/** * Mnemonist LRUMap * ================= * * Variant of the LRUCache class that leverages an ES6 Map instead of an object. * It might be faster for some use case but it is still hard to understand * when a Map can outperform an object in v8. */ var LRUCache = require('./lru-cache.js'), forEach = require('obliterator/foreach'), typed = require('./utils/typed-arrays.js'), iterables = require('./utils/iterables.js'); /** * LRUMap. * * @constructor * @param {function} Keys - Array class for storing keys. * @param {function} Values - Array class for storing values. * @param {number} capacity - Desired capacity. */ function LRUMap(Keys, Values, capacity) { if (arguments.length < 2) { capacity = Keys; Keys = null; Values = null; } this.capacity = capacity; if (typeof this.capacity !== 'number' || this.capacity <= 0) throw new Error('mnemonist/lru-map: capacity should be positive number.'); else if (!isFinite(this.capacity) || Math.floor(this.capacity) !== this.capacity) throw new Error('mnemonist/lru-map: capacity should be a finite positive integer.'); var PointerArray = typed.getPointerArray(capacity); this.forward = new PointerArray(capacity); this.backward = new PointerArray(capacity); this.K = typeof Keys === 'function' ? new Keys(capacity) : new Array(capacity); this.V = typeof Values === 'function' ? new Values(capacity) : new Array(capacity); // Properties this.size = 0; this.head = 0; this.tail = 0; this.items = new Map(); } /** * Method used to clear the structure. * * @return {undefined} */ LRUMap.prototype.clear = function() { this.size = 0; this.head = 0; this.tail = 0; this.items.clear(); }; /** * Method used to set the value for the given key in the cache. * * @param {any} key - Key. * @param {any} value - Value. * @return {undefined} */ LRUMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) { var pointer = this.items.get(key); // The key already exists, we just need to update the value and splay on top if (typeof pointer !== 'undefined') { this.splayOnTop(pointer); this.V[pointer] = value; return; } // The cache is not yet full if (this.size < this.capacity) { pointer = this.size++; } // Cache is full, we need to drop the last value else { pointer = this.tail; this.tail = this.backward[pointer]; this.items.delete(this.K[pointer]); } // Storing key & value this.items.set(key, pointer); this.K[pointer] = key; this.V[pointer] = value; // Moving the item at the front of the list this.forward[pointer] = this.head; this.backward[this.head] = pointer; this.head = pointer; }; /** * Method used to set the value for the given key in the cache. * * @param {any} key - Key. * @param {any} value - Value. * @return {{evicted: boolean, key: any, value: any}} An object containing the * key and value of an item that was overwritten or evicted in the set * operation, as well as a boolean indicating whether it was evicted due to * limited capacity. Return value is null if nothing was evicted or overwritten * during the set operation. */ LRUMap.prototype.setpop = function(key, value) { var oldValue = null; var oldKey = null; var pointer = this.items.get(key); // The key already exists, we just need to update the value and splay on top if (typeof pointer !== 'undefined') { this.splayOnTop(pointer); oldValue = this.V[pointer]; this.V[pointer] = value; return {evicted: false, key: key, value: oldValue}; } // The cache is not yet full if (this.size < this.capacity) { pointer = this.size++; } // Cache is full, we need to drop the last value else { pointer = this.tail; this.tail = this.backward[pointer]; oldValue = this.V[pointer]; oldKey = this.K[pointer]; this.items.delete(oldKey); } // Storing key & value this.items.set(key, pointer); this.K[pointer] = key; this.V[pointer] = value; // Moving the item at the front of the list this.forward[pointer] = this.head; this.backward[this.head] = pointer; this.head = pointer; // Return object if eviction took place, otherwise return null if (oldKey) { return {evicted: true, key: oldKey, value: oldValue}; } else { return null; } }; /** * Method used to check whether the key exists in the cache. * * @param {any} key - Key. * @return {boolean} */ LRUMap.prototype.has = function(key) { return this.items.has(key); }; /** * Method used to get the value attached to the given key. Will move the * related key to the front of the underlying linked list. * * @param {any} key - Key. * @return {any} */ LRUMap.prototype.get = function(key) { var pointer = this.items.get(key); if (typeof pointer === 'undefined') return; this.splayOnTop(pointer); return this.V[pointer]; }; /** * Method used to get the value attached to the given key. Does not modify * the ordering of the underlying linked list. * * @param {any} key - Key. * @return {any} */ LRUMap.prototype.peek = function(key) { var pointer = this.items.get(key); if (typeof pointer === 'undefined') return; return this.V[pointer]; }; /** * Methods that can be reused as-is from LRUCache. */ LRUMap.prototype.splayOnTop = LRUCache.prototype.splayOnTop; LRUMap.prototype.forEach = LRUCache.prototype.forEach; LRUMap.prototype.keys = LRUCache.prototype.keys; LRUMap.prototype.values = LRUCache.prototype.values; LRUMap.prototype.entries = LRUCache.prototype.entries; /** * Attaching the #.entries method to Symbol.iterator if possible. */ if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') LRUMap.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = LRUMap.prototype.entries; /** * Convenience known methods. */ LRUMap.prototype.inspect = LRUCache.prototype.inspect; /** * Static @.from function taking an arbitrary iterable & converting it into * a structure. * * @param {Iterable} iterable - Target iterable. * @param {function} Keys - Array class for storing keys. * @param {function} Values - Array class for storing values. * @param {number} capacity - Cache's capacity. * @return {LRUMap} */ LRUMap.from = function(iterable, Keys, Values, capacity) { if (arguments.length < 2) { capacity = iterables.guessLength(iterable); if (typeof capacity !== 'number') throw new Error('mnemonist/lru-cache.from: could not guess iterable length. Please provide desired capacity as last argument.'); } else if (arguments.length === 2) { capacity = Keys; Keys = null; Values = null; } var cache = new LRUMap(Keys, Values, capacity); forEach(iterable, function(value, key) { cache.set(key, value); }); return cache; }; /** * Exporting. */ module.exports = LRUMap;