'use strict'; module.exports = ScrollBox; var d3 = require('@plotly/d3'); var Color = require('../color'); var Drawing = require('../drawing'); var Lib = require('../../lib'); /** * Helper class to setup a scroll box * * @class * @param gd Plotly's graph div * @param container Container to be scroll-boxed (as a D3 selection) * @param {string} id Id for the clip path to implement the scroll box */ function ScrollBox(gd, container, id) { this.gd = gd; this.container = container; this.id = id; // See ScrollBox.prototype.enable for further definition this.position = null; // scrollbox position this.translateX = null; // scrollbox horizontal translation this.translateY = null; // scrollbox vertical translation this.hbar = null; // horizontal scrollbar D3 selection this.vbar = null; // vertical scrollbar D3 selection // element to capture pointer events this.bg = this.container.selectAll('rect.scrollbox-bg').data([0]); this.bg.exit() .on('.drag', null) .on('wheel', null) .remove(); this.bg.enter().append('rect') .classed('scrollbox-bg', true) .style('pointer-events', 'all') .attr({ opacity: 0, x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }); } // scroll bar dimensions ScrollBox.barWidth = 2; ScrollBox.barLength = 20; ScrollBox.barRadius = 2; ScrollBox.barPad = 1; ScrollBox.barColor = '#808BA4'; /** * If needed, setup a clip path and scrollbars * * @method * @param {Object} position * @param {number} position.l Left side position (in pixels) * @param {number} position.t Top side (in pixels) * @param {number} position.w Width (in pixels) * @param {number} position.h Height (in pixels) * @param {string} [position.direction='down'] * Either 'down', 'left', 'right' or 'up' * @param {number} [translateX=0] Horizontal offset (in pixels) * @param {number} [translateY=0] Vertical offset (in pixels) */ ScrollBox.prototype.enable = function enable(position, translateX, translateY) { var fullLayout = this.gd._fullLayout; var fullWidth = fullLayout.width; var fullHeight = fullLayout.height; // compute position of scrollbox this.position = position; var l = this.position.l; var w = this.position.w; var t = this.position.t; var h = this.position.h; var direction = this.position.direction; var isDown = (direction === 'down'); var isLeft = (direction === 'left'); var isRight = (direction === 'right'); var isUp = (direction === 'up'); var boxW = w; var boxH = h; var boxL, boxR; var boxT, boxB; if(!isDown && !isLeft && !isRight && !isUp) { this.position.direction = 'down'; isDown = true; } var isVertical = isDown || isUp; if(isVertical) { boxL = l; boxR = boxL + boxW; if(isDown) { // anchor to top side boxT = t; boxB = Math.min(boxT + boxH, fullHeight); boxH = boxB - boxT; } else { // anchor to bottom side boxB = t + boxH; boxT = Math.max(boxB - boxH, 0); boxH = boxB - boxT; } } else { boxT = t; boxB = boxT + boxH; if(isLeft) { // anchor to right side boxR = l + boxW; boxL = Math.max(boxR - boxW, 0); boxW = boxR - boxL; } else { // anchor to left side boxL = l; boxR = Math.min(boxL + boxW, fullWidth); boxW = boxR - boxL; } } this._box = { l: boxL, t: boxT, w: boxW, h: boxH }; // compute position of horizontal scroll bar var needsHorizontalScrollBar = (w > boxW); var hbarW = ScrollBox.barLength + 2 * ScrollBox.barPad; var hbarH = ScrollBox.barWidth + 2 * ScrollBox.barPad; // draw horizontal scrollbar on the bottom side var hbarL = l; var hbarT = t + h; if(hbarT + hbarH > fullHeight) hbarT = fullHeight - hbarH; var hbar = this.container.selectAll('rect.scrollbar-horizontal').data( (needsHorizontalScrollBar) ? [0] : []); hbar.exit() .on('.drag', null) .remove(); hbar.enter().append('rect') .classed('scrollbar-horizontal', true) .call(Color.fill, ScrollBox.barColor); if(needsHorizontalScrollBar) { this.hbar = hbar.attr({ rx: ScrollBox.barRadius, ry: ScrollBox.barRadius, x: hbarL, y: hbarT, width: hbarW, height: hbarH }); // hbar center moves between hbarXMin and hbarXMin + hbarTranslateMax this._hbarXMin = hbarL + hbarW / 2; this._hbarTranslateMax = boxW - hbarW; } else { delete this.hbar; delete this._hbarXMin; delete this._hbarTranslateMax; } // compute position of vertical scroll bar var needsVerticalScrollBar = (h > boxH); var vbarW = ScrollBox.barWidth + 2 * ScrollBox.barPad; var vbarH = ScrollBox.barLength + 2 * ScrollBox.barPad; // draw vertical scrollbar on the right side var vbarL = l + w; var vbarT = t; if(vbarL + vbarW > fullWidth) vbarL = fullWidth - vbarW; var vbar = this.container.selectAll('rect.scrollbar-vertical').data( (needsVerticalScrollBar) ? [0] : []); vbar.exit() .on('.drag', null) .remove(); vbar.enter().append('rect') .classed('scrollbar-vertical', true) .call(Color.fill, ScrollBox.barColor); if(needsVerticalScrollBar) { this.vbar = vbar.attr({ rx: ScrollBox.barRadius, ry: ScrollBox.barRadius, x: vbarL, y: vbarT, width: vbarW, height: vbarH }); // vbar center moves between vbarYMin and vbarYMin + vbarTranslateMax this._vbarYMin = vbarT + vbarH / 2; this._vbarTranslateMax = boxH - vbarH; } else { delete this.vbar; delete this._vbarYMin; delete this._vbarTranslateMax; } // setup a clip path (if scroll bars are needed) var clipId = this.id; var clipL = boxL - 0.5; var clipR = (needsVerticalScrollBar) ? boxR + vbarW + 0.5 : boxR + 0.5; var clipT = boxT - 0.5; var clipB = (needsHorizontalScrollBar) ? boxB + hbarH + 0.5 : boxB + 0.5; var clipPath = fullLayout._topdefs.selectAll('#' + clipId) .data((needsHorizontalScrollBar || needsVerticalScrollBar) ? [0] : []); clipPath.exit().remove(); clipPath.enter() .append('clipPath').attr('id', clipId) .append('rect'); if(needsHorizontalScrollBar || needsVerticalScrollBar) { this._clipRect = clipPath.select('rect').attr({ x: Math.floor(clipL), y: Math.floor(clipT), width: Math.ceil(clipR) - Math.floor(clipL), height: Math.ceil(clipB) - Math.floor(clipT) }); this.container.call(Drawing.setClipUrl, clipId, this.gd); this.bg.attr({ x: l, y: t, width: w, height: h }); } else { this.bg.attr({ width: 0, height: 0 }); this.container .on('wheel', null) .on('.drag', null) .call(Drawing.setClipUrl, null); delete this._clipRect; } // set up drag listeners (if scroll bars are needed) if(needsHorizontalScrollBar || needsVerticalScrollBar) { var onBoxDrag = d3.behavior.drag() .on('dragstart', function() { d3.event.sourceEvent.preventDefault(); }) .on('drag', this._onBoxDrag.bind(this)); this.container .on('wheel', null) .on('wheel', this._onBoxWheel.bind(this)) .on('.drag', null) .call(onBoxDrag); var onBarDrag = d3.behavior.drag() .on('dragstart', function() { d3.event.sourceEvent.preventDefault(); d3.event.sourceEvent.stopPropagation(); }) .on('drag', this._onBarDrag.bind(this)); if(needsHorizontalScrollBar) { this.hbar .on('.drag', null) .call(onBarDrag); } if(needsVerticalScrollBar) { this.vbar .on('.drag', null) .call(onBarDrag); } } // set scrollbox translation this.setTranslate(translateX, translateY); }; /** * If present, remove clip-path and scrollbars * * @method */ ScrollBox.prototype.disable = function disable() { if(this.hbar || this.vbar) { this.bg.attr({ width: 0, height: 0 }); this.container .on('wheel', null) .on('.drag', null) .call(Drawing.setClipUrl, null); delete this._clipRect; } if(this.hbar) { this.hbar.on('.drag', null); this.hbar.remove(); delete this.hbar; delete this._hbarXMin; delete this._hbarTranslateMax; } if(this.vbar) { this.vbar.on('.drag', null); this.vbar.remove(); delete this.vbar; delete this._vbarYMin; delete this._vbarTranslateMax; } }; /** * Handles scroll box drag events * * @method */ ScrollBox.prototype._onBoxDrag = function _onBoxDrag() { var translateX = this.translateX; var translateY = this.translateY; if(this.hbar) { translateX -= d3.event.dx; } if(this.vbar) { translateY -= d3.event.dy; } this.setTranslate(translateX, translateY); }; /** * Handles scroll box wheel events * * @method */ ScrollBox.prototype._onBoxWheel = function _onBoxWheel() { var translateX = this.translateX; var translateY = this.translateY; if(this.hbar) { translateX += d3.event.deltaY; } if(this.vbar) { translateY += d3.event.deltaY; } this.setTranslate(translateX, translateY); }; /** * Handles scroll bar drag events * * @method */ ScrollBox.prototype._onBarDrag = function _onBarDrag() { var translateX = this.translateX; var translateY = this.translateY; if(this.hbar) { var xMin = translateX + this._hbarXMin; var xMax = xMin + this._hbarTranslateMax; var x = Lib.constrain(d3.event.x, xMin, xMax); var xf = (x - xMin) / (xMax - xMin); var translateXMax = this.position.w - this._box.w; translateX = xf * translateXMax; } if(this.vbar) { var yMin = translateY + this._vbarYMin; var yMax = yMin + this._vbarTranslateMax; var y = Lib.constrain(d3.event.y, yMin, yMax); var yf = (y - yMin) / (yMax - yMin); var translateYMax = this.position.h - this._box.h; translateY = yf * translateYMax; } this.setTranslate(translateX, translateY); }; /** * Set clip path and scroll bar translate transform * * @method * @param {number} [translateX=0] Horizontal offset (in pixels) * @param {number} [translateY=0] Vertical offset (in pixels) */ ScrollBox.prototype.setTranslate = function setTranslate(translateX, translateY) { // store translateX and translateY (needed by mouse event handlers) var translateXMax = this.position.w - this._box.w; var translateYMax = this.position.h - this._box.h; translateX = Lib.constrain(translateX || 0, 0, translateXMax); translateY = Lib.constrain(translateY || 0, 0, translateYMax); this.translateX = translateX; this.translateY = translateY; this.container.call(Drawing.setTranslate, this._box.l - this.position.l - translateX, this._box.t - this.position.t - translateY); if(this._clipRect) { this._clipRect.attr({ x: Math.floor(this.position.l + translateX - 0.5), y: Math.floor(this.position.t + translateY - 0.5) }); } if(this.hbar) { var xf = translateX / translateXMax; this.hbar.call(Drawing.setTranslate, translateX + xf * this._hbarTranslateMax, translateY); } if(this.vbar) { var yf = translateY / translateYMax; this.vbar.call(Drawing.setTranslate, translateX, translateY + yf * this._vbarTranslateMax); } };