import {CollisionFeature} from './collision_feature'; import {Anchor} from './anchor'; import Point from '@mapbox/point-geometry'; import {CollisionBoxArray} from '../data/array_types.g'; import {SymbolPadding} from '../style/style_layer/symbol_style_layer'; describe('CollisionFeature', () => { const collisionBoxArray = new CollisionBoxArray(); const shapedText = { left: -50, top: -10, right: 50, bottom: 10 }; const padding: SymbolPadding = [0, 0, 0, 0]; test('point label', () => { const point = new Point(500, 0); const anchor = new Anchor(point.x, point.y, 0, undefined); const cf = new CollisionFeature(collisionBoxArray, anchor, 0, 0, 0, shapedText, 1, padding, false, 0); expect(cf.circleDiameter).toBeFalsy(); expect(cf.boxEndIndex - cf.boxStartIndex).toBe(1); const box = collisionBoxArray.get(cf.boxStartIndex); expect(box.x1).toBe(-50); expect(box.x2).toBe(50); expect(box.y1).toBe(-10); expect(box.y2).toBe(10); }); test('point label with padding', () => { const point = new Point(500, 0); const anchor = new Anchor(point.x, point.y, 0, undefined); const pointPadding: SymbolPadding = [10, 20, -5, -10]; // top, right, bottom, left const cf = new CollisionFeature(collisionBoxArray, anchor, 0, 0, 0, shapedText, 1, pointPadding, false, 0); expect(cf.boxEndIndex - cf.boxStartIndex).toBe(1); const box = collisionBoxArray.get(cf.boxStartIndex); expect(box.x1).toBe(-40); expect(box.x2).toBe(70); expect(box.y1).toBe(-20); expect(box.y2).toBe(5); }); test('Compute line height for runtime collision circles (line label)', () => { const anchor = new Anchor(505, 95, 0, 1); const cf = new CollisionFeature(collisionBoxArray, anchor, 0, 0, 0, shapedText, 1, padding, true, 0); expect(cf.circleDiameter).toBeTruthy(); expect(cf.circleDiameter).toBe(shapedText.bottom -; expect(cf.boxEndIndex - cf.boxStartIndex).toBe(0); }); test('Collision circle diameter is not computed for features with zero height', () => { const shapedText = { left: -50, top: -10, right: 50, bottom: -10 }; const anchor = new Anchor(505, 95, 0, 1); const cf = new CollisionFeature(collisionBoxArray, anchor, 0, 0, 0, shapedText, 1, padding, true, 0); expect(cf.boxEndIndex - cf.boxStartIndex).toBe(0); expect(cf.circleDiameter).toBeFalsy(); }); test('Collision circle diameter is not computed for features with negative height', () => { const shapedText = { left: -50, top: 10, right: 50, bottom: -10 }; const anchor = new Anchor(505, 95, 0, 1); const cf = new CollisionFeature(collisionBoxArray, anchor, 0, 0, 0, shapedText, 1, padding, true, 0); expect(cf.boxEndIndex - cf.boxStartIndex).toBe(0); expect(cf.circleDiameter).toBeFalsy(); }); test('Use minimum collision circle diameter', () => { const shapedText = { left: -50, top: 10, right: 50, bottom: 10.00001 }; const anchor = new Anchor(505, 95, 0, 1); const cf = new CollisionFeature(collisionBoxArray, anchor, 0, 0, 0, shapedText, 1, padding, true, 0); expect(cf.boxEndIndex - cf.boxStartIndex).toBe(0); expect(cf.circleDiameter).toBe(10); }); });