# [fast-xml-parser](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fast-xml-parser) [![NPM quality][quality-image]][quality-url] [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser?branch=master) [Try me](https://naturalintelligence.github.io/fast-xml-parser/) [![NPM total downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/fast-xml-parser.svg)](https://npm.im/fast-xml-parser) Validate XML, Parse XML to JS Object, or Build XML from JS Object without C/C++ based libraries and no callback. --- ads-thePowerGlassesBook I had recently published a book, The Power Glasses. Please have a look. Your feedback would be helpful. You can [mail](githubissues@proton.me) me for a free copy.
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![fxp_sponsors](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NaturalIntelligence/ThankYouBackers/main/assets/NI_sponsors.jpg) Hiroki Kokubun ## Users [more](./USERs.md) The list of users are mostly published by Github or communicated directly. Feel free to contact if you find any information wrong. --- ## Main Features FXP logo * Validate XML data syntactically * Parse XML to JS Object * Build XML from JS Object * Compatible to node js packages, in browser, and in CLI (click try me button above for demo) * Faster than any other pure JS implementation. * It can handle big files (tested up to 100mb). * Controlled parsing using various options * XML Entities, HTML entities, and DOCTYPE entites are supported. * unpaired tags (Eg `
` in HTML), stop nodes (Eg ` : ``` Bundle size | Bundle Name | Size | | ------------------ | ---- | | fxbuilder.min.js | 6.5K | | fxparser.min.js | 20K | | fxp.min.js | 26K | | fxvalidator.min.js | 5.7K | ### Documents
  1. Getting Started
  2. XML Parser
  3. XML Builder
  4. XML Validator
  5. Entities
  6. HTML Document Parsing
  7. PI Tag processing
  1. Getting Started
  2. Features
  3. Options
  4. Output Builders
  5. Value Parsers
**note**: version 5 is released with version 4 tfor experimental use. Based on it's demand, it'll be developed and the features can be different in final release. ## Performance negative means error ### XML Parser * Y-axis: requests per second * X-axis: File size ### XML Builder * Y-axis: requests per second ## Usage Trend [Usage Trend of fast-xml-parser](https://npm-compare.com/fast-xml-parser#timeRange=THREE_YEARS) NPM Usage Trend of fast-xml-parser ## Supporters ### Contributors This project exists thanks to [all](graphs/contributors) the people who contribute. [[Contribute](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)]. ### Backers Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](https://opencollective.com/fast-xml-parser#backer)] # License * MIT License ![Donate $5](static/img/donation_quote.png)