import {Context} from './context'; import {RenderPool} from './render_pool'; describe('render pool', () => { const POOL_SIZE = 3; function createAndFillPool(): RenderPool { const gl = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('webgl'); jest.spyOn(gl, 'checkFramebufferStatus').mockReturnValue(gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE); const pool = new RenderPool(new Context(gl), POOL_SIZE, 512); for (let i = 0; i < POOL_SIZE; i++) { pool.useObject(pool.getOrCreateFreeObject()); } return pool; } test('create pool should not be full', () => { const gl = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('webgl'); const pool = new RenderPool(new Context(gl), POOL_SIZE, 512); expect(pool.isFull()).toBeFalsy(); }); test('create pool should be full', () => { const pool = createAndFillPool(); expect(() => pool.getOrCreateFreeObject()).toThrow('No free RenderPool available, call freeAllObjects() required!'); }); test('create pool and fill it', () => { const pool = createAndFillPool(); expect(pool.isFull()).toBeTruthy(); }); test('check recently used after using two objects', () => { const pool = createAndFillPool(); pool.freeAllObjects(); const obj0 = pool.getObjectForId(0); pool.useObject(obj0); pool.freeAllObjects(); const obj1 = pool.getOrCreateFreeObject(); expect(; }); test('not full after freeing an object', () => { const pool = createAndFillPool(); const obj = pool.getObjectForId(0); pool.freeObject(obj); expect(pool.isFull()).toBeFalsy(); expect(obj.stamp).toBe(-1); }); test('stamp object should get stamped', () => { const pool = createAndFillPool(); const obj = pool.getObjectForId(0); pool.stampObject(obj); expect(obj.stamp).toBe(1); }); test('free all objects, first object should be the first free object', () => { const pool = createAndFillPool(); pool.freeAllObjects(); expect(pool.getOrCreateFreeObject().id).toBe(0); }); test('destruct should remove textures', () => { const pool = createAndFillPool(); pool.destruct(); expect(pool.getObjectForId(0).texture.texture).toBeNull(); }); });