import * as PropertySymbol from '../PropertySymbol.js'; import DOMStringMapUtility from './DOMStringMapUtility.js'; /** * Dataset factory. * * Reference: * */ export default class DOMStringMap { /** * Constructor. * * @param illegalConstructorSymbol Illegal constructor symbol. * @param element Element. */ constructor(illegalConstructorSymbol, element) { if (illegalConstructorSymbol !== PropertySymbol.illegalConstructor) { throw new TypeError('Illegal constructor'); } // Documentation for Proxy: // return new Proxy(this, { get(_target, property) { const attribute = element[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('data-' + DOMStringMapUtility.camelCaseToKebab(property)); if (attribute) { return attribute[PropertySymbol.value]; } }, set(_target, property, value) { element.setAttribute('data-' + DOMStringMapUtility.camelCaseToKebab(property), value); return true; }, deleteProperty(_target, property) { element.removeAttribute('data-' + DOMStringMapUtility.camelCaseToKebab(property)); return true; }, ownKeys(_target) { // According to Mozilla we have to update the dataset object (target) to contain the same keys as what we return: // // "The result List must contain the keys of all non-configurable own properties of the target object." const keys = []; for (const item of element[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].values()) { if (item[].startsWith('data-')) { keys.push(DOMStringMapUtility.kebabToCamelCase(item[].replace('data-', ''))); } } return keys; }, has(_target, property) { return element[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].has('data-' + DOMStringMapUtility.camelCaseToKebab(property)); }, defineProperty(_target, property, descriptor) { if (descriptor.value === undefined) { return false; } element.setAttribute('data-' + DOMStringMapUtility.camelCaseToKebab(property), descriptor.value); return true; }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_target, property) { const attribute = element[PropertySymbol.attributes][PropertySymbol.namedItems].get('data-' + DOMStringMapUtility.camelCaseToKebab(property)); if (!attribute) { return; } return { value: attribute[PropertySymbol.value], writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; } }); } } //#