// src/command.ts function addCompareSnapshotCommand(screenshotOptions) { Cypress.Commands.add( "compareSnapshot", { prevSubject: ["optional", "element"] }, function(subject, name, commandOptions) { if (name === void 0 || name === "") { throw new Error("Snapshot name must be specified"); } const screenshotOptionsObject = { ...screenshotOptions }; const commandOptionsObject = typeof commandOptions === "number" ? { errorThreshold: commandOptions } : { ...commandOptions }; const visualRegressionOptions = prepareOptions(name, screenshotOptionsObject, commandOptionsObject); const folderAndName = `${Cypress.spec.relative}/${name}`; return takeScreenshot(subject, folderAndName, visualRegressionOptions.screenshotOptions).then( (screenshotPath) => { visualRegressionOptions.screenshotAbsolutePath = screenshotPath; visualRegressionOptions.spec = Cypress.spec; switch (visualRegressionOptions.type) { case "regression": return compareScreenshots(subject, visualRegressionOptions); case "base": return updateSnapshots(subject, visualRegressionOptions); default: throw new Error( `The 'type' environment variable is invalid. Expected: 'regression' or 'base' instead of '${visualRegressionOptions.type}'` ); } } ); } ); } function prepareOptions(name, screenshotOptions, commandOptions) { if (Cypress.env("visualRegressionType") === void 0) { throw new Error("The 'type' environment variable is missing. Expected values: 'regression' or 'base'"); } const defaultCommandOptions = { errorThreshold: 0, failSilently: false, pixelmatchOptions: { threshold: 0.1 } }; const options = { type: Cypress.env("visualRegressionType"), screenshotName: name, screenshotAbsolutePath: "null", // will be set after takeScreenshot pluginOptions: defaultCommandOptions, screenshotOptions: {}, baseDirectory: "cypress/snapshots/base", diffDirectory: "cypress/snapshots/diff", generateDiff: "fail", spec: Cypress.spec }; if (screenshotOptions.pixelmatchOptions !== void 0) { options.pluginOptions.pixelmatchOptions = screenshotOptions.pixelmatchOptions; } if (screenshotOptions.errorThreshold !== void 0) { options.pluginOptions.errorThreshold = screenshotOptions.errorThreshold; } if (screenshotOptions.failSilently !== void 0) { options.pluginOptions.failSilently = screenshotOptions.failSilently; } options.screenshotOptions = { ...screenshotOptions, ...commandOptions }; if (Cypress.env("visualRegressionBaseDirectory") !== void 0) { options.baseDirectory = Cypress.env("visualRegressionBaseDirectory"); } if (Cypress.env("visualRegressionDiffDirectory") !== void 0) { options.diffDirectory = Cypress.env("visualRegressionDiffDirectory"); } if (Cypress.env("visualRegressionGenerateDiff") !== void 0) { options.generateDiff = Cypress.env("visualRegressionGenerateDiff"); } if (Cypress.env("visualRegressionFailSilently") !== void 0) { options.pluginOptions.failSilently = Cypress.env("visualRegressionFailSilently"); } if (commandOptions.failSilently !== void 0) { options.pluginOptions.failSilently = commandOptions.failSilently; } if (commandOptions.errorThreshold !== void 0) { options.pluginOptions.errorThreshold = commandOptions.errorThreshold; } if (commandOptions.pixelmatchOptions !== void 0) { options.pluginOptions.pixelmatchOptions = commandOptions.pixelmatchOptions; } return options; } function takeScreenshot(subject, name, screenshotOptions) { const objToOperateOn = subject !== void 0 ? cy.get(subject) : cy; let screenshotDetails; return objToOperateOn.screenshot(name, { ...screenshotOptions, log: false, onAfterScreenshot(_el, props) { screenshotDetails = props.path; screenshotOptions?.onAfterScreenshot?.(_el, props); } }).then(() => screenshotDetails); } function compareScreenshots(subject, options) { return cy.task("compareSnapshots", options, { log: false }).then((result) => { const log = Cypress.log({ type: "parent", name: "compareScreenshots", displayName: "compareScreenshots", message: "captureMode: 'fullPage'", consoleProps: () => { return { Options: options, Result: result }; } }); if (subject != null) { log.set("$el", subject); log.set("message", subject.selector); log.set("type", "child"); } else if (options.screenshotOptions?.capture !== void 0) { log.set("message", `captureMode: ${options.screenshotOptions.capture}`); } if (result.error !== void 0 && !options.pluginOptions.failSilently) { if (result.error.includes("image is different") && top !== null) { const random = Math.random(); result.error += ` - [Show Difference](#visualRegressionPopup${random})`; Cypress.$(top.document.body).on("click", `a[href^="#visualRegressionPopup${random}"]`, (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (top === null) { throw Error("Cypress runner not properly initialized"); } Cypress.$(getVisual(result.images)).appendTo(top.document.body); if (result.images.diff === void 0) { Cypress.$("#diffContainer", top.document.body).remove(); } const popup = Cypress.$("#visualRegressionPopup", top.document.body); popup.on("click", 'button[data-type="close"]', () => { popup.remove(); }); popup.on("click", function(e2) { if (e2.target === this) { popup.remove(); } }); return false; }); } throw constructCypressError(log, new Error(result.error)); } return result; }); } function updateSnapshots(subject, options) { return cy.task("updateSnapshot", options, { log: false }).then((result) => { const log = Cypress.log({ type: "parent", name: "compareScreenshots", displayName: "compareScreenshots", message: "base generation", consoleProps: () => { return { Options: options, Result: result }; } }); if (subject != null) { log.set("$el", subject); log.set("type", "child"); } return result; }); } var constructCypressError = (log, err) => { ; err.onFail = (err2) => log.error(err2); return err; }; function getVisual(images) { return `