import { inject, markRaw, nextTick, reactive, readonly } from 'vue'; import { notFoundPageData, treatAsHtml } from '../shared'; import { siteDataRef } from './data'; import { getScrollOffset, inBrowser, withBase } from './utils'; export const RouterSymbol = Symbol(); // we are just using URL to parse the pathname and hash - the base doesn't // matter and is only passed to support same-host hrefs. const fakeHost = ''; const getDefaultRoute = () => ({ path: '/', component: null, data: notFoundPageData }); export function createRouter(loadPageModule, fallbackComponent) { const route = reactive(getDefaultRoute()); const router = { route, go }; async function go(href = inBrowser ? location.href : '/') { href = normalizeHref(href); if ((await router.onBeforeRouteChange?.(href)) === false) return; if (inBrowser) { const currentUrl = new URL(location.href); if (href !== normalizeHref(currentUrl.href)) { // save scroll position before changing url history.replaceState({ scrollPosition: window.scrollY }, document.title); history.pushState(null, '', href); if (new URL(href, fakeHost).hash !== currentUrl.hash) { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('hashchange')); } } } await loadPage(href); await router.onAfterRouteChanged?.(href); } let latestPendingPath = null; async function loadPage(href, scrollPosition = 0, isRetry = false) { if ((await router.onBeforePageLoad?.(href)) === false) return; const targetLoc = new URL(href, fakeHost); const pendingPath = (latestPendingPath = targetLoc.pathname); try { let page = await loadPageModule(pendingPath); if (!page) { throw new Error(`Page not found: ${pendingPath}`); } if (latestPendingPath === pendingPath) { latestPendingPath = null; const { default: comp, __pageData } = page; if (!comp) { throw new Error(`Invalid route component: ${comp}`); } route.path = inBrowser ? pendingPath : withBase(pendingPath); route.component = markRaw(comp); = import.meta.env.PROD ? markRaw(__pageData) : readonly(__pageData); if (inBrowser) { nextTick(() => { let actualPathname = siteDataRef.value.base + __pageData.relativePath.replace(/(?:(^|\/)index)?\.md$/, '$1'); if (!siteDataRef.value.cleanUrls && !actualPathname.endsWith('/')) { actualPathname += '.html'; } if (actualPathname !== targetLoc.pathname) { targetLoc.pathname = actualPathname; href = actualPathname + + targetLoc.hash; history.replaceState(null, '', href); } if (targetLoc.hash && !scrollPosition) { let target = null; try { target = document.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(targetLoc.hash).slice(1)); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } if (target) { scrollTo(target, targetLoc.hash); return; } } window.scrollTo(0, scrollPosition); }); } } } catch (err) { if (!/fetch|Page not found/.test(err.message) && !/^\/404(\.html|\/)?$/.test(href)) { console.error(err); } // retry on fetch fail: the page to hash map may have been invalidated // because a new deploy happened while the page is open. Try to fetch // the updated pageToHash map and fetch again. if (!isRetry) { try { const res = await fetch(siteDataRef.value.base + 'hashmap.json'); window.__VP_HASH_MAP__ = await res.json(); await loadPage(href, scrollPosition, true); return; } catch (e) { } } if (latestPendingPath === pendingPath) { latestPendingPath = null; route.path = inBrowser ? pendingPath : withBase(pendingPath); route.component = fallbackComponent ? markRaw(fallbackComponent) : null; = notFoundPageData; } } } if (inBrowser) { window.addEventListener('click', (e) => { // temporary fix for docsearch action buttons const button ='button'); if (button) return; const link ='a'); if (link && !link.closest('.vp-raw') && (link instanceof SVGElement || ! { const { target } = link; const { href, origin, pathname, hash, search } = new URL(link.href instanceof SVGAnimatedString ? link.href.animVal : link.href, link.baseURI); const currentUrl = new URL(location.href); // copy to keep old data // only intercept inbound html links if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey && !target && origin === currentUrl.origin && treatAsHtml(pathname)) { e.preventDefault(); if (pathname === currentUrl.pathname && search === { // scroll between hash anchors in the same page // avoid duplicate history entries when the hash is same if (hash !== currentUrl.hash) { history.pushState(null, '', href); // still emit the event so we can listen to it in themes window.dispatchEvent(new Event('hashchange')); } if (hash) { // use smooth scroll when clicking on header anchor links scrollTo(link, hash, link.classList.contains('header-anchor')); } else { window.scrollTo(0, 0); } } else { go(href); } } } }, { capture: true }); window.addEventListener('popstate', async (e) => { await loadPage(normalizeHref(location.href), (e.state && e.state.scrollPosition) || 0); router.onAfterRouteChanged?.(location.href); }); window.addEventListener('hashchange', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }); } handleHMR(route); return router; } export function useRouter() { const router = inject(RouterSymbol); if (!router) { throw new Error('useRouter() is called without provider.'); } return router; } export function useRoute() { return useRouter().route; } export function scrollTo(el, hash, smooth = false) { let target = null; try { target = el.classList.contains('header-anchor') ? el : document.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(hash).slice(1)); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } if (target) { const targetPadding = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(target).paddingTop, 10); const targetTop = window.scrollY + target.getBoundingClientRect().top - getScrollOffset() + targetPadding; function scrollToTarget() { // only smooth scroll if distance is smaller than screen height. if (!smooth || Math.abs(targetTop - window.scrollY) > window.innerHeight) window.scrollTo(0, targetTop); else window.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: targetTop, behavior: 'smooth' }); } requestAnimationFrame(scrollToTarget); } } function handleHMR(route) { // update on HMR updates of active page if ( { // hot reload pageData'vitepress:pageData', (payload) => { if (shouldHotReload(payload)) { = payload.pageData; } }); } } function shouldHotReload(payload) { const payloadPath = payload.path.replace(/(?:(^|\/)index)?\.md$/, '$1'); const locationPath = location.pathname .replace(/(?:(^|\/)index)?\.html$/, '') .slice(siteDataRef.value.base.length - 1); return payloadPath === locationPath; } function normalizeHref(href) { const url = new URL(href, fakeHost); url.pathname = url.pathname.replace(/(^|\/)index(\.html)?$/, '$1'); // ensure correct deep link so page refresh lands on correct files. if (siteDataRef.value.cleanUrls) url.pathname = url.pathname.replace(/\.html$/, ''); else if (!url.pathname.endsWith('/') && !url.pathname.endsWith('.html')) url.pathname += '.html'; return url.pathname + + url.hash; }