export const EXTERNAL_URL_RE = /^(?:[a-z]+:|\/\/)/i; export const APPEARANCE_KEY = 'vitepress-theme-appearance'; const HASH_RE = /#.*$/; const HASH_OR_QUERY_RE = /[?#].*$/; const INDEX_OR_EXT_RE = /(?:(^|\/)index)?\.(?:md|html)$/; export const inBrowser = typeof document !== 'undefined'; export const notFoundPageData = { relativePath: '', filePath: '', title: '404', description: 'Not Found', headers: [], frontmatter: { sidebar: false, layout: 'page' }, lastUpdated: 0, isNotFound: true }; export function isActive(currentPath, matchPath, asRegex = false) { if (matchPath === undefined) { return false; } currentPath = normalize(`/${currentPath}`); if (asRegex) { return new RegExp(matchPath).test(currentPath); } if (normalize(matchPath) !== currentPath) { return false; } const hashMatch = matchPath.match(HASH_RE); if (hashMatch) { return (inBrowser ? location.hash : '') === hashMatch[0]; } return true; } function normalize(path) { return decodeURI(path) .replace(HASH_OR_QUERY_RE, '') .replace(INDEX_OR_EXT_RE, '$1'); } export function isExternal(path) { return EXTERNAL_URL_RE.test(path); } /** * this merges the locales data to the main data by the route */ export function resolveSiteDataByRoute(siteData, relativePath) { const localeIndex = Object.keys(siteData.locales).find((key) => key !== 'root' && !isExternal(key) && isActive(relativePath, `/${key}/`, true)) || 'root'; return Object.assign({}, siteData, { localeIndex, lang: siteData.locales[localeIndex]?.lang ?? siteData.lang, dir: siteData.locales[localeIndex]?.dir ?? siteData.dir, title: siteData.locales[localeIndex]?.title ?? siteData.title, titleTemplate: siteData.locales[localeIndex]?.titleTemplate ?? siteData.titleTemplate, description: siteData.locales[localeIndex]?.description ?? siteData.description, head: mergeHead(siteData.head, siteData.locales[localeIndex]?.head ?? []), themeConfig: { ...siteData.themeConfig, ...siteData.locales[localeIndex]?.themeConfig } }); } /** * Create the page title string based on config. */ export function createTitle(siteData, pageData) { const title = pageData.title || siteData.title; const template = pageData.titleTemplate ?? siteData.titleTemplate; if (typeof template === 'string' && template.includes(':title')) { return template.replace(/:title/g, title); } const templateString = createTitleTemplate(siteData.title, template); if (title === templateString.slice(3)) { return title; } return `${title}${templateString}`; } function createTitleTemplate(siteTitle, template) { if (template === false) { return ''; } if (template === true || template === undefined) { return ` | ${siteTitle}`; } if (siteTitle === template) { return ''; } return ` | ${template}`; } function hasTag(head, tag) { const [tagType, tagAttrs] = tag; if (tagType !== 'meta') return false; const keyAttr = Object.entries(tagAttrs)[0]; // First key if (keyAttr == null) return false; return head.some(([type, attrs]) => type === tagType && attrs[keyAttr[0]] === keyAttr[1]); } export function mergeHead(prev, curr) { return [...prev.filter((tagAttrs) => !hasTag(curr, tagAttrs)), ...curr]; } // https://github.com/rollup/rollup/blob/fec513270c6ac350072425cc045db367656c623b/src/utils/sanitizeFileName.ts const INVALID_CHAR_REGEX = /[\u0000-\u001F"#$&*+,:;<=>?[\]^`{|}\u007F]/g; const DRIVE_LETTER_REGEX = /^[a-z]:/i; export function sanitizeFileName(name) { const match = DRIVE_LETTER_REGEX.exec(name); const driveLetter = match ? match[0] : ''; return (driveLetter + name .slice(driveLetter.length) .replace(INVALID_CHAR_REGEX, '_') .replace(/(^|\/)_+(?=[^/]*$)/, '$1')); } export function slash(p) { return p.replace(/\\/g, '/'); } const KNOWN_EXTENSIONS = new Set(); export function treatAsHtml(filename) { if (KNOWN_EXTENSIONS.size === 0) { const extraExts = (typeof process === 'object' && process.env?.VITE_EXTRA_EXTENSIONS) || import.meta.env?.VITE_EXTRA_EXTENSIONS || ''; ('3g2,3gp,aac,ai,apng,au,avif,bin,bmp,cer,class,conf,crl,css,csv,dll,' + 'doc,eps,epub,exe,gif,gz,ics,ief,jar,jpe,jpeg,jpg,js,json,jsonld,m4a,' + 'man,mid,midi,mjs,mov,mp2,mp3,mp4,mpe,mpeg,mpg,mpp,oga,ogg,ogv,ogx,' + 'opus,otf,p10,p7c,p7m,p7s,pdf,png,ps,qt,roff,rtf,rtx,ser,svg,t,tif,' + 'tiff,tr,ts,tsv,ttf,txt,vtt,wav,weba,webm,webp,woff,woff2,xhtml,xml,' + 'yaml,yml,zip' + (extraExts && typeof extraExts === 'string' ? ',' + extraExts : '')) .split(',') .forEach((ext) => KNOWN_EXTENSIONS.add(ext)); } const ext = filename.split('.').pop(); return ext == null || !KNOWN_EXTENSIONS.has(ext.toLowerCase()); } // https://github.com/sindresorhus/escape-string-regexp/blob/ba9a4473850cb367936417e97f1f2191b7cc67dd/index.js export function escapeRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\x2d'); }