'use strict'; var d3 = require('@plotly/d3'); var isNumeric = require('fast-isnumeric'); var Lib = require('../../lib'); var Icons = require('../../fonts/ploticon'); var version = require('../../version').version; var Parser = new DOMParser(); /** * UI controller for interactive plots * @Class * @Param {object} opts * @Param {object} opts.buttons nested arrays of grouped buttons config objects * @Param {object} opts.container container div to append modeBar * @Param {object} opts.graphInfo primary plot object containing data and layout */ function ModeBar(opts) { this.container = opts.container; this.element = document.createElement('div'); this.update(opts.graphInfo, opts.buttons); this.container.appendChild(this.element); } var proto = ModeBar.prototype; /** * Update modeBar (buttons and logo) * * @param {object} graphInfo primary plot object containing data and layout * @param {array of arrays} buttons nested arrays of grouped buttons to initialize * */ proto.update = function(graphInfo, buttons) { this.graphInfo = graphInfo; var context = this.graphInfo._context; var fullLayout = this.graphInfo._fullLayout; var modeBarId = 'modebar-' + fullLayout._uid; this.element.setAttribute('id', modeBarId); this._uid = modeBarId; this.element.className = 'modebar'; if(context.displayModeBar === 'hover') this.element.className += ' modebar--hover ease-bg'; if(fullLayout.modebar.orientation === 'v') { this.element.className += ' vertical'; buttons = buttons.reverse(); } var style = fullLayout.modebar; var bgSelector = context.displayModeBar === 'hover' ? '.js-plotly-plot .plotly:hover ' : ''; Lib.deleteRelatedStyleRule(modeBarId); Lib.addRelatedStyleRule(modeBarId, bgSelector + '#' + modeBarId + ' .modebar-group', 'background-color: ' + style.bgcolor); Lib.addRelatedStyleRule(modeBarId, '#' + modeBarId + ' .modebar-btn .icon path', 'fill: ' + style.color); Lib.addRelatedStyleRule(modeBarId, '#' + modeBarId + ' .modebar-btn:hover .icon path', 'fill: ' + style.activecolor); Lib.addRelatedStyleRule(modeBarId, '#' + modeBarId + ' .modebar-btn.active .icon path', 'fill: ' + style.activecolor); // if buttons or logo have changed, redraw modebar interior var needsNewButtons = !this.hasButtons(buttons); var needsNewLogo = (this.hasLogo !== context.displaylogo); var needsNewLocale = (this.locale !== context.locale); this.locale = context.locale; if(needsNewButtons || needsNewLogo || needsNewLocale) { this.removeAllButtons(); this.updateButtons(buttons); if(context.watermark || context.displaylogo) { var logoGroup = this.getLogo(); if(context.watermark) { logoGroup.className = logoGroup.className + ' watermark'; } if(fullLayout.modebar.orientation === 'v') { this.element.insertBefore(logoGroup, this.element.childNodes[0]); } else { this.element.appendChild(logoGroup); } this.hasLogo = true; } } this.updateActiveButton(); }; proto.updateButtons = function(buttons) { var _this = this; this.buttons = buttons; this.buttonElements = []; this.buttonsNames = []; this.buttons.forEach(function(buttonGroup) { var group = _this.createGroup(); buttonGroup.forEach(function(buttonConfig) { var buttonName = buttonConfig.name; if(!buttonName) { throw new Error('must provide button \'name\' in button config'); } if(_this.buttonsNames.indexOf(buttonName) !== -1) { throw new Error('button name \'' + buttonName + '\' is taken'); } _this.buttonsNames.push(buttonName); var button = _this.createButton(buttonConfig); _this.buttonElements.push(button); group.appendChild(button); }); _this.element.appendChild(group); }); }; /** * Empty div for containing a group of buttons * @Return {HTMLelement} */ proto.createGroup = function() { var group = document.createElement('div'); group.className = 'modebar-group'; return group; }; /** * Create a new button div and set constant and configurable attributes * @Param {object} config (see ./buttons.js for more info) * @Return {HTMLelement} */ proto.createButton = function(config) { var _this = this; var button = document.createElement('a'); button.setAttribute('rel', 'tooltip'); button.className = 'modebar-btn'; var title = config.title; if(title === undefined) title = config.name; // for localization: allow title to be a callable that takes gd as arg else if(typeof title === 'function') title = title(this.graphInfo); if(title || title === 0) button.setAttribute('data-title', title); if(config.attr !== undefined) button.setAttribute('data-attr', config.attr); var val = config.val; if(val !== undefined) { if(typeof val === 'function') val = val(this.graphInfo); button.setAttribute('data-val', val); } var click = config.click; if(typeof click !== 'function') { throw new Error('must provide button \'click\' function in button config'); } else { button.addEventListener('click', function(ev) { config.click(_this.graphInfo, ev); // only needed for 'hoverClosestGeo' which does not call relayout _this.updateActiveButton(ev.currentTarget); }); } button.setAttribute('data-toggle', config.toggle || false); if(config.toggle) d3.select(button).classed('active', true); var icon = config.icon; if(typeof icon === 'function') { button.appendChild(icon()); } else { button.appendChild(this.createIcon(icon || Icons.question)); } button.setAttribute('data-gravity', config.gravity || 'n'); return button; }; /** * Add an icon to a button * @Param {object} thisIcon * @Param {number} thisIcon.width * @Param {string} thisIcon.path * @Param {string} thisIcon.color * @Return {HTMLelement} */ proto.createIcon = function(thisIcon) { var iconHeight = isNumeric(thisIcon.height) ? Number(thisIcon.height) : thisIcon.ascent - thisIcon.descent; var svgNS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; var icon; if(thisIcon.path) { icon = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'svg'); icon.setAttribute('viewBox', [0, 0, thisIcon.width, iconHeight].join(' ')); icon.setAttribute('class', 'icon'); var path = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'path'); path.setAttribute('d', thisIcon.path); if(thisIcon.transform) { path.setAttribute('transform', thisIcon.transform); } else if(thisIcon.ascent !== undefined) { // Legacy icon transform calculation path.setAttribute('transform', 'matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 ' + thisIcon.ascent + ')'); } icon.appendChild(path); } if(thisIcon.svg) { var svgDoc = Parser.parseFromString(thisIcon.svg, 'application/xml'); icon = svgDoc.childNodes[0]; } icon.setAttribute('height', '1em'); icon.setAttribute('width', '1em'); return icon; }; /** * Updates active button with attribute specified in layout * @Param {object} graphInfo plot object containing data and layout * @Return {HTMLelement} */ proto.updateActiveButton = function(buttonClicked) { var fullLayout = this.graphInfo._fullLayout; var dataAttrClicked = (buttonClicked !== undefined) ? buttonClicked.getAttribute('data-attr') : null; this.buttonElements.forEach(function(button) { var thisval = button.getAttribute('data-val') || true; var dataAttr = button.getAttribute('data-attr'); var isToggleButton = (button.getAttribute('data-toggle') === 'true'); var button3 = d3.select(button); // Use 'data-toggle' and 'buttonClicked' to toggle buttons // that have no one-to-one equivalent in fullLayout if(isToggleButton) { if(dataAttr === dataAttrClicked) { button3.classed('active', !button3.classed('active')); } } else { var val = (dataAttr === null) ? dataAttr : Lib.nestedProperty(fullLayout, dataAttr).get(); button3.classed('active', val === thisval); } }); }; /** * Check if modeBar is configured as button configuration argument * * @Param {object} buttons 2d array of grouped button config objects * @Return {boolean} */ proto.hasButtons = function(buttons) { var currentButtons = this.buttons; if(!currentButtons) return false; if(buttons.length !== currentButtons.length) return false; for(var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) { if(buttons[i].length !== currentButtons[i].length) return false; for(var j = 0; j < buttons[i].length; j++) { if(buttons[i][j].name !== currentButtons[i][j].name) return false; } } return true; }; function jsVersion(str) { return str + ' (v' + version + ')'; } /** * @return {HTMLDivElement} The logo image wrapped in a group */ proto.getLogo = function() { var group = this.createGroup(); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = 'https://plotly.com/'; a.target = '_blank'; a.setAttribute('data-title', jsVersion(Lib._(this.graphInfo, 'Produced with Plotly.js'))); a.className = 'modebar-btn plotlyjsicon modebar-btn--logo'; a.appendChild(this.createIcon(Icons.newplotlylogo)); group.appendChild(a); return group; }; proto.removeAllButtons = function() { while(this.element.firstChild) { this.element.removeChild(this.element.firstChild); } this.hasLogo = false; }; proto.destroy = function() { Lib.removeElement(this.container.querySelector('.modebar')); Lib.deleteRelatedStyleRule(this._uid); }; function createModeBar(gd, buttons) { var fullLayout = gd._fullLayout; var modeBar = new ModeBar({ graphInfo: gd, container: fullLayout._modebardiv.node(), buttons: buttons }); if(fullLayout._privateplot) { d3.select(modeBar.element).append('span') .classed('badge-private float--left', true) .text('PRIVATE'); } return modeBar; } module.exports = createModeBar;