import { processError } from '@vitest/utils/error'; import { toArray } from '@vitest/utils'; function partitionSuiteChildren(suite) { let tasksGroup = []; const tasksGroups = []; for (const c of suite.tasks) { if (tasksGroup.length === 0 || c.concurrent === tasksGroup[0].concurrent) { tasksGroup.push(c); } else { tasksGroups.push(tasksGroup); tasksGroup = [c]; } } if (tasksGroup.length > 0) tasksGroups.push(tasksGroup); return tasksGroups; } function interpretTaskModes(suite, namePattern, onlyMode, parentIsOnly, allowOnly) { const suiteIsOnly = parentIsOnly || suite.mode === "only"; suite.tasks.forEach((t) => { const includeTask = suiteIsOnly || t.mode === "only"; if (onlyMode) { if (t.type === "suite" && (includeTask || someTasksAreOnly(t))) { if (t.mode === "only") { checkAllowOnly(t, allowOnly); t.mode = "run"; } } else if (t.mode === "run" && !includeTask) { t.mode = "skip"; } else if (t.mode === "only") { checkAllowOnly(t, allowOnly); t.mode = "run"; } } if (t.type === "test") { if (namePattern && !getTaskFullName(t).match(namePattern)) t.mode = "skip"; } else if (t.type === "suite") { if (t.mode === "skip") skipAllTasks(t); else interpretTaskModes(t, namePattern, onlyMode, includeTask, allowOnly); } }); if (suite.mode === "run") { if (suite.tasks.length && suite.tasks.every((i) => i.mode !== "run")) suite.mode = "skip"; } } function getTaskFullName(task) { return `${task.suite ? `${getTaskFullName(task.suite)} ` : ""}${}`; } function someTasksAreOnly(suite) { return suite.tasks.some((t) => t.mode === "only" || t.type === "suite" && someTasksAreOnly(t)); } function skipAllTasks(suite) { suite.tasks.forEach((t) => { if (t.mode === "run") { t.mode = "skip"; if (t.type === "suite") skipAllTasks(t); } }); } function checkAllowOnly(task, allowOnly) { if (allowOnly) return; const error = processError(new Error("[Vitest] Unexpected .only modifier. Remove it or pass --allowOnly argument to bypass this error")); task.result = { state: "fail", errors: [error] }; } function generateHash(str) { let hash = 0; if (str.length === 0) return `${hash}`; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const char = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char; hash = hash & hash; } return `${hash}`; } function calculateSuiteHash(parent) { parent.tasks.forEach((t, idx) => { = `${}_${idx}`; if (t.type === "suite") calculateSuiteHash(t); }); } function createChainable(keys, fn) { function create(context) { const chain2 = function(...args) { return fn.apply(context, args); }; Object.assign(chain2, fn); chain2.withContext = () => chain2.bind(context); chain2.setContext = (key, value) => { context[key] = value; }; chain2.mergeContext = (ctx) => { Object.assign(context, ctx); }; for (const key of keys) { Object.defineProperty(chain2, key, { get() { return create({ ...context, [key]: true }); } }); } return chain2; } const chain = create({}); chain.fn = fn; return chain; } function isAtomTest(s) { return s.type === "test" || s.type === "custom"; } function getTests(suite) { const tests = []; const arraySuites = toArray(suite); for (const s of arraySuites) { if (isAtomTest(s)) { tests.push(s); } else { for (const task of s.tasks) { if (isAtomTest(task)) tests.push(task); else tests.push(...getTests(task)); } } } return tests; } function getTasks(tasks = []) { return toArray(tasks).flatMap((s) => isAtomTest(s) ? [s] : [s, ...getTasks(s.tasks)]); } function getSuites(suite) { return toArray(suite).flatMap((s) => s.type === "suite" ? [s, ...getSuites(s.tasks)] : []); } function hasTests(suite) { return toArray(suite).some((s) => s.tasks.some((c) => isAtomTest(c) || hasTests(c))); } function hasFailed(suite) { return toArray(suite).some((s) => { var _a; return ((_a = s.result) == null ? void 0 : _a.state) === "fail" || s.type === "suite" && hasFailed(s.tasks); }); } function getNames(task) { const names = []; let current = task; while ((current == null ? void 0 : current.suite) || (current == null ? void 0 : current.file)) { current = current.suite || current.file; if (current == null ? void 0 : names.unshift(; } return names; } export { calculateSuiteHash, createChainable, generateHash, getNames, getSuites, getTasks, getTests, hasFailed, hasTests, interpretTaskModes, partitionSuiteChildren, someTasksAreOnly };