import { log } from ''; // NOTE: Modules other than `` should not import `GL` from // ``. Locally we use `GLEnum` instead of `GL` to avoid // conflicts with the `babel-plugin-inline-webgl-constants` plugin. // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow var GLEnum; (function (GLEnum) { GLEnum[GLEnum["FUNC_ADD"] = 32774] = "FUNC_ADD"; GLEnum[GLEnum["ONE"] = 1] = "ONE"; GLEnum[GLEnum["SRC_ALPHA"] = 770] = "SRC_ALPHA"; GLEnum[GLEnum["ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"] = 771] = "ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"; GLEnum[GLEnum["TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER"] = 10241] = "TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER"; GLEnum[GLEnum["LINEAR"] = 9729] = "LINEAR"; GLEnum[GLEnum["LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"] = 9985] = "LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"; GLEnum[GLEnum["UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL"] = 37440] = "UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL"; })(GLEnum || (GLEnum = {})); /** * Parses a GLTF material definition into uniforms and parameters for the PBR shader module */ export function parsePBRMaterial(device, material, attributes, options) { const parsedMaterial = { defines: { // TODO: Use EXT_sRGB if available (Standard in WebGL 2.0) MANUAL_SRGB: 1, SRGB_FAST_APPROXIMATION: 1 }, bindings: {}, uniforms: { // TODO: find better values? camera: [0, 0, 0], // Model should override metallicRoughnessValues: [1, 1] // Default is 1 and 1 }, parameters: {}, glParameters: {}, generatedTextures: [] }; // TODO - always available parsedMaterial.defines.USE_TEX_LOD = 1; const { imageBasedLightingEnvironment } = options; if (imageBasedLightingEnvironment) { parsedMaterial.bindings.pbr_diffuseEnvSampler = imageBasedLightingEnvironment.diffuseEnvSampler.texture; parsedMaterial.bindings.pbr_specularEnvSampler = imageBasedLightingEnvironment.specularEnvSampler.texture; parsedMaterial.bindings.pbr_BrdfLUT = imageBasedLightingEnvironment.brdfLutTexture.texture; parsedMaterial.uniforms.scaleIBLAmbient = [1, 1]; } if (options?.pbrDebug) { parsedMaterial.defines.PBR_DEBUG = 1; // Override final color for reference app visualization of various parameters in the lighting equation. parsedMaterial.uniforms.scaleDiffBaseMR = [0, 0, 0, 0]; parsedMaterial.uniforms.scaleFGDSpec = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } if (attributes.NORMAL) parsedMaterial.defines.HAS_NORMALS = 1; if (attributes.TANGENT && options?.useTangents) parsedMaterial.defines.HAS_TANGENTS = 1; if (attributes.TEXCOORD_0) parsedMaterial.defines.HAS_UV = 1; if (options?.imageBasedLightingEnvironment) parsedMaterial.defines.USE_IBL = 1; if (options?.lights) parsedMaterial.defines.USE_LIGHTS = 1; if (material) { parseMaterial(device, material, parsedMaterial); } return parsedMaterial; } /** Parse GLTF material record */ function parseMaterial(device, material, parsedMaterial) { parsedMaterial.uniforms.unlit = Boolean(material.unlit); if (material.pbrMetallicRoughness) { parsePbrMetallicRoughness(device, material.pbrMetallicRoughness, parsedMaterial); } if (material.normalTexture) { addTexture(device, material.normalTexture, 'pbr_normalSampler', 'HAS_NORMALMAP', parsedMaterial); const { scale = 1 } = material.normalTexture; parsedMaterial.uniforms.normalScale = scale; } if (material.occlusionTexture) { addTexture(device, material.occlusionTexture, 'pbr_occlusionSampler', 'HAS_OCCLUSIONMAP', parsedMaterial); const { strength = 1 } = material.occlusionTexture; parsedMaterial.uniforms.occlusionStrength = strength; } if (material.emissiveTexture) { addTexture(device, material.emissiveTexture, 'pbr_emissiveSampler', 'HAS_EMISSIVEMAP', parsedMaterial); parsedMaterial.uniforms.emissiveFactor = material.emissiveFactor || [0, 0, 0]; } switch (material.alphaMode) { case 'MASK': const { alphaCutoff = 0.5 } = material; parsedMaterial.defines.ALPHA_CUTOFF = 1; parsedMaterial.uniforms.alphaCutoff = alphaCutoff; break; case 'BLEND': log.warn('glTF BLEND alphaMode might not work well because it requires mesh sorting')(); // WebGPU style parameters parsedMaterial.parameters.blendColorOperation = 'add'; parsedMaterial.parameters.blendColorSrcFactor = 'src-alpha'; parsedMaterial.parameters.blendColorDstFactor = 'one-minus-src-alpha'; parsedMaterial.parameters.blendAlphaOperation = 'add'; parsedMaterial.parameters.blendAlphaSrcFactor = 'one'; parsedMaterial.parameters.blendAlphaDstFactor = 'one-minus-src-alpha'; // GL parameters parsedMaterial.glParameters.blend = true; parsedMaterial.glParameters.blendEquation = GLEnum.FUNC_ADD; parsedMaterial.glParameters.blendFunc = [ GLEnum.SRC_ALPHA, GLEnum.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GLEnum.ONE, GLEnum.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ]; break; } } /** Parse GLTF material sub record */ function parsePbrMetallicRoughness(device, pbrMetallicRoughness, parsedMaterial) { if (pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture) { addTexture(device, pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture, 'pbr_baseColorSampler', 'HAS_BASECOLORMAP', parsedMaterial); } parsedMaterial.uniforms.baseColorFactor = pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor || [1, 1, 1, 1]; if (pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture) { addTexture(device, pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture, 'pbr_metallicRoughnessSampler', 'HAS_METALROUGHNESSMAP', parsedMaterial); } const { metallicFactor = 1, roughnessFactor = 1 } = pbrMetallicRoughness; parsedMaterial.uniforms.metallicRoughnessValues = [metallicFactor, roughnessFactor]; } /** Create a texture from a glTF texture/sampler/image combo and add it to bindings */ function addTexture(device, gltfTexture, uniformName, define = null, parsedMaterial) { const parameters = gltfTexture?.texture?.sampler?.parameters || {}; const image = gltfTexture.texture.source.image; let textureOptions; let specialTextureParameters = {}; if (image.compressed) { textureOptions = image; specialTextureParameters = { [GLEnum.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER]: > 1 ? GLEnum.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST : GLEnum.LINEAR }; } else { // Texture2D accepts a promise that returns an image as data (Async Textures) textureOptions = { data: image }; } const texture = device.createTexture({ id: gltfTexture.uniformName ||, parameters: { ...parameters, ...specialTextureParameters }, pixelStore: { [GLEnum.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL]: false }, ...textureOptions }); parsedMaterial.bindings[uniformName] = texture; if (define) parsedMaterial.defines[define] = 1; parsedMaterial.generatedTextures.push(texture); } /* /** * Parses a GLTF material definition into uniforms and parameters for the PBR shader module * export class PBRMaterialParser { readonly device: Device; readonly defines: Record; readonly bindings: Record; readonly uniforms: Record; readonly parameters: Record; /** Hold on to generated textures, we destroy them in the destroy method * readonly generatedTextures: Texture[]; constructor(device: Device, props: PBRMaterialParserProps) { const {attributes, material, pbrDebug, imageBasedLightingEnvironment, lights, useTangents} = props; this.device = device; this.defines = { // TODO: Use EXT_sRGB if available (Standard in WebGL 2.0) MANUAL_SRGB: 1, SRGB_FAST_APPROXIMATION: 1 }; if (this.device.features.has('glsl-texture-lod')) { this.defines.USE_TEX_LOD = 1; } this.uniforms = { // TODO: find better values? camera: [0, 0, 0], // Model should override metallicRoughnessValues: [1, 1] // Default is 1 and 1 }; this.bindings = {}; this.parameters = {}; this.generatedTextures = []; if (imageBasedLightingEnvironment) { this.bindings.pbr_diffuseEnvSampler = imageBasedLightingEnvironment.getDiffuseEnvSampler(); this.bindings.pbr_specularEnvSampler = imageBasedLightingEnvironment.getSpecularEnvSampler(); this.bindings.pbr_BrdfLUT = imageBasedLightingEnvironment.getBrdfTexture(); this.uniforms.scaleIBLAmbient = [1, 1]; } if (pbrDebug) { // Override final color for reference app visualization // of various parameters in the lighting equation. this.uniforms.scaleDiffBaseMR = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this.uniforms.scaleFGDSpec = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } this.defineIfPresent(attributes.NORMAL, 'HAS_NORMALS'); this.defineIfPresent(attributes.TANGENT && useTangents, 'HAS_TANGENTS'); this.defineIfPresent(attributes.TEXCOORD_0, 'HAS_UV'); this.defineIfPresent(imageBasedLightingEnvironment, 'USE_IBL'); this.defineIfPresent(lights, 'USE_LIGHTS'); this.defineIfPresent(pbrDebug, 'PBR_DEBUG'); if (material) { this.parseMaterial(material); } } /** * Destroy all generated resources to release memory. * destroy(): void { this.generatedTextures.forEach(texture => texture.destroy()); } /** Add a define if the the value is non-nullish * defineIfPresent(value: unknown, name: string): void { if (value) { this.defines[name] = 1; } } /** Parse GLTF material record * parseMaterial(material) { this.uniforms.unlit = Boolean(material.unlit); if (material.pbrMetallicRoughness) { this.parsePbrMetallicRoughness(material.pbrMetallicRoughness); } if (material.normalTexture) { this.addTexture(material.normalTexture, 'pbr_normalSampler', 'HAS_NORMALMAP'); const {scale = 1} = material.normalTexture; this.uniforms.normalScale = scale; } if (material.occlusionTexture) { this.addTexture(material.occlusionTexture, 'pbr_occlusionSampler', 'HAS_OCCLUSIONMAP'); const {strength = 1} = material.occlusionTexture; this.uniforms.occlusionStrength = strength; } if (material.emissiveTexture) { this.addTexture(material.emissiveTexture, 'pbr_emissiveSampler', 'HAS_EMISSIVEMAP'); this.uniforms.emissiveFactor = material.emissiveFactor || [0, 0, 0]; } if (material.alphaMode === 'MASK') { const {alphaCutoff = 0.5} = material; this.defines.ALPHA_CUTOFF = 1; this.uniforms.alphaCutoff = alphaCutoff; } else if (material.alphaMode === 'BLEND') { log.warn('BLEND alphaMode might not work well because it requires mesh sorting')(); Object.assign(this.parameters, { blend: true, blendEquation: GL.FUNC_ADD, blendFunc: [GL.SRC_ALPHA, GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL.ONE, GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA] }); } } /** Parse GLTF material sub record * parsePbrMetallicRoughness(pbrMetallicRoughness) { if (pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture) { this.addTexture( pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture, 'pbr_baseColorSampler', 'HAS_BASECOLORMAP' ); } this.uniforms.baseColorFactor = pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor || [1, 1, 1, 1]; if (pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture) { this.addTexture( pbrMetallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture, 'pbr_metallicRoughnessSampler', 'HAS_METALROUGHNESSMAP' ); } const {metallicFactor = 1, roughnessFactor = 1} = pbrMetallicRoughness; this.uniforms.metallicRoughnessValues = [metallicFactor, roughnessFactor]; } /** Create a texture from a glTF texture/sampler/image combo and add it to bindings * addTexture(gltfTexture, name, define = null) { const parameters = gltfTexture?.texture?.sampler?.parameters || {}; const image = gltfTexture.texture.source.image; let textureOptions; let specialTextureParameters = {}; if (image.compressed) { textureOptions = image; specialTextureParameters = { [GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER]: > 1 ? GL.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST : GL.LINEAR }; } else { // Texture2D accepts a promise that returns an image as data (Async Textures) textureOptions = {data: image}; } const texture: Texture = this.device.createTexture({ id: ||, parameters: { ...parameters, ...specialTextureParameters }, pixelStore: { [GL.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL]: false }, ...textureOptions }); this.bindings[name] = texture; this.defineIfPresent(define, define); this.generatedTextures.push(texture); } } */ //#