import { charHasUprightVerticalOrientation, charAllowsIdeographicBreaking, charInComplexShapingScript } from '../util/script_detection'; import {verticalizePunctuation} from '../util/verticalize_punctuation'; import {rtlWorkerPlugin} from '../source/rtl_text_plugin_worker'; import ONE_EM from './one_em'; import {warnOnce} from '../util/util'; import type {StyleGlyph, GlyphMetrics} from '../style/style_glyph'; import {GLYPH_PBF_BORDER} from '../style/parse_glyph_pbf'; import {TextFit} from '../style/style_image'; import type {ImagePosition} from '../render/image_atlas'; import {IMAGE_PADDING} from '../render/image_atlas'; import type {Rect, GlyphPosition} from '../render/glyph_atlas'; import {Formatted, FormattedSection} from '@maplibre/maplibre-gl-style-spec'; enum WritingMode { none = 0, horizontal = 1, vertical = 2, horizontalOnly = 3 } const SHAPING_DEFAULT_OFFSET = -17; export {shapeText, shapeIcon, applyTextFit, fitIconToText, getAnchorAlignment, WritingMode, SHAPING_DEFAULT_OFFSET}; // The position of a glyph relative to the text's anchor point. export type PositionedGlyph = { glyph: number; imageName: string | null; x: number; y: number; vertical: boolean; scale: number; fontStack: string; sectionIndex: number; metrics: GlyphMetrics; rect: Rect | null; }; export type PositionedLine = { positionedGlyphs: Array; lineOffset: number; }; // A collection of positioned glyphs and some metadata export type Shaping = { positionedLines: Array; top: number; bottom: number; left: number; right: number; writingMode: WritingMode.horizontal | WritingMode.vertical; text: string; iconsInText: boolean; verticalizable: boolean; }; function isEmpty(positionedLines: Array) { for (const line of positionedLines) { if (line.positionedGlyphs.length !== 0) { return false; } } return true; } export type SymbolAnchor = 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right'; export type TextJustify = 'left' | 'center' | 'right'; // Max number of images in label is 6401 U+E000–U+F8FF that covers // Basic Multilingual Plane Unicode Private Use Area (PUA). const PUAbegin = 0xE000; const PUAend = 0xF8FF; class SectionOptions { // Text options scale: number; fontStack: string; // Image options imageName: string | null; constructor() { this.scale = 1.0; this.fontStack = ''; this.imageName = null; } static forText(scale: number | null, fontStack: string) { const textOptions = new SectionOptions(); textOptions.scale = scale || 1; textOptions.fontStack = fontStack; return textOptions; } static forImage(imageName: string) { const imageOptions = new SectionOptions(); imageOptions.imageName = imageName; return imageOptions; } } class TaggedString { text: string; sectionIndex: Array; // maps each character in 'text' to its corresponding entry in 'sections' sections: Array; imageSectionID: number | null; constructor() { this.text = ''; this.sectionIndex = []; this.sections = []; this.imageSectionID = null; } static fromFeature(text: Formatted, defaultFontStack: string) { const result = new TaggedString(); for (let i = 0; i < text.sections.length; i++) { const section = text.sections[i]; if (!section.image) { result.addTextSection(section, defaultFontStack); } else { result.addImageSection(section); } } return result; } length(): number { return this.text.length; } getSection(index: number): SectionOptions { return this.sections[this.sectionIndex[index]]; } getSectionIndex(index: number): number { return this.sectionIndex[index]; } getCharCode(index: number): number { return this.text.charCodeAt(index); } verticalizePunctuation() { this.text = verticalizePunctuation(this.text); } trim() { let beginningWhitespace = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.text.length && whitespace[this.text.charCodeAt(i)]; i++) { beginningWhitespace++; } let trailingWhitespace = this.text.length; for (let i = this.text.length - 1; i >= 0 && i >= beginningWhitespace && whitespace[this.text.charCodeAt(i)]; i--) { trailingWhitespace--; } this.text = this.text.substring(beginningWhitespace, trailingWhitespace); this.sectionIndex = this.sectionIndex.slice(beginningWhitespace, trailingWhitespace); } substring(start: number, end: number): TaggedString { const substring = new TaggedString(); substring.text = this.text.substring(start, end); substring.sectionIndex = this.sectionIndex.slice(start, end); substring.sections = this.sections; return substring; } toString(): string { return this.text; } getMaxScale() { return this.sectionIndex.reduce((max, index) => Math.max(max, this.sections[index].scale), 0); } addTextSection(section: FormattedSection, defaultFontStack: string) { this.text += section.text; this.sections.push(SectionOptions.forText(section.scale, section.fontStack || defaultFontStack)); const index = this.sections.length - 1; for (let i = 0; i < section.text.length; ++i) { this.sectionIndex.push(index); } } addImageSection(section: FormattedSection) { const imageName = section.image ? : ''; if (imageName.length === 0) { warnOnce('Can\'t add FormattedSection with an empty image.'); return; } const nextImageSectionCharCode = this.getNextImageSectionCharCode(); if (!nextImageSectionCharCode) { warnOnce(`Reached maximum number of images ${PUAend - PUAbegin + 2}`); return; } this.text += String.fromCharCode(nextImageSectionCharCode); this.sections.push(SectionOptions.forImage(imageName)); this.sectionIndex.push(this.sections.length - 1); } getNextImageSectionCharCode(): number | null { if (!this.imageSectionID) { this.imageSectionID = PUAbegin; return this.imageSectionID; } if (this.imageSectionID >= PUAend) return null; return ++this.imageSectionID; } } function breakLines(input: TaggedString, lineBreakPoints: Array): Array { const lines = []; const text = input.text; let start = 0; for (const lineBreak of lineBreakPoints) { lines.push(input.substring(start, lineBreak)); start = lineBreak; } if (start < text.length) { lines.push(input.substring(start, text.length)); } return lines; } function shapeText( text: Formatted, glyphMap: { [_: string]: { [_: number]: StyleGlyph; }; }, glyphPositions: { [_: string]: { [_: number]: GlyphPosition; }; }, imagePositions: {[_: string]: ImagePosition}, defaultFontStack: string, maxWidth: number, lineHeight: number, textAnchor: SymbolAnchor, textJustify: TextJustify, spacing: number, translate: [number, number], writingMode: WritingMode.horizontal | WritingMode.vertical, allowVerticalPlacement: boolean, layoutTextSize: number, layoutTextSizeThisZoom: number ): Shaping | false { const logicalInput = TaggedString.fromFeature(text, defaultFontStack); if (writingMode === WritingMode.vertical) { logicalInput.verticalizePunctuation(); } let lines: Array; const {processBidirectionalText, processStyledBidirectionalText} = rtlWorkerPlugin; if (processBidirectionalText && logicalInput.sections.length === 1) { // Bidi doesn't have to be style-aware lines = []; const untaggedLines = processBidirectionalText(logicalInput.toString(), determineLineBreaks(logicalInput, spacing, maxWidth, glyphMap, imagePositions, layoutTextSize)); for (const line of untaggedLines) { const taggedLine = new TaggedString(); taggedLine.text = line; taggedLine.sections = logicalInput.sections; for (let i = 0; i < line.length; i++) { taggedLine.sectionIndex.push(0); } lines.push(taggedLine); } } else if (processStyledBidirectionalText) { // Need version of mapbox-gl-rtl-text with style support for combining RTL text // with formatting lines = []; const processedLines = processStyledBidirectionalText(logicalInput.text, logicalInput.sectionIndex, determineLineBreaks(logicalInput, spacing, maxWidth, glyphMap, imagePositions, layoutTextSize)); for (const line of processedLines) { const taggedLine = new TaggedString(); taggedLine.text = line[0]; taggedLine.sectionIndex = line[1]; taggedLine.sections = logicalInput.sections; lines.push(taggedLine); } } else { lines = breakLines(logicalInput, determineLineBreaks(logicalInput, spacing, maxWidth, glyphMap, imagePositions, layoutTextSize)); } const positionedLines = []; const shaping = { positionedLines, text: logicalInput.toString(), top: translate[1], bottom: translate[1], left: translate[0], right: translate[0], writingMode, iconsInText: false, verticalizable: false }; shapeLines(shaping, glyphMap, glyphPositions, imagePositions, lines, lineHeight, textAnchor, textJustify, writingMode, spacing, allowVerticalPlacement, layoutTextSizeThisZoom); if (isEmpty(positionedLines)) return false; return shaping; } // using computed properties due to /* eslint no-useless-computed-key: 0 */ const whitespace: { [_: number]: boolean; } = { [0x09]: true, // tab [0x0a]: true, // newline [0x0b]: true, // vertical tab [0x0c]: true, // form feed [0x0d]: true, // carriage return [0x20]: true, // space }; const breakable: { [_: number]: boolean; } = { [0x0a]: true, // newline [0x20]: true, // space [0x26]: true, // ampersand [0x29]: true, // right parenthesis [0x2b]: true, // plus sign [0x2d]: true, // hyphen-minus [0x2f]: true, // solidus [0xad]: true, // soft hyphen [0xb7]: true, // middle dot [0x200b]: true, // zero-width space [0x2010]: true, // hyphen [0x2013]: true, // en dash [0x2027]: true // interpunct // Many other characters may be reasonable breakpoints // Consider "neutral orientation" characters at scriptDetection.charHasNeutralVerticalOrientation // See }; // Allow breaks depending on the following character const breakableBefore: { [_: number]: boolean; } = { [0x28]: true, // left parenthesis }; function getGlyphAdvance( codePoint: number, section: SectionOptions, glyphMap: { [_: string]: { [_: number]: StyleGlyph; }; }, imagePositions: {[_: string]: ImagePosition}, spacing: number, layoutTextSize: number ): number { if (!section.imageName) { const positions = glyphMap[section.fontStack]; const glyph = positions && positions[codePoint]; if (!glyph) return 0; return glyph.metrics.advance * section.scale + spacing; } else { const imagePosition = imagePositions[section.imageName]; if (!imagePosition) return 0; return imagePosition.displaySize[0] * section.scale * ONE_EM / layoutTextSize + spacing; } } function determineAverageLineWidth(logicalInput: TaggedString, spacing: number, maxWidth: number, glyphMap: { [_: string]: { [_: number]: StyleGlyph; }; }, imagePositions: {[_: string]: ImagePosition}, layoutTextSize: number) { let totalWidth = 0; for (let index = 0; index < logicalInput.length(); index++) { const section = logicalInput.getSection(index); totalWidth += getGlyphAdvance(logicalInput.getCharCode(index), section, glyphMap, imagePositions, spacing, layoutTextSize); } const lineCount = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(totalWidth / maxWidth)); return totalWidth / lineCount; } function calculateBadness(lineWidth: number, targetWidth: number, penalty: number, isLastBreak: boolean) { const raggedness = Math.pow(lineWidth - targetWidth, 2); if (isLastBreak) { // Favor finals lines shorter than average over longer than average if (lineWidth < targetWidth) { return raggedness / 2; } else { return raggedness * 2; } } return raggedness + Math.abs(penalty) * penalty; } function calculatePenalty(codePoint: number, nextCodePoint: number, penalizableIdeographicBreak: boolean) { let penalty = 0; // Force break on newline if (codePoint === 0x0a) { penalty -= 10000; } // Penalize breaks between characters that allow ideographic breaking because // they are less preferable than breaks at spaces (or zero width spaces). if (penalizableIdeographicBreak) { penalty += 150; } // Penalize open parenthesis at end of line if (codePoint === 0x28 || codePoint === 0xff08) { penalty += 50; } // Penalize close parenthesis at beginning of line if (nextCodePoint === 0x29 || nextCodePoint === 0xff09) { penalty += 50; } return penalty; } type Break = { index: number; x: number; priorBreak: Break; badness: number; }; function evaluateBreak( breakIndex: number, breakX: number, targetWidth: number, potentialBreaks: Array, penalty: number, isLastBreak: boolean ): Break { // We could skip evaluating breaks where the line length (breakX - priorBreak.x) > maxWidth // ...but in fact we allow lines longer than maxWidth (if there's no break points) // ...and when targetWidth and maxWidth are close, strictly enforcing maxWidth can give // more lopsided results. let bestPriorBreak: Break = null; let bestBreakBadness = calculateBadness(breakX, targetWidth, penalty, isLastBreak); for (const potentialBreak of potentialBreaks) { const lineWidth = breakX - potentialBreak.x; const breakBadness = calculateBadness(lineWidth, targetWidth, penalty, isLastBreak) + potentialBreak.badness; if (breakBadness <= bestBreakBadness) { bestPriorBreak = potentialBreak; bestBreakBadness = breakBadness; } } return { index: breakIndex, x: breakX, priorBreak: bestPriorBreak, badness: bestBreakBadness }; } function leastBadBreaks(lastLineBreak?: Break | null): Array { if (!lastLineBreak) { return []; } return leastBadBreaks(lastLineBreak.priorBreak).concat(lastLineBreak.index); } function determineLineBreaks( logicalInput: TaggedString, spacing: number, maxWidth: number, glyphMap: { [_: string]: { [_: number]: StyleGlyph; }; }, imagePositions: {[_: string]: ImagePosition}, layoutTextSize: number ): Array { if (!logicalInput) return []; const potentialLineBreaks = []; const targetWidth = determineAverageLineWidth(logicalInput, spacing, maxWidth, glyphMap, imagePositions, layoutTextSize); const hasServerSuggestedBreakpoints = logicalInput.text.indexOf('\u200b') >= 0; let currentX = 0; for (let i = 0; i < logicalInput.length(); i++) { const section = logicalInput.getSection(i); const codePoint = logicalInput.getCharCode(i); if (!whitespace[codePoint]) currentX += getGlyphAdvance(codePoint, section, glyphMap, imagePositions, spacing, layoutTextSize); // Ideographic characters, spaces, and word-breaking punctuation that often appear without // surrounding spaces. if ((i < logicalInput.length() - 1)) { const ideographicBreak = charAllowsIdeographicBreaking(codePoint); if (breakable[codePoint] || ideographicBreak || section.imageName || (i !== logicalInput.length() - 2 && breakableBefore[logicalInput.getCharCode(i + 1)])) { potentialLineBreaks.push( evaluateBreak( i + 1, currentX, targetWidth, potentialLineBreaks, calculatePenalty(codePoint, logicalInput.getCharCode(i + 1), ideographicBreak && hasServerSuggestedBreakpoints), false)); } } } return leastBadBreaks( evaluateBreak( logicalInput.length(), currentX, targetWidth, potentialLineBreaks, 0, true)); } function getAnchorAlignment(anchor: SymbolAnchor) { let horizontalAlign = 0.5, verticalAlign = 0.5; switch (anchor) { case 'right': case 'top-right': case 'bottom-right': horizontalAlign = 1; break; case 'left': case 'top-left': case 'bottom-left': horizontalAlign = 0; break; } switch (anchor) { case 'bottom': case 'bottom-right': case 'bottom-left': verticalAlign = 1; break; case 'top': case 'top-right': case 'top-left': verticalAlign = 0; break; } return {horizontalAlign, verticalAlign}; } function shapeLines(shaping: Shaping, glyphMap: { [_: string]: { [_: number]: StyleGlyph; }; }, glyphPositions: { [_: string]: { [_: number]: GlyphPosition; }; }, imagePositions: {[_: string]: ImagePosition}, lines: Array, lineHeight: number, textAnchor: SymbolAnchor, textJustify: TextJustify, writingMode: WritingMode.horizontal | WritingMode.vertical, spacing: number, allowVerticalPlacement: boolean, layoutTextSizeThisZoom: number) { let x = 0; let y = SHAPING_DEFAULT_OFFSET; let maxLineLength = 0; let maxLineHeight = 0; const justify = textJustify === 'right' ? 1 : textJustify === 'left' ? 0 : 0.5; let lineIndex = 0; for (const line of lines) { line.trim(); const lineMaxScale = line.getMaxScale(); const maxLineOffset = (lineMaxScale - 1) * ONE_EM; const positionedLine = {positionedGlyphs: [], lineOffset: 0}; shaping.positionedLines[lineIndex] = positionedLine; const positionedGlyphs = positionedLine.positionedGlyphs; let lineOffset = 0.0; if (!line.length()) { y += lineHeight; // Still need a line feed after empty line ++lineIndex; continue; } for (let i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) { const section = line.getSection(i); const sectionIndex = line.getSectionIndex(i); const codePoint = line.getCharCode(i); let baselineOffset = 0.0; let metrics = null; let rect = null; let imageName = null; let verticalAdvance = ONE_EM; const vertical = !(writingMode === WritingMode.horizontal || // Don't verticalize glyphs that have no upright orientation if vertical placement is disabled. (!allowVerticalPlacement && !charHasUprightVerticalOrientation(codePoint)) || // If vertical placement is enabled, don't verticalize glyphs that // are from complex text layout script, or whitespaces. (allowVerticalPlacement && (whitespace[codePoint] || charInComplexShapingScript(codePoint)))); if (!section.imageName) { const positions = glyphPositions[section.fontStack]; const glyphPosition = positions && positions[codePoint]; if (glyphPosition && glyphPosition.rect) { rect = glyphPosition.rect; metrics = glyphPosition.metrics; } else { const glyphs = glyphMap[section.fontStack]; const glyph = glyphs && glyphs[codePoint]; if (!glyph) continue; metrics = glyph.metrics; } // We don't know the baseline, but since we're laying out // at 24 points, we can calculate how much it will move when // we scale up or down. baselineOffset = (lineMaxScale - section.scale) * ONE_EM; } else { const imagePosition = imagePositions[section.imageName]; if (!imagePosition) continue; imageName = section.imageName; shaping.iconsInText = shaping.iconsInText || true; rect = imagePosition.paddedRect; const size = imagePosition.displaySize; // If needed, allow to set scale factor for an image using // alias "image-scale" that could be alias for "font-scale" // when FormattedSection is an image section. section.scale = section.scale * ONE_EM / layoutTextSizeThisZoom; metrics = {width: size[0], height: size[1], left: IMAGE_PADDING, top: -GLYPH_PBF_BORDER, advance: vertical ? size[1] : size[0]}; // Difference between one EM and an image size. // Aligns bottom of an image to a baseline level. const imageOffset = ONE_EM - size[1] * section.scale; baselineOffset = maxLineOffset + imageOffset; verticalAdvance = metrics.advance; // Difference between height of an image and one EM at max line scale. // Pushes current line down if an image size is over 1 EM at max line scale. const offset = vertical ? size[0] * section.scale - ONE_EM * lineMaxScale : size[1] * section.scale - ONE_EM * lineMaxScale; if (offset > 0 && offset > lineOffset) { lineOffset = offset; } } if (!vertical) { positionedGlyphs.push({glyph: codePoint, imageName, x, y: y + baselineOffset, vertical, scale: section.scale, fontStack: section.fontStack, sectionIndex, metrics, rect}); x += metrics.advance * section.scale + spacing; } else { shaping.verticalizable = true; positionedGlyphs.push({glyph: codePoint, imageName, x, y: y + baselineOffset, vertical, scale: section.scale, fontStack: section.fontStack, sectionIndex, metrics, rect}); x += verticalAdvance * section.scale + spacing; } } // Only justify if we placed at least one glyph if (positionedGlyphs.length !== 0) { const lineLength = x - spacing; maxLineLength = Math.max(lineLength, maxLineLength); justifyLine(positionedGlyphs, 0, positionedGlyphs.length - 1, justify, lineOffset); } x = 0; const currentLineHeight = lineHeight * lineMaxScale + lineOffset; positionedLine.lineOffset = Math.max(lineOffset, maxLineOffset); y += currentLineHeight; maxLineHeight = Math.max(currentLineHeight, maxLineHeight); ++lineIndex; } // Calculate the bounding box and justify / align text block. const height = y - SHAPING_DEFAULT_OFFSET; const {horizontalAlign, verticalAlign} = getAnchorAlignment(textAnchor); align(shaping.positionedLines, justify, horizontalAlign, verticalAlign, maxLineLength, maxLineHeight, lineHeight, height, lines.length); += -verticalAlign * height; shaping.bottom = + height; shaping.left += -horizontalAlign * maxLineLength; shaping.right = shaping.left + maxLineLength; } // justify right = 1, left = 0, center = 0.5 function justifyLine(positionedGlyphs: Array, start: number, end: number, justify: 1 | 0 | 0.5, lineOffset: number) { if (!justify && !lineOffset) return; const lastPositionedGlyph = positionedGlyphs[end]; const lastAdvance = lastPositionedGlyph.metrics.advance * lastPositionedGlyph.scale; const lineIndent = (positionedGlyphs[end].x + lastAdvance) * justify; for (let j = start; j <= end; j++) { positionedGlyphs[j].x -= lineIndent; positionedGlyphs[j].y += lineOffset; } } function align(positionedLines: Array, justify: number, horizontalAlign: number, verticalAlign: number, maxLineLength: number, maxLineHeight: number, lineHeight: number, blockHeight: number, lineCount: number) { const shiftX = (justify - horizontalAlign) * maxLineLength; let shiftY = 0; if (maxLineHeight !== lineHeight) { shiftY = -blockHeight * verticalAlign - SHAPING_DEFAULT_OFFSET; } else { shiftY = (-verticalAlign * lineCount + 0.5) * lineHeight; } for (const line of positionedLines) { for (const positionedGlyph of line.positionedGlyphs) { positionedGlyph.x += shiftX; positionedGlyph.y += shiftY; } } } export type PositionedIcon = { image: ImagePosition; top: number; bottom: number; left: number; right: number; collisionPadding?: [number, number, number, number]; }; function shapeIcon( image: ImagePosition, iconOffset: [number, number], iconAnchor: SymbolAnchor ): PositionedIcon { const {horizontalAlign, verticalAlign} = getAnchorAlignment(iconAnchor); const dx = iconOffset[0]; const dy = iconOffset[1]; const x1 = dx - image.displaySize[0] * horizontalAlign; const x2 = x1 + image.displaySize[0]; const y1 = dy - image.displaySize[1] * verticalAlign; const y2 = y1 + image.displaySize[1]; return {image, top: y1, bottom: y2, left: x1, right: x2}; } export interface Box { x1: number; y1: number; x2: number; y2: number; } /** * Called after a PositionedIcon has already been run through fitIconToText, * but needs further adjustment to apply textFitWidth and textFitHeight. * @param shapedIcon - The icon that will be adjusted. * @returns Extents of the shapedIcon with text fit adjustments if necessary. */ function applyTextFit(shapedIcon: PositionedIcon): Box { // Assume shapedIcon.image is set or this wouldn't be called. // Size of the icon after it was adjusted using stretchX and Y let iconLeft = shapedIcon.left; let iconTop =; let iconWidth = shapedIcon.right - iconLeft; let iconHeight = shapedIcon.bottom - iconTop; // Size of the original content area const contentWidth = shapedIcon.image.content[2] - shapedIcon.image.content[0]; const contentHeight = shapedIcon.image.content[3] - shapedIcon.image.content[1]; const textFitWidth = shapedIcon.image.textFitWidth ?? TextFit.stretchOrShrink; const textFitHeight = shapedIcon.image.textFitHeight ?? TextFit.stretchOrShrink; const contentAspectRatio = contentWidth / contentHeight; // Scale to the proportional axis first note that height takes precedence if // both axes are set to proportional. if (textFitHeight === TextFit.proportional) { if ((textFitWidth === TextFit.stretchOnly && iconWidth / iconHeight < contentAspectRatio) || textFitWidth === TextFit.proportional) { // Push the width of the icon back out to match the content aspect ratio const newIconWidth = Math.ceil(iconHeight * contentAspectRatio); iconLeft *= newIconWidth / iconWidth; iconWidth = newIconWidth; } } else if (textFitWidth === TextFit.proportional) { if (textFitHeight === TextFit.stretchOnly && contentAspectRatio !== 0 && iconWidth / iconHeight > contentAspectRatio) { // Push the height of the icon back out to match the content aspect ratio const newIconHeight = Math.ceil(iconWidth / contentAspectRatio); iconTop *= newIconHeight / iconHeight; iconHeight = newIconHeight; } } else { // If neither textFitHeight nor textFitWidth are proportional then // there is no effect since the content rectangle should be precisely // matched to the content } return {x1: iconLeft, y1: iconTop, x2: iconLeft + iconWidth, y2: iconTop + iconHeight}; } function fitIconToText( shapedIcon: PositionedIcon, shapedText: Shaping, textFit: string, padding: [number, number, number, number], iconOffset: [number, number], fontScale: number ): PositionedIcon { const image = shapedIcon.image; let collisionPadding; if (image.content) { const content = image.content; const pixelRatio = image.pixelRatio || 1; collisionPadding = [ content[0] / pixelRatio, content[1] / pixelRatio, image.displaySize[0] - content[2] / pixelRatio, image.displaySize[1] - content[3] / pixelRatio ]; } // We don't respect the icon-anchor, because icon-text-fit is set. Instead, // the icon will be centered on the text, then stretched in the given // dimensions. const textLeft = shapedText.left * fontScale; const textRight = shapedText.right * fontScale; let top, right, bottom, left; if (textFit === 'width' || textFit === 'both') { // Stretched horizontally to the text width left = iconOffset[0] + textLeft - padding[3]; right = iconOffset[0] + textRight + padding[1]; } else { // Centered on the text left = iconOffset[0] + (textLeft + textRight - image.displaySize[0]) / 2; right = left + image.displaySize[0]; } const textTop = * fontScale; const textBottom = shapedText.bottom * fontScale; if (textFit === 'height' || textFit === 'both') { // Stretched vertically to the text height top = iconOffset[1] + textTop - padding[0]; bottom = iconOffset[1] + textBottom + padding[2]; } else { // Centered on the text top = iconOffset[1] + (textTop + textBottom - image.displaySize[1]) / 2; bottom = top + image.displaySize[1]; } return {image, top, right, bottom, left, collisionPadding}; }