import { ValueType, Bindings, FromValueReturns, TermType } from './types'; import { Term } from './tf-types'; /** * The superclass of all RDF Statement objects, that is * NamedNode, Literal, BlankNode, etc. * Should not be instantiated directly. * Also called Term. * @link * @class Node */ export default abstract class Node { static fromValue: (value: ValueType) => T; static toJS: (term: any) => Date | Number | string | boolean | object | Array; /** The type of node */ termType: TermType; /** The class order for this node */ classOrder: number; /** The node's value */ value: string; protected constructor(value: string); /** * Creates the substituted node for this one, according to the specified bindings * @param bindings - Bindings of identifiers to nodes */ substitute(bindings: Bindings): T; /** * Compares this node with another * @see {equals} to check if two nodes are equal * @param other - The other node */ compareTerm(other: Node): number; /** * Compares whether the two nodes are equal * @param other The other node */ equals(other: Term): boolean; /** * Creates a hash for this node * @deprecated use {} instead if possible */ hashString(): string; /** * Compares whether this node is the same as the other one * @param other - Another node */ sameTerm(other: Node): boolean; /** * Creates a canonical string representation of this node */ toCanonical(): string; /** * Creates a n-triples string representation of this node */ toNT(): string; /** * Creates a n-quads string representation of this node */ toNQ(): string; /** * Creates a string representation of this node */ toString(): string; }