import Reference from './reference/v8.json' with {type: 'json'}; import type {StylePropertySpecification} from '.'; import type { StyleSpecification, SourceSpecification, LayerSpecification, PropertyValueSpecification, DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification } from './types.g'; function getPropertyReference(propertyName): StylePropertySpecification { for (let i = 0; i < Reference.layout.length; i++) { for (const key in Reference[Reference.layout[i]]) { if (key === propertyName) return Reference[Reference.layout[i]][key] as any; } } for (let i = 0; i < Reference.paint.length; i++) { for (const key in Reference[Reference.paint[i]]) { if (key === propertyName) return Reference[Reference.paint[i]][key] as any; } } return null; } export function eachSource(style: StyleSpecification, callback: (_: SourceSpecification) => void) { for (const k in style.sources) { callback(style.sources[k]); } } export function eachLayer(style: StyleSpecification, callback: (_: LayerSpecification) => void) { for (const layer of style.layers) { callback(layer); } } type PropertyCallback = ( a: { path: [string, 'paint' | 'layout', string]; // [layerid, paint/layout, property key], key: string; value: PropertyValueSpecification | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification; reference: StylePropertySpecification; set: ( a: PropertyValueSpecification | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification ) => void; } ) => void; export function eachProperty( style: StyleSpecification, options: { paint?: boolean; layout?: boolean; }, callback: PropertyCallback ) { function inner(layer, propertyType: 'paint' | 'layout') { const properties = (layer[propertyType] as any); if (!properties) return; Object.keys(properties).forEach((key) => { callback({ path: [, propertyType, key], key, value: properties[key], reference: getPropertyReference(key), set(x) { properties[key] = x; } }); }); } eachLayer(style, (layer) => { if (options.paint) { inner(layer, 'paint'); } if (options.layout) { inner(layer, 'layout'); } }); }