/* Serialization of RDF Graphs ** ** Tim Berners-Lee 2006 ** This is was http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/ajar/ajaw/js/rdf/serialize.js ** This is or was https://github.com/linkeddata/rdflib.js/blob/main/src/serializer.js ** Licence: MIT */ import NamedNode from './named-node' import BlankNode from './blank-node' import * as Uri from './uri' import * as Util from './utils-js' import CanonicalDataFactory from './factories/canonical-data-factory' import { createXSD } from './xsd' import solidNs from 'solid-namespace' import * as ttl2jsonld from '@frogcat/ttl2jsonld' export default function createSerializer(store) { return new Serializer(store); }; export class Serializer { constructor(store) { this.flags = '' this.base = null this.prefixes = [] // suggested prefixes this.namespaces = [] // complementary const nsKeys = Object.keys(solidNs()) for (const i in nsKeys) { const uri = solidNs()[nsKeys[i]]('') const prefix = nsKeys[i] this.prefixes[uri] = prefix this.namespaces[prefix] = uri } this.suggestPrefix('rdf', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#') // XML code assumes this! this.suggestPrefix('xml', 'reserved:reservedForFutureUse') // XML reserves xml: in the spec. this.namespacesUsed = [] // Count actually used and so needed in @prefixes this.keywords = ['a'] // The only one we generate at the moment this.prefixchars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqustuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' this.incoming = null // Array not calculated yet this.formulas = [] // remembering original formulae from hashes this.store = store this.rdfFactory = store.rdfFactory || CanonicalDataFactory this.xsd = createXSD(this.rdfFactory) } setBase(base) { this.base = base; return this } setFlags(flags) { this.flags = flags || ''; return this } toStr(x) { var s = x.toNT() if (x.termType === 'Graph') { this.formulas[s] = x // remember as reverse does not work } return s } fromStr(s) { if (s[0] === '{') { var x = this.formulas[s] if (!x) console.log('No formula object for ' + s) return x } return this.store.fromNT(s) } /** * Defines a set of [prefix, namespace] pairs to be used by this Serializer instance. * Overrides previous prefixes if any * @param namespaces * @return {Serializer} */ setNamespaces(namespaces) { for (var px in namespaces) { this.setPrefix(px, namespaces[px]) } return this } /** * Defines a namespace prefix, overriding any existing prefix for that URI * @param prefix * @param uri */ setPrefix(prefix, uri) { if (prefix.slice(0, 7) === 'default') return // Try to weed these out if (prefix.slice(0, 2) === 'ns') return // From others inferior algos if (!prefix || !uri) return // empty strings not suitable // remove any existing prefix targeting this uri // for (let existingPrefix in this.namespaces) { // if (this.namespaces[existingPrefix] == uri) // delete this.namespaces[existingPrefix]; // } // remove any existing mapping for this prefix for (let existingNs in this.prefixes) { if (this.prefixes[existingNs] == prefix) delete this.prefixes[existingNs]; } this.prefixes[uri] = prefix this.namespaces[prefix] = uri } /* Accumulate Namespaces ** ** These are only hints. If two overlap, only one gets used ** There is therefore no guarantee in general. */ suggestPrefix(prefix, uri) { if (prefix.slice(0, 7) === 'default') return // Try to weed these out if (prefix.slice(0, 2) === 'ns') return // From others inferior algos if (!prefix || !uri) return // empty strings not suitable if (prefix in this.namespaces || uri in this.prefixes) return // already used this.prefixes[uri] = prefix this.namespaces[prefix] = uri } // Takes a namespace -> prefix map suggestNamespaces(namespaces) { for (var px in namespaces) { this.suggestPrefix(px, namespaces[px]) } return this } checkIntegrity() { var p, ns for (p in this.namespaces) { if (this.prefixes[this.namespaces[p]] !== p) { throw new Error('Serializer integity error 1: ' + p + ', ' + this.namespaces[p] + ', ' + this.prefixes[this.namespaces[p]] + '!') } } for (ns in this.prefixes) { if (this.namespaces[this.prefixes[ns]] !== ns) { throw new Error('Serializer integity error 2: ' + ns + ', ' + this.prefixs[ns] + ', ' + this.namespaces[this.prefixes[ns]] + '!') } } } // Make up an unused prefix for a random namespace makeUpPrefix(uri) { var p = uri function canUseMethod (pp) { if (!this.validPrefix.test(pp)) return false // bad format if (pp === 'ns') return false // boring if (pp in this.namespaces) return false // already used this.prefixes[uri] = pp this.namespaces[pp] = uri return pp } var canUse = canUseMethod.bind(this) if ('#/'.indexOf(p[p.length - 1]) >= 0) p = p.slice(0, -1) var slash = p.lastIndexOf('/') if (slash >= 0) p = p.slice(slash + 1) var i = 0 while (i < p.length) { if (this.prefixchars.indexOf(p[i])) { i++ } else { break } } p = p.slice(0, i) if (p.length < 6 && (canUse(p))) return p // exact is best if (canUse(p.slice(0, 3))) return p.slice(0, 3) if (canUse(p.slice(0, 2))) return p.slice(0, 2) if (canUse(p.slice(0, 4))) return p.slice(0, 4) if (canUse(p.slice(0, 1))) return p.slice(0, 1) if (canUse(p.slice(0, 5))) return p.slice(0, 5) if (!this.validPrefix.test(p)) { p = 'n' // Otherwise the loop below may never termimnate } for (var j = 0; ; j++) if (canUse(p.slice(0, 3) + j)) return p.slice(0, 3) + j } rootSubjects(sts) { var incoming = {} var subjects = {} var allBnodes = {} /* This scan is to find out which nodes will have to be the roots of trees ** in the serialized form. This will be any symbols, and any bnodes ** which hve more or less than one incoming arc, and any bnodes which have ** one incoming arc but it is an uninterrupted loop of such nodes back to itself. ** This should be kept linear time with repect to the number of statements. ** Note it does not use any indexing of the store. */ for (var i = 0; i < sts.length; i++) { var st = sts[i] var checkMentions = function (x) { if (!incoming.hasOwnProperty(x)) incoming[x] = [] incoming[x].push(st.subject) // List of things which will cause this to be printed } var st2 = [st.subject, st.predicate, st.object] st2.map(function (y) { if (y.termType === 'BlankNode') { allBnodes[y.toNT()] = true } else if (y.termType === 'Collection') { y.elements.forEach(function (z) { checkMentions(z) // bnodes in collections important }) } }) checkMentions(sts[i].object) var ss = subjects[this.toStr(st.subject)] // Statements with this as subject if (!ss) ss = [] ss.push(st) subjects[this.toStr(st.subject)] = ss // Make hash. @@ too slow for formula? } var roots = [] for (var xNT in subjects) { if (!subjects.hasOwnProperty(xNT)) continue var y = this.fromStr(xNT) if ((y.termType !== 'BlankNode') || !incoming[y] || (incoming[y].length !== 1)) { roots.push(y) continue } } this.incoming = incoming // Keep for serializing @@ Bug for nested formulas // Now do the scan using existing roots var rootsHash = {} for (var k = 0; k < roots.length; k++) { rootsHash[roots[k].toNT()] = true } return {'roots': roots, 'subjects': subjects, 'rootsHash': rootsHash, 'incoming': incoming} } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// toN3(f) { return this.statementsToN3(f.statements) } _notQNameChars = '\t\r\n !"#$%&\'()*.,+/;<=>?@[\\]^`{|}~' _notNameChars = (this._notQNameChars + ':') explicitURI(uri) { if (this.flags.indexOf('r') < 0 && this.base) { uri = Uri.refTo(this.base, uri) } else if (this.flags.indexOf('u') >= 0) { // Unicode encoding NTriples style uri = backslashUify(uri) } else { uri = hexify(decodeURI(uri)) } return '<' + uri + '>' } statementsToNTriples(sts) { var sorted = sts.slice() sorted.sort() var str = '' var rdfns = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' var self = this var kb = this.store var factory = this.rdfFactory var termToNT = function (x) { if (x.termType !== 'Collection') { return self.atomicTermToN3(x) } var list = x.elements var rest = kb.sym(rdfns + 'nill') for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var bnode = factory.blankNode() str += termToNT(bnode) + ' ' + termToNT(kb.sym(rdfns + 'first')) + ' ' + termToNT(list[i]) + '.\n' str += termToNT(bnode) + ' ' + termToNT(kb.sym(rdfns + 'rest')) + ' ' + termToNT(rest) + '.\n' rest = bnode } return self.atomicTermToN3(rest) } for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) { var st = sorted[i] var s = '' s += termToNT(st.subject) + ' ' s += termToNT(st.predicate) + ' ' s += termToNT(st.object) + ' ' if (this.flags.indexOf('q') >= 0) { // Do quads not nrtiples s += termToNT(st.why) + ' ' } s += '.\n' str += s } return str } statementsToN3(sts) { var indent = 4 var width = 80 var kb = this.store // A URI Map alows us to put the type statemnts at the top. var uriMap = {'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type': 'aaa:00'} var SPO = function (x, y) { // Do limited canonicalization of bnodes return Util.heavyCompareSPO(x, y, kb, uriMap) } sts.sort(SPO) if (this.base && !this.defaultNamespace){ this.defaultNamespace = this.base + '#' } var predMap = {} if (this.flags.indexOf('s') < 0) { predMap['http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs'] = '=' } if (this.flags.indexOf('t') < 0) { predMap['http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type'] = 'a' } if (this.flags.indexOf('i') < 0) { predMap['http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#implies'] = '=>' } // //////////////////////// Arrange the bits of text var spaces = function (n) { var s = '' for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) s += ' ' return s } var treeToLine = function (tree) { var str = '' for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var branch = tree[i] var s2 = (typeof branch === 'string') ? branch : treeToLine(branch) // Note the space before the dot in case statement ends with 123 or colon. which is in fact allowed but be conservative. if (i !== 0) { var ch = str.slice(-1) || ' ' if (s2 === ',' || s2 === ';') { // no gap } else if (s2 === '.' && !('0123456789.:'.includes(ch))) { // no gap except after number and colon // no gap } else { str += ' ' // separate from previous token } } str += s2 } return str } // Convert a nested tree of lists and strings to a string var treeToString = function (tree, level) { var str = '' var lastLength = 100000 if (level === undefined) level = -1 for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var branch = tree[i] if (typeof branch !== 'string') { var substr = treeToString(branch, level + 1) if ( substr.length < 10 * (width - indent * level) && substr.indexOf('"""') < 0) { // Don't mess up multiline strings var line = treeToLine(branch) if (line.length < (width - indent * level)) { branch = line // Note! treat as string below substr = '' } } if (substr) lastLength = 10000 str += substr } if (typeof branch === 'string') { if (branch.length === 1 && str.slice(-1) === '\n') { if (',.;'.indexOf(branch) >= 0) { str = str.slice(0, -1) // be conservative and ensure a whitespace between some chars and a final dot, as in treeToLine above if (branch == '.' && '0123456789.:'.includes(str.charAt(str.length-1))) { str += ' ' lastLength += 1 } str += branch + '\n' // slip punct'n on end lastLength += 1 continue } } if (lastLength < (indent * level + 4) || // if new line not necessary lastLength + branch.length + 1 < width && ';.'.indexOf(str[str.length - 2]) < 0) { // or the string fits on last line str = str.slice(0, -1) + ' ' + branch + '\n' // then continue on this line lastLength += branch.length + 1 } else { let line = spaces(indent * level) + branch str += line + '\n' lastLength = line.length if (level < 0) { str += '\n' // extra blank line lastLength = 100000 // don't touch } } } } return str } // //////////////////////////////////////////// Structure for N3 // Convert a set of statements into a nested tree of lists and strings function statementListToTreeMethod (statements) { var stats = this.rootSubjects(statements) var roots = stats.roots var results = [] for (var i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { var root = roots[i] results.push(subjectTree(root, stats)) } return results } var statementListToTree = statementListToTreeMethod.bind(this) // The tree for a subject function subjectTree (subject, stats) { if (subject.termType === 'BlankNode' && !stats.incoming[subject]) { return objectTree(subject, stats, true).concat(['.']) // Anonymous bnode subject } return [ termToN3(subject, stats) ].concat([propertyTree(subject, stats)]).concat(['.']) } // The property tree for a single subject or anonymous node function propertyTreeMethod (subject, stats) { var results = [] var lastPred = null var sts = stats.subjects[this.toStr(subject)] || [] // relevant statements if (typeof sts === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Cant find statements for ' + subject) } var objects = [] for (var i = 0; i < sts.length; i++) { var st = sts[i] if (st.predicate.uri === lastPred) { objects.push(',') } else { if (lastPred) { results = results.concat([objects]).concat([';']) objects = [] } results.push(predMap[st.predicate.uri] ? predMap[st.predicate.uri] : termToN3(st.predicate, stats)) } lastPred = st.predicate.uri objects.push(objectTree(st.object, stats)) } results = results.concat([objects]) return results } var propertyTree = propertyTreeMethod.bind(this) function objectTreeMethod(obj, stats, force) { if (obj.termType === 'BlankNode' && (force || stats.rootsHash[obj.toNT()] === undefined)) {// if not a root if (stats.subjects[this.toStr(obj)]) { return ['[', propertyTree(obj, stats), ']'] } else { return '[]' } } return termToN3(obj, stats) } var objectTree = objectTreeMethod.bind(this) function termToN3Method(expr, stats) { // var i, res switch (expr.termType) { case 'Graph': res = ['{'] res = res.concat(statementListToTree(expr.statements)) return res.concat(['}']) case 'Collection': res = ['('] for (i = 0; i < expr.elements.length; i++) { res.push([ objectTree(expr.elements[i], stats) ]) } res.push(')') return res default: return this.atomicTermToN3(expr) } } Serializer.prototype.termToN3 = termToN3 var termToN3 = termToN3Method.bind(this) function prefixDirectivesMethod () { var str = '' if (this.flags.indexOf('d') < 0 && this.defaultNamespace) { str += '@prefix : ' + this.explicitURI(this.defaultNamespace) + '.\n' } for (var ns in this.prefixes) { if (!this.prefixes.hasOwnProperty(ns)) continue if (!this.namespacesUsed[ns]) continue str += '@prefix ' + this.prefixes[ns] + ': ' + this.explicitURI(ns) + '.\n' } return str + '\n' } var prefixDirectives = prefixDirectivesMethod.bind(this) // Body of statementsToN3: var tree = statementListToTree(sts) return prefixDirectives() + treeToString(tree) } // //////////////////////////////////////////// Atomic Terms // Deal with term level things and nesting with no bnode structure atomicTermToN3 (expr, stats) { switch (expr.termType) { case 'BlankNode': case 'Variable': return expr.toNT() case 'Literal': var val = expr.value if (typeof val !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Value of RDF literal node must be a string') } // var val = expr.value.toString() // should be a string already if (expr.datatype && this.flags.indexOf('x') < 0) { // Supress native numbers switch (expr.datatype.uri) { case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer': return val case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal': // In Turtle, must have dot if (val.indexOf('.') < 0) val += '.0' return val case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double': { // Must force use of 'e' const eNotation = val.toLowerCase().indexOf('e') > 0; if (val.indexOf('.') < 0 && !eNotation) val += '.0' if (!eNotation) val += 'e0' return val } case 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean': return expr.value === '1' ? 'true' : 'false' } } var str = this.stringToN3(expr.value) if (expr.language) { str += '@' + expr.language } else if (!expr.datatype.equals(this.xsd.string)) { str += '^^' + this.atomicTermToN3(expr.datatype, stats) } return str case 'NamedNode': return this.symbolToN3(expr) case 'DefaultGraph': return ''; default: throw new Error('Internal: atomicTermToN3 cannot handle ' + expr + ' of termType: ' + expr.termType) } } // stringToN3: String escaping for N3 validPrefix = new RegExp(/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/) forbidden1 = new RegExp(/[\\"\b\f\r\v\t\n\u0080-\uffff]/gm) forbidden3 = new RegExp(/[\\"\b\f\r\v\u0080-\uffff]/gm) stringToN3(str, flags) { if (!flags) flags = 'e' var res = '' var i, j, k var delim var forbidden if (str.length > 20 && // Long enough to make sense str.slice(-1) !== '"' && // corner case' flags.indexOf('n') < 0 && // Force single line (str.indexOf('\n') > 0 || str.indexOf('"') > 0)) { delim = '"""' forbidden = this.forbidden3 } else { delim = '"' forbidden = this.forbidden1 } for (i = 0; i < str.length;) { forbidden.lastIndex = 0 var m = forbidden.exec(str.slice(i)) if (m == null) break j = i + forbidden.lastIndex - 1 res += str.slice(i, j) var ch = str[j] if (ch === '"' && delim === '"""' && str.slice(j, j + 3) !== '"""') { res += ch } else { k = '\b\f\r\t\v\n\\"'.indexOf(ch) // No escaping of bell (7)? if (k >= 0) { res += '\\' + 'bfrtvn\\"'[k] } else { if (flags.indexOf('e') >= 0) { // Unicode escaping in strings not unix style res += '\\u' + ('000' + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toLowerCase()).slice(-4) } else { // no 'e' flag res += ch } } } i = j + 1 } return delim + res + str.slice(i) + delim } // A single symbol, either in <> or namespace notation symbolToN3 (x) { // c.f. symbolString() in notation3.py var uri = x.uri var j = uri.indexOf('#') if (j < 0 && this.flags.indexOf('/') < 0) { j = uri.lastIndexOf('/') } if (j >= 0 && this.flags.indexOf('p') < 0 && // Can split at namespace but only if http[s]: URI or file: or ws[s] (why not others?) (uri.indexOf('http') === 0 || uri.indexOf('ws') === 0 || uri.indexOf('file') === 0)) { var canSplit = true for (var k = j + 1; k < uri.length; k++) { if (this._notNameChars.indexOf(uri[k]) >= 0) { canSplit = false break } } /* if (uri.slice(0, j + 1) === this.base + '#') { // base-relative if (canSplit) { return ':' + uri.slice(j + 1) // assume deafult ns is local } else { return '<#' + uri.slice(j + 1) + '>' } } */ if (canSplit) { var localid = uri.slice(j + 1) var namesp = uri.slice(0, j + 1) if (this.defaultNamespace && this.defaultNamespace === namesp && this.flags.indexOf('d') < 0) { // d -> suppress default if (this.flags.indexOf('k') >= 0 && this.keyords.indexOf(localid) < 0) { return localid } return ':' + localid } // this.checkIntegrity() // @@@ Remove when not testing var prefix = this.prefixes[namesp] if (!prefix) prefix = this.makeUpPrefix(namesp) if (prefix) { this.namespacesUsed[namesp] = true return prefix + ':' + localid } // Fall though if can't do qname } } return this.explicitURI(uri) } // /////////////////////////// Quad store serialization // @para. write - a function taking a single string to be output // writeStore(write) { var kb = this.store var fetcher = kb.fetcher var session = fetcher && fetcher.appNode // The core data var sources = this.store.index[3] for (var s in sources) { // -> assume we can use -> as short for log:semantics var source = kb.fromNT(s) if (session && source.equals(session)) continue write('\n' + this.atomicTermToN3(source) + ' ' + this.atomicTermToN3(kb.sym('http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#semantics')) + ' { ' + this.statementsToN3(kb.statementsMatching( undefined, undefined, undefined, source)) + ' }.\n') } // The metadata from HTTP interactions: kb.statementsMatching(undefined, kb.sym('http://www.w3.org/2007/ont/link#requestedURI')).map( function (st) { write('\n<' + st.object.value + '> log:metadata {\n') var sts = kb.statementsMatching(undefined, undefined, undefined, st.subject) write(this.statementsToN3(this.statementsToN3(sts))) write('}.\n') }) // Inferences we have made ourselves not attributable to anyone else var metaSources = [] if (session) metaSources.push(session) var metadata = [] metaSources.map(function (source) { metadata = metadata.concat(kb.statementsMatching(undefined, undefined, undefined, source)) }) write(this.statementsToN3(metadata)) } // ////////////////////////////////////////////// XML serialization statementsToXML(sts) { var indent = 4 var width = 80 var namespaceCounts = [] // which have been used namespaceCounts['http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'] = true var liPrefix = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_' // prefix for ordered list items // //////////////////////// Arrange the bits of XML text var spaces = function (n) { var s = '' for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) s += ' ' return s } var XMLtreeToLine = function (tree) { var str = '' for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var branch = tree[i] var s2 = (typeof branch === 'string') ? branch : XMLtreeToLine(branch) str += s2 } return str } // Convert a nested tree of lists and strings to a string var XMLtreeToString = function (tree, level) { var str = '' var line var lastLength = 100000 if (!level) level = 0 for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { var branch = tree[i] if (typeof branch !== 'string') { var substr = XMLtreeToString(branch, level + 1) if ( substr.length < 10 * (width - indent * level) && substr.indexOf('"""') < 0) { // Don't mess up multiline strings line = XMLtreeToLine(branch) if (line.length < (width - indent * level)) { branch = ' ' + line // @@ Hack: treat as string below substr = '' } } if (substr) lastLength = 10000 str += substr } if (typeof branch === 'string') { if (lastLength < (indent * level + 4)) { // continue str = str.slice(0, -1) + ' ' + branch + '\n' lastLength += branch.length + 1 } else { line = spaces(indent * level) + branch str += line + '\n' lastLength = line.length } } else { // not string } } return str } function statementListToXMLTreeMethod (statements) { this.suggestPrefix('rdf', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#') var stats = this.rootSubjects(statements) var roots = stats.roots var results = [] for (var i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { var root = roots[i] results.push(subjectXMLTree(root, stats)) } return results } var statementListToXMLTree = statementListToXMLTreeMethod.bind(this) function escapeForXML (str) { if (typeof str === 'undefined') return '@@@undefined@@@@' return str.replace(/[&<"]/g, function (m) { switch (m[0]) { case '&': return '&' case '<': return '<' case '"': return '"' // ' } }) } function relURIMethod (term) { return escapeForXML((this.base) ? Util.uri.refTo(this.base, term.uri) : term.uri) } var relURI = relURIMethod.bind(this) // The tree for a subject function subjectXMLTreeMethod (subject, stats) { var results = [] var type, t, st, pred var sts = stats.subjects[this.toStr(subject)] // relevant statements if (typeof sts === 'undefined') { // empty bnode return propertyXMLTree(subject, stats) } // Sort only on the predicate, leave the order at object // level undisturbed. This leaves multilingual content in // the order of entry (for partner literals), which helps // readability. // // For the predicate sort, we attempt to split the uri // as a hint to the sequence sts.sort(function (a, b) { var ap = a.predicate.uri var bp = b.predicate.uri if (ap.substring(0, liPrefix.length) === liPrefix || bp.substring(0, liPrefix.length) === liPrefix) { // we're only interested in sorting list items return ap.localeCompare(bp) } var as = ap.substring(liPrefix.length) var bs = bp.substring(liPrefix.length) var an = parseInt(as, 10) var bn = parseInt(bs, 10) if (isNaN(an) || isNaN(bn) || an !== as || bn !== bs) { // we only care about integers return ap.localeCompare(bp) } return an - bn }) for (var i = 0; i < sts.length; i++) { st = sts[i] // look for a type if (st.predicate.uri === 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type' && !type && st.object.termType === 'NamedNode') { type = st.object continue // don't include it as a child element } // see whether predicate can be replaced with "li" pred = st.predicate if (pred.uri.substr(0, liPrefix.length) === liPrefix) { var number = pred.uri.substr(liPrefix.length) // make sure these are actually numeric list items var intNumber = parseInt(number, 10) if (number === intNumber.toString()) { // was numeric; don't need to worry about ordering since we've already // sorted the statements pred = this.rdfFactory.namedNode('http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#li') } } t = qname(pred) switch (st.object.termType) { case 'BlankNode': if (stats.incoming[st.object].length === 1) { // there should always be something in the incoming array for a bnode results = results.concat(['<' + t + ' rdf:parseType="Resource">', subjectXMLTree(st.object, stats), '']) } else { results = results.concat(['<' + t + ' rdf:nodeID="' + st.object.toNT().slice(2) + '"/>']) } break case 'NamedNode': results = results.concat(['<' + t + ' rdf:resource="' + relURI(st.object) + '"/>']) break case 'Literal': results = results.concat(['<' + t + (st.object.datatype.equals(this.xsd.string) ? '' : ' rdf:datatype="' + escapeForXML(st.object.datatype.uri) + '"') + (st.object.language ? ' xml:lang="' + st.object.language + '"' : '') + '>' + escapeForXML(st.object.value) + '']) break case 'Collection': results = results.concat(['<' + t + ' rdf:parseType="Collection">', collectionXMLTree(st.object, stats), '']) break default: throw new Error("Can't serialize object of type " + st.object.termType + ' into XML') } // switch } var tag = type ? qname(type) : 'rdf:Description' var attrs = '' if (subject.termType === 'BlankNode') { if (!stats.incoming[subject] || stats.incoming[subject].length !== 1) { // not an anonymous bnode attrs = ' rdf:nodeID="' + subject.toNT().slice(2) + '"' } } else { attrs = ' rdf:about="' + relURI(subject) + '"' } return [ '<' + tag + attrs + '>' ].concat([results]).concat(['']) } var subjectXMLTree = subjectXMLTreeMethod.bind(this) function collectionXMLTree (subject, stats) { var res = [] for (var i = 0; i < subject.elements.length; i++) { res.push(subjectXMLTree(subject.elements[i], stats)) } return res } // The property tree for a single subject or anonymos node function propertyXMLTreeMethod (subject, stats) { var results = [] var sts = stats.subjects[this.toStr(subject)] // relevant statements if (!sts) return results // No relevant statements sts.sort() for (var i = 0; i < sts.length; i++) { var st = sts[i] switch (st.object.termType) { case 'BlankNode': if (stats.rootsHash[st.object.toNT()]) { // This bnode has been done as a root -- no content here @@ what bout first time results = results.concat(['<' + qname(st.predicate) + ' rdf:nodeID="' + st.object.toNT().slice(2) + '">', '']) } else { results = results.concat(['<' + qname(st.predicate) + ' rdf:parseType="Resource">', propertyXMLTree(st.object, stats), '']) } break case 'NamedNode': results = results.concat(['<' + qname(st.predicate) + ' rdf:resource="' + relURI(st.object) + '"/>']) break case 'Literal': results = results.concat(['<' + qname(st.predicate) + (st.object.datatype.equals(this.xsd.string) ? '' : ' rdf:datatype="' + escapeForXML(st.object.datatype.value) + '"') + (st.object.language ? ' xml:lang="' + st.object.language + '"' : '') + '>' + escapeForXML(st.object.value) + '']) break case 'Collection': results = results.concat(['<' + qname(st.predicate) + ' rdf:parseType="Collection">', collectionXMLTree(st.object, stats), '']) break default: throw new Error("Can't serialize object of type " + st.object.termType + ' into XML') } // switch } return results } var propertyXMLTree = propertyXMLTreeMethod.bind(this) function qnameMethod (term) { var uri = term.uri var j = uri.indexOf('#') if (j < 0 && this.flags.indexOf('/') < 0) { j = uri.lastIndexOf('/') } if (j < 0) throw new Error('Cannot make qname out of <' + uri + '>') for (var k = j + 1; k < uri.length; k++) { if (this._notNameChars.indexOf(uri[k]) >= 0) { throw new Error('Invalid character "' + uri[k] + '" cannot be in XML qname for URI: ' + uri) } } var localid = uri.slice(j + 1) var namesp = uri.slice(0, j + 1) if (this.defaultNamespace && this.defaultNamespace === namesp && this.flags.indexOf('d') < 0) { // d -> suppress default return localid } var prefix = this.prefixes[namesp] if (!prefix) prefix = this.makeUpPrefix(namesp) namespaceCounts[namesp] = true return prefix + ':' + localid } var qname = qnameMethod.bind(this) // Body of toXML: var tree = statementListToXMLTree(sts) var str = ''] // @@ namespace declrations return XMLtreeToString(tree2, -1) } // End @@ body statementsToJsonld (sts) { // ttl2jsonld creates context keys for all ttl prefix // context keys must be absolute IRI ttl2jsonld@0.0.8 /* function findId (itemObj) { if (itemObj['@id']) { const item = itemObj['@id'].split(':') if (keys[item[0]]) itemObj['@id'] = jsonldObj['@context'][item[0]] + item[1] } const itemValues = Object.values(itemObj) for (const i in itemValues) { if (typeof itemValues[i] !== 'string') { // @list contains array findId(itemValues[i]) } } } */ const turtleDoc = this.statementsToN3(sts) const jsonldObj = ttl2jsonld.parse(turtleDoc) return JSON.stringify(jsonldObj, null, 2) } } // String escaping utilities function hexify (str) { // also used in parser return encodeURI(str) } function backslashUify (str) { var res = '' var k for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { k = str.charCodeAt(i) if (k > 65535) { res += '\\U' + ('00000000' + k.toString(16)).slice(-8) // convert to upper? } else if (k > 126) { res += '\\u' + ('0000' + k.toString(16)).slice(-4) } else { res += str[i] } } return res }