"use strict"; var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault"); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Query = void 0; exports.indexedFormulaQuery = indexedFormulaQuery; var _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/createClass")); var _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/classCallCheck")); var _store = _interopRequireDefault(require("./store")); var _defaultGraphUri = require("./utils/default-graph-uri"); var _log = _interopRequireDefault(require("./log")); var _uri = require("./uri"); // Matching a formula against another formula // Assync as well as Synchronously // // W3C open source licence 2005. // // This builds on term.js, match.js (and identity.js?) // to allow a query of a formula. // // Here we introduce for the first time a subclass of term: variable. // // SVN ID: $Id: query.js 25116 2008-11-15 16:13:48Z timbl $ // Variable // // Compare with BlankNode. They are similar, but a variable // stands for something whose value is to be returned. // Also, users name variables and want the same name back when stuff is printed /* jsl:option explicit */ // Turn on JavaScriptLint variable declaration checking /** * Query class, for tracking queries the user has in the UI. */ var Query = exports.Query = /*#__PURE__*/(0, _createClass2.default)(function Query(name, id) { (0, _classCallCheck2.default)(this, Query); this.pat = new _store.default(); // The pattern to search for this.vars = []; // Used by UI code but not in query.js // this.orderBy = [] // Not used yet this.name = name; this.id = id; }); /** * This function will match a pattern to the current Store * * The callback function is called whenever a match is found * When fetcher is supplied this will be called to load from the web * any new nodes as they are discovered. This will cause the query to traverse the * graph of linked data, sometimes called "Link Following Query" * * @param myQuery - a knowledgebase containing a pattern to use as query * @param callback - whenever the pattern in myQuery is met this is called with * the new bindings as parameter * @param fetcher? - If and only if, you want link following, give a fetcher * which has been created for the quadstore being queried. * @param onDone - callback when query finished */ function indexedFormulaQuery(myQuery, callback, fetcher, onDone) { /** Debug strings */ function bindingDebug(b) { var str = ''; var v; for (v in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(v)) { str += ' ' + v + ' -> ' + b[v]; } } return str; } function bindingsDebug(nbs) { var str = 'Bindings: '; var i; var n = nbs.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { str += bindingDebug(nbs[i][0]) + ';\n\t'; } return str; } // bindingsDebug /** Unification * * Unification finds all bindings such that when the binding is applied * to one term it is equal to the other. * @returns {Arrray}- a list of bindings, where a binding is an associative array * mapping variuable to value. */ function unifyTerm(self, other, bindings, formula) { var actual = bindings[self]; if (actual === undefined) { // Not mapped if (self.isVar) { var b = []; b[self] = other; return [[b, null]]; // Match } actual = self; } if (!actual.complexType) { if (formula.redirections[actual]) { actual = formula.redirections[actual]; } if (formula.redirections[other]) { other = formula.redirections[other]; } if (actual.equals(other) || actual.uri && actual.uri === _defaultGraphUri.defaultGraphURI) { // Used to mean 'any graph' in a query return [[[], null]]; } return []; } if (self instanceof Array) { if (!(other instanceof Array)) { return []; } return unifyContents(self, other, bindings); } throw new Error('query.js: oops - code not written yet'); // return undefined; // for lint - no jslint objects to unreachables // return actual.unifyContents(other, bindings) } // unifyTerm function unifyContents(self, other, bindings, formula) { var nbs2; if (self.length !== other.length) { return []; // no way } if (!self.length) { return [[[], null]]; // Success } var nbs = unifyTerm(self[0], other[0], bindings, formula); if (nbs.length === 0) { return nbs; } var res = []; var i; var n = nbs.length; var nb; var j; var m; var v; var nb2; var bindings2; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { // for each possibility from the first term nb = nbs[i][0]; // new bindings bindings2 = []; for (v in nb) { if (nb.hasOwnProperty(v)) { bindings2[v] = nb[v]; // copy } } for (v in bindings) { if (bindings.hasOwnProperty(v)) { bindings2[v] = bindings[v]; // copy } } nbs2 = unifyContents(self.slice(1), other.slice(1), bindings2, formula); m = nbs2.length; for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { nb2 = nbs2[j][0]; // @@@@ no idea whether this is used or right for (v in nb) { if (nb.hasOwnProperty(v)) { nb2[v] = nb[v]; } } res.push([nb2, null]); } } return res; } // unifyContents // Matching // // Matching finds all bindings such that when the binding is applied // to one term it is equal to the other term. We only match formulae. /** if x is not in the bindings array, return the var; otherwise, return the bindings **/ function bind(x, binding) { var y = binding[x]; if (y === undefined) { return x; } return y; } // When there are OPTIONAL clauses, we must return bindings without them if none of them // succeed. However, if any of them do succeed, we should not. (This is what branchCount() // tracked. The problem currently is (2011/7) that when several optionals exist, and they // all match, multiple sets of bindings are returned, each with one optional filled in.) function union(a, b) { var c = {}; var x; for (x in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(x)) { c[x] = a[x]; } } for (x in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(x)) { c[x] = b[x]; } } return c; } function OptionalBranchJunction(originalCallback, trunkBindings) { this.trunkBindings = trunkBindings; this.originalCallback = originalCallback; this.branches = []; // this.results = []; // result[i] is an array of bindings for branch i // this.done = {}; // done[i] means all/any results are in for branch i // this.count = {} return this; } OptionalBranchJunction.prototype.checkAllDone = function () { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.branches.length; i++) { if (!this.branches[i].done) { return; } } _log.default.debug('OPTIONAL BIDNINGS ALL DONE:'); this.doCallBacks(this.branches.length - 1, this.trunkBindings); }; // Recrursively generate the cross product of the bindings OptionalBranchJunction.prototype.doCallBacks = function (b, bindings) { var j; if (b < 0) { return this.originalCallback(bindings); } for (j = 0; j < this.branches[b].results.length; j++) { this.doCallBacks(b - 1, union(bindings, this.branches[b].results[j])); } }; // A mandatory branch is the normal one, where callbacks // are made immediately and no junction is needed. // Might be useful for onFinsihed callback for query API. function MandatoryBranch(callback, onDone) { this.count = 0; this.success = false; this.done = false; // this.results = [] this.callback = callback; this.onDone = onDone; // this.junction = junction // junction.branches.push(this) return this; } MandatoryBranch.prototype.reportMatch = function (bindings) { // log.error("@@@@ query.js 1"); // @@ this.callback(bindings); this.success = true; }; MandatoryBranch.prototype.reportDone = function () { this.done = true; _log.default.info('Mandatory query branch finished.***'); if (this.onDone !== undefined) { this.onDone(); } }; // An optional branch hoards its results. var OptionalBranch = function OptionalBranch(junction) { this.count = 0; this.done = false; this.results = []; this.junction = junction; junction.branches.push(this); return this; }; OptionalBranch.prototype.reportMatch = function (bindings) { this.results.push(bindings); }; OptionalBranch.prototype.reportDone = function () { _log.default.debug('Optional branch finished - results.length = ' + this.results.length); if (this.results.length === 0) { // This is what optional means: if no hits, this.results.push({}); // mimic success, but with no bindings _log.default.debug("Optional branch FAILED - that's OK."); } this.done = true; this.junction.checkAllDone(); }; /** prepare -- sets the index of the item to the possible matches * @param f - formula * @param item - an Statement, possibly w/ vars in it * @param bindings - Bindings so far * @returns false if the query fails -- there are no items that match */ function prepare(f, item, bindings) { var terms, termIndex, i, ind; item.nvars = 0; item.index = null; // if (!f.statements) log.warn("@@@ prepare: f is "+f) // log.debug("Prepare: f has "+ f.statements.length) // log.debug("Prepare: Kb size "+f.statements.length+" Preparing "+item) terms = [item.subject, item.predicate, item.object, item.why]; ind = [f.subjectIndex, f.predicateIndex, f.objectIndex, f.whyIndex]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var t = terms[i]; // console.log(" Prepare (" + t + ") "+(t in bindings)) if (t.uri && t.uri === _defaultGraphUri.defaultGraphURI) {// chrome:session // console.log(' query: Ignoring slot ' + i) } else if (t.isVar && !(bindings[t] !== undefined)) { item.nvars++; } else { t = bind(terms[i], bindings); // returns the RDF binding if bound, otherwise itself // if (terms[i]!=bind(terms[i],bindings) alert("Term: "+terms[i]+"Binding: "+bind(terms[i], bindings)) if (f.redirections[f.id(t)]) { t = f.redirections[f.id(t)]; // redirect } termIndex = ind[i][f.id(t)]; if (!termIndex) { item.index = []; return false; // Query line cannot match } if (item.index === null || item.index.length > termIndex.length) { // Find smallest index item.index = termIndex; } } } if (item.index === null) { // All 4 are variables? item.index = f.statements; } return true; } // prepare /** sorting function -- negative if self is easier **/ // We always prefer to start with a URI to be able to browse a graph // this is why we put off items with more variables till later. function easiestQuery(self, other) { if (self.nvars !== other.nvars) { return self.nvars - other.nvars; } return self.index.length - other.index.length; } var matchIndex = 0; // index /** matches a pattern formula against the knowledge base, e.g. to find matches for table-view * * @param f - knowledge base formula * @param g - pattern formula (may have vars) * @param bindingsSoFar - bindings accumulated in matching to date * @param level - spaces to indent stuff also lets you know what level of recursion you're at * @param fetcher - function (term, requestedBy) If you want link following * @param localCallback - function(bindings, pattern, branch) called on sucess * @returns nothing * * Will fetch linked data from the web iff the knowledge base an associated source fetcher (f.fetcher) ***/ var match = function match(f, g, bindingsSoFar, level, fetcher, localCallback, branch) { _log.default.debug('Match begins, Branch count now: ' + branch.count + ' for ' + branch.pattern_debug); // log.debug("match: f has "+f.statements.length+", g has "+g.statements.length) var pattern = g.statements; if (pattern.length === 0) { // when it's satisfied all the pattern triples _log.default.debug('FOUND MATCH WITH BINDINGS:' + bindingDebug(bindingsSoFar)); if (g.optional.length === 0) { branch.reportMatch(bindingsSoFar); } else { _log.default.debug('OPTIONAL: ' + g.optional); var junction = new OptionalBranchJunction(callback, bindingsSoFar); // @@ won't work with nested optionals? nest callbacks var br = []; var b; for (b = 0; b < g.optional.length; b++) { br[b] = new OptionalBranch(junction); // Allocate branches to prevent premature ending br[b].pattern_debug = g.optional[b]; // for diagnotics only } for (b = 0; b < g.optional.length; b++) { br[b].count = br[b].count + 1; // Count how many matches we have yet to complete match(f, g.optional[b], bindingsSoFar, '', fetcher, callback, br[b]); } } branch.count--; _log.default.debug('Match ends -- success , Branch count now: ' + branch.count + ' for ' + branch.pattern_debug); return; // Success } var item; var i; var n = pattern.length; // log.debug(level + "Match "+n+" left, bs so far:"+bindingDebug(bindingsSoFar)) // Follow links from variables in query if (fetcher) { // Fetcher is used to fetch URIs, function first term is a URI term, second is the requester var id = 'match' + matchIndex++; var fetchResource = function fetchResource(requestedTerm, id) { var docuri = requestedTerm.uri.split('#')[0]; fetcher.nowOrWhenFetched(docuri, undefined, function (ok, body, xhr) { if (!ok) { console.log('Error following link to <' + requestedTerm.uri + '> in query: ' + body); } match(f, g, bindingsSoFar, level, fetcher, // match not match2 to look up any others necessary. localCallback, branch); }); }; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { item = pattern[i]; // for each of the triples in the query if (bindingsSoFar[item.subject] !== undefined && bindingsSoFar[item.subject].uri && fetcher && fetcher.getState((0, _uri.docpart)(bindingsSoFar[item.subject].uri)) === 'unrequested') { // fetch the subject info and return to id fetchResource(bindingsSoFar[item.subject], id); return; // only look up one per line this time, but we will come back again though match } if (bindingsSoFar[item.object] !== undefined && bindingsSoFar[item.object].uri && fetcher && fetcher.getState((0, _uri.docpart)(bindingsSoFar[item.object].uri)) === 'unrequested') { fetchResource(bindingsSoFar[item.object], id); return; } } } // if fetcher match2(f, g, bindingsSoFar, level, fetcher, localCallback, branch); }; // match var constraintsSatisfied = function constraintsSatisfied(bindings, constraints) { var res = true; var x; var test; for (x in bindings) { if (bindings.hasOwnProperty(x)) { if (constraints[x]) { test = constraints[x].test; if (test && !test(bindings[x])) { res = false; } } } } return res; }; /** match2 -- stuff after the fetch **/ var match2 = function match2(f, g, bindingsSoFar, level, fetcher, callback, branch) { // post fetch var pattern = g.statements; var n = pattern.length; var i; var k; var nk; var v; var bindings2; var newBindings1; var item; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { // For each statement left in the query, run prepare item = pattern[i]; // log.info('match2: item=' + item + ', bindingsSoFar=' + bindingDebug(bindingsSoFar)) prepare(f, item, bindingsSoFar); // if (item.index) console.log(' item.index.length ' + item.index.length) } pattern.sort(easiestQuery); item = pattern[0]; // log.debug("Sorted pattern:\n"+pattern) var rest = f.formula(); rest.optional = g.optional; rest.constraints = g.constraints; rest.statements = pattern.slice(1); // No indexes: we will not query g. _log.default.debug(level + 'match2 searching ' + item.index.length + ' for ' + item + '; bindings so far=' + bindingDebug(bindingsSoFar)); // var results = [] var c; var nc = item.index.length; var nbs1; var st; var onward = 0; // var x for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) { // For each candidate statement st = item.index[c]; // for each statement in the item's index, spawn a new match with that binding nbs1 = unifyContents([item.subject, item.predicate, item.object, item.why], [st.subject, st.predicate, st.object, st.why], bindingsSoFar, f); _log.default.info(level + ' From first: ' + nbs1.length + ': ' + bindingsDebug(nbs1)); nk = nbs1.length; // branch.count += nk // log.debug("Branch count bumped "+nk+" to: "+branch.count) for (k = 0; k < nk; k++) { // For each way that statement binds bindings2 = []; newBindings1 = nbs1[k][0]; if (!constraintsSatisfied(newBindings1, g.constraints)) { // branch.count-- _log.default.debug('Branch count CS: ' + branch.count); } else { for (v in newBindings1) { if (newBindings1.hasOwnProperty(v)) { bindings2[v] = newBindings1[v]; // copy } } for (v in bindingsSoFar) { if (bindingsSoFar.hasOwnProperty(v)) { bindings2[v] = bindingsSoFar[v]; // copy } } branch.count++; // Count how many matches we have yet to complete onward++; match(f, rest, bindings2, level + ' ', fetcher, callback, branch); // call match } } } branch.count--; if (onward === 0) { _log.default.debug('Match2 fails completely on ' + item); } _log.default.debug('Match2 ends, Branch count: ' + branch.count + ' for ' + branch.pattern_debug); if (branch.count === 0) { _log.default.debug('Branch finished.'); branch.reportDone(); } }; // match2 // ////////////////////////// Body of query() /////////////////////// var f = this; _log.default.debug('Query on ' + this.statements.length); var trunck = new MandatoryBranch(callback, onDone); trunck.count++; // count one branch to complete at the moment if (myQuery.sync) { match(f, myQuery.pat, myQuery.pat.initBindings, '', fetcher, callback, trunck); } else { // Give up thread: Allow other activities to run setTimeout(function () { match(f, myQuery.pat, myQuery.pat.initBindings, '', fetcher, callback, trunck); }, 0); } // returns nothing; callback does the work } // query