''] || this.regionalOptions['']; } HebrewCalendar.prototype = new main.baseCalendar; assign(HebrewCalendar.prototype, { /** The calendar name. @memberof HebrewCalendar */ name: 'Hebrew', /** Julian date of start of Hebrew epoch: 7 October 3761 BCE. @memberof HebrewCalendar */ jdEpoch: 347995.5, /** Days per month in a common year. @memberof HebrewCalendar */ daysPerMonth: [30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 29], /** true if has a year zero, false if not. @memberof HebrewCalendar */ hasYearZero: false, /** The minimum month number. @memberof HebrewCalendar */ minMonth: 1, /** The first month in the year. @memberof HebrewCalendar */ firstMonth: 7, /** The minimum day number. @memberof HebrewCalendar */ minDay: 1, /** Localisations for the plugin. Entries are objects indexed by the language code ('' being the default US/English). Each object has the following attributes. @memberof HebrewCalendar @property name {string} The calendar name. @property epochs {string[]} The epoch names. @property monthNames {string[]} The long names of the months of the year. @property monthNamesShort {string[]} The short names of the months of the year. @property dayNames {string[]} The long names of the days of the week. @property dayNamesShort {string[]} The short names of the days of the week. @property dayNamesMin {string[]} The minimal names of the days of the week. @property dateFormat {string} The date format for this calendar. See the options on formatDate for details. @property firstDay {number} The number of the first day of the week, starting at 0. @property isRTL {number} true if this localisation reads right-to-left. */ regionalOptions: { // Localisations '': { name: 'Hebrew', epochs: ['BAM', 'AM'], monthNames: ['Nisan', 'Iyar', 'Sivan', 'Tammuz', 'Av', 'Elul', 'Tishrei', 'Cheshvan', 'Kislev', 'Tevet', 'Shevat', 'Adar', 'Adar II'], monthNamesShort: ['Nis', 'Iya', 'Siv', 'Tam', 'Av', 'Elu', 'Tis', 'Che', 'Kis', 'Tev', 'She', 'Ada', 'Ad2'], dayNames: ['Yom Rishon', 'Yom Sheni', 'Yom Shlishi', 'Yom Revi\'i', 'Yom Chamishi', 'Yom Shishi', 'Yom Shabbat'], dayNamesShort: ['Ris', 'She', 'Shl', 'Rev', 'Cha', 'Shi', 'Sha'], dayNamesMin: ['Ri','She','Shl','Re','Ch','Shi','Sha'], digits: null, dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yyyy', firstDay: 0, isRTL: false } }, /** Determine whether this date is in a leap year. @memberof HebrewCalendar @param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine. @return {boolean} true if this is a leap year, false if not. @throws Error if an invalid year or a different calendar used. */ leapYear: function(year) { var date = this._validate(year, this.minMonth, this.minDay, main.local.invalidYear); return this._leapYear(date.year()); }, /** Determine whether this date is in a leap year. @memberof HebrewCalendar @private @param year {number} The year to examine. @return {boolean} true if this is a leap year, false if not. @throws Error if an invalid year or a different calendar used. */ _leapYear: function(year) { year = (year < 0 ? year + 1 : year); return mod(year * 7 + 1, 19) < 7; }, /** Retrieve the number of months in a year. @memberof HebrewCalendar @param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine. @return {number} The number of months. @throws Error if an invalid year or a different calendar used. */ monthsInYear: function(year) { this._validate(year, this.minMonth, this.minDay, main.local.invalidYear); return this._leapYear(year.year ? year.year() : year) ? 13 : 12; }, /** Determine the week of the year for a date. @memberof HebrewCalendar @param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine. @param [month] {number} The month to examine. @param [day] {number} The day to examine. @return {number} The week of the year. @throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */ weekOfYear: function(year, month, day) { // Find Sunday of this week starting on Sunday var checkDate = this.newDate(year, month, day); checkDate.add(-checkDate.dayOfWeek(), 'd'); return Math.floor((checkDate.dayOfYear() - 1) / 7) + 1; }, /** Retrieve the number of days in a year. @memberof HebrewCalendar @param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine. @return {number} The number of days. @throws Error if an invalid year or a different calendar used. */ daysInYear: function(year) { var date = this._validate(year, this.minMonth, this.minDay, main.local.invalidYear); year = date.year(); return this.toJD((year === -1 ? +1 : year + 1), 7, 1) - this.toJD(year, 7, 1); }, /** Retrieve the number of days in a month. @memberof HebrewCalendar @param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year of the month. @param [month] {number} The month. @return {number} The number of days in this month. @throws Error if an invalid month/year or a different calendar used. */ daysInMonth: function(year, month) { if (year.year) { month = year.month(); year = year.year(); } this._validate(year, month, this.minDay, main.local.invalidMonth); return (month === 12 && this.leapYear(year) ? 30 : // Adar I (month === 8 && mod(this.daysInYear(year), 10) === 5 ? 30 : // Cheshvan in shlemah year (month === 9 && mod(this.daysInYear(year), 10) === 3 ? 29 : // Kislev in chaserah year this.daysPerMonth[month - 1]))); }, /** Determine whether this date is a week day. @memberof HebrewCalendar @param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine. @param [month] {number} The month to examine. @param [day] {number} The day to examine. @return {boolean} true if a week day, false if not. @throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */ weekDay: function(year, month, day) { return this.dayOfWeek(year, month, day) !== 6; }, /** Retrieve additional information about a date - year type. @memberof HebrewCalendar @param year {CDate|number} The date to examine or the year to examine. @param [month] {number} The month to examine. @param [day] {number} The day to examine. @return {object} Additional information - contents depends on calendar. @throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */ extraInfo: function(year, month, day) { var date = this._validate(year, month, day, main.local.invalidDate); return {yearType: (this.leapYear(date) ? 'embolismic' : 'common') + ' ' + ['deficient', 'regular', 'complete'][this.daysInYear(date) % 10 - 3]}; }, /** Retrieve the Julian date equivalent for this date, i.e. days since January 1, 4713 BCE Greenwich noon. @memberof HebrewCalendar @param year {CDate)|number} The date to convert or the year to convert. @param [month] {number} The month to convert. @param [day] {number} The day to convert. @return {number} The equivalent Julian date. @throws Error if an invalid date or a different calendar used. */ toJD: function(year, month, day) { var date = this._validate(year, month, day, main.local.invalidDate); year = date.year(); month = date.month(); day = date.day(); var adjYear = (year <= 0 ? year + 1 : year); var jd = this.jdEpoch + this._delay1(adjYear) + this._delay2(adjYear) + day + 1; if (month < 7) { for (var m = 7; m <= this.monthsInYear(year); m++) { jd += this.daysInMonth(year, m); } for (var m = 1; m < month; m++) { jd += this.daysInMonth(year, m); } } else { for (var m = 7; m < month; m++) { jd += this.daysInMonth(year, m); } } return jd; }, /** Test for delay of start of new year and to avoid Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday as start of the new year. @memberof HebrewCalendar @private @param year {number} The year to examine. @return {number} The days to offset by. */ _delay1: function(year) { var months = Math.floor((235 * year - 234) / 19); var parts = 12084 + 13753 * months; var day = months * 29 + Math.floor(parts / 25920); if (mod(3 * (day + 1), 7) < 3) { day++; } return day; }, /** Check for delay in start of new year due to length of adjacent years. @memberof HebrewCalendar @private @param year {number} The year to examine. @return {number} The days to offset by. */ _delay2: function(year) { var last = this._delay1(year - 1); var present = this._delay1(year); var next = this._delay1(year + 1); return ((next - present) === 356 ? 2 : ((present - last) === 382 ? 1 : 0)); }, /** Create a new date from a Julian date. @memberof HebrewCalendar @param jd {number} The Julian date to convert. @return {CDate} The equivalent date. */ fromJD: function(jd) { jd = Math.floor(jd) + 0.5; var year = Math.floor(((jd - this.jdEpoch) * 98496.0) / 35975351.0) - 1; while (jd >= this.toJD((year === -1 ? +1 : year + 1), 7, 1)) { year++; } var month = (jd < this.toJD(year, 1, 1)) ? 7 : 1; while (jd > this.toJD(year, month, this.daysInMonth(year, month))) { month++; } var day = jd - this.toJD(year, month, 1) + 1; return this.newDate(year, month, day); } }); // Modulus function which works for non-integers. function mod(a, b) { return a - (b * Math.floor(a / b)); } // Hebrew calendar implementation main.calendars.hebrew = HebrewCalendar;