/* eslint-disable camelcase */ import { getMeshBoundingBox } from '@loaders.gl/schema'; import { getDracoSchema } from "./utils/get-draco-schema.js"; // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const GEOMETRY_TYPE = { TRIANGULAR_MESH: 0, POINT_CLOUD: 1 }; // Native Draco attribute names to GLTF attribute names. const DRACO_TO_GLTF_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAP = { POSITION: 'POSITION', NORMAL: 'NORMAL', COLOR: 'COLOR_0', TEX_COORD: 'TEXCOORD_0' }; const DRACO_DATA_TYPE_TO_TYPED_ARRAY_MAP = { 1: Int8Array, 2: Uint8Array, 3: Int16Array, 4: Uint16Array, 5: Int32Array, 6: Uint32Array, // 7: BigInt64Array, // 8: BigUint64Array, 9: Float32Array // 10: Float64Array // 11: BOOL - What array type do we use for this? }; const INDEX_ITEM_SIZE = 4; export default class DracoParser { draco; decoder; metadataQuerier; // draco - the draco decoder, either import `draco3d` or load dynamically constructor(draco) { this.draco = draco; this.decoder = new this.draco.Decoder(); this.metadataQuerier = new this.draco.MetadataQuerier(); } /** * Destroy draco resources */ destroy() { this.draco.destroy(this.decoder); this.draco.destroy(this.metadataQuerier); } /** * NOTE: caller must call `destroyGeometry` on the return value after using it * @param arrayBuffer * @param options */ parseSync(arrayBuffer, options = {}) { const buffer = new this.draco.DecoderBuffer(); buffer.Init(new Int8Array(arrayBuffer), arrayBuffer.byteLength); this._disableAttributeTransforms(options); const geometry_type = this.decoder.GetEncodedGeometryType(buffer); const dracoGeometry = geometry_type === this.draco.TRIANGULAR_MESH ? new this.draco.Mesh() : new this.draco.PointCloud(); try { let dracoStatus; switch (geometry_type) { case this.draco.TRIANGULAR_MESH: dracoStatus = this.decoder.DecodeBufferToMesh(buffer, dracoGeometry); break; case this.draco.POINT_CLOUD: dracoStatus = this.decoder.DecodeBufferToPointCloud(buffer, dracoGeometry); break; default: throw new Error('DRACO: Unknown geometry type.'); } if (!dracoStatus.ok() || !dracoGeometry.ptr) { const message = `DRACO decompression failed: ${dracoStatus.error_msg()}`; // console.error(message); throw new Error(message); } const loaderData = this._getDracoLoaderData(dracoGeometry, geometry_type, options); const geometry = this._getMeshData(dracoGeometry, loaderData, options); const boundingBox = getMeshBoundingBox(geometry.attributes); const schema = getDracoSchema(geometry.attributes, loaderData, geometry.indices); const data = { loader: 'draco', loaderData, header: { vertexCount: dracoGeometry.num_points(), boundingBox }, ...geometry, schema }; return data; } finally { this.draco.destroy(buffer); if (dracoGeometry) { this.draco.destroy(dracoGeometry); } } } // Draco specific "loader data" /** * Extract * @param dracoGeometry * @param geometry_type * @param options * @returns */ _getDracoLoaderData(dracoGeometry, geometry_type, options) { const metadata = this._getTopLevelMetadata(dracoGeometry); const attributes = this._getDracoAttributes(dracoGeometry, options); return { geometry_type, num_attributes: dracoGeometry.num_attributes(), num_points: dracoGeometry.num_points(), num_faces: dracoGeometry instanceof this.draco.Mesh ? dracoGeometry.num_faces() : 0, metadata, attributes }; } /** * Extract all draco provided information and metadata for each attribute * @param dracoGeometry * @param options * @returns */ _getDracoAttributes(dracoGeometry, options) { const dracoAttributes = {}; for (let attributeId = 0; attributeId < dracoGeometry.num_attributes(); attributeId++) { // Note: Draco docs do not seem clear on `GetAttribute` ids just being a zero-based index, // but it does seems to work this way const dracoAttribute = this.decoder.GetAttribute(dracoGeometry, attributeId); const metadata = this._getAttributeMetadata(dracoGeometry, attributeId); dracoAttributes[dracoAttribute.unique_id()] = { unique_id: dracoAttribute.unique_id(), attribute_type: dracoAttribute.attribute_type(), data_type: dracoAttribute.data_type(), num_components: dracoAttribute.num_components(), byte_offset: dracoAttribute.byte_offset(), byte_stride: dracoAttribute.byte_stride(), normalized: dracoAttribute.normalized(), attribute_index: attributeId, metadata }; // Add transformation parameters for any attributes app wants untransformed const quantization = this._getQuantizationTransform(dracoAttribute, options); if (quantization) { dracoAttributes[dracoAttribute.unique_id()].quantization_transform = quantization; } const octahedron = this._getOctahedronTransform(dracoAttribute, options); if (octahedron) { dracoAttributes[dracoAttribute.unique_id()].octahedron_transform = octahedron; } } return dracoAttributes; } /** * Get standard loaders.gl mesh category data * Extracts the geometry from draco * @param dracoGeometry * @param options */ _getMeshData(dracoGeometry, loaderData, options) { const attributes = this._getMeshAttributes(loaderData, dracoGeometry, options); const positionAttribute = attributes.POSITION; if (!positionAttribute) { throw new Error('DRACO: No position attribute found.'); } // For meshes, we need indices to define the faces. if (dracoGeometry instanceof this.draco.Mesh) { switch (options.topology) { case 'triangle-strip': return { topology: 'triangle-strip', mode: 4, // GL.TRIANGLES attributes, indices: { value: this._getTriangleStripIndices(dracoGeometry), size: 1 } }; case 'triangle-list': default: return { topology: 'triangle-list', mode: 5, // GL.TRIANGLE_STRIP attributes, indices: { value: this._getTriangleListIndices(dracoGeometry), size: 1 } }; } } // PointCloud - must come last as Mesh inherits from PointCloud return { topology: 'point-list', mode: 0, // GL.POINTS attributes }; } _getMeshAttributes(loaderData, dracoGeometry, options) { const attributes = {}; for (const loaderAttribute of Object.values(loaderData.attributes)) { const attributeName = this._deduceAttributeName(loaderAttribute, options); loaderAttribute.name = attributeName; const values = this._getAttributeValues(dracoGeometry, loaderAttribute); if (values) { const { value, size } = values; attributes[attributeName] = { value, size, byteOffset: loaderAttribute.byte_offset, byteStride: loaderAttribute.byte_stride, normalized: loaderAttribute.normalized }; } } return attributes; } // MESH INDICES EXTRACTION /** * For meshes, we need indices to define the faces. * @param dracoGeometry */ _getTriangleListIndices(dracoGeometry) { // Example on how to retrieve mesh and attributes. const numFaces = dracoGeometry.num_faces(); const numIndices = numFaces * 3; const byteLength = numIndices * INDEX_ITEM_SIZE; const ptr = this.draco._malloc(byteLength); try { this.decoder.GetTrianglesUInt32Array(dracoGeometry, byteLength, ptr); return new Uint32Array(this.draco.HEAPF32.buffer, ptr, numIndices).slice(); } finally { this.draco._free(ptr); } } /** * For meshes, we need indices to define the faces. * @param dracoGeometry */ _getTriangleStripIndices(dracoGeometry) { const dracoArray = new this.draco.DracoInt32Array(); try { /* const numStrips = */ this.decoder.GetTriangleStripsFromMesh(dracoGeometry, dracoArray); return getUint32Array(dracoArray); } finally { this.draco.destroy(dracoArray); } } /** * * @param dracoGeometry * @param dracoAttribute * @param attributeName */ _getAttributeValues(dracoGeometry, attribute) { const TypedArrayCtor = DRACO_DATA_TYPE_TO_TYPED_ARRAY_MAP[attribute.data_type]; if (!TypedArrayCtor) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn(`DRACO: Unsupported attribute type ${attribute.data_type}`); return null; } const numComponents = attribute.num_components; const numPoints = dracoGeometry.num_points(); const numValues = numPoints * numComponents; const byteLength = numValues * TypedArrayCtor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const dataType = getDracoDataType(this.draco, TypedArrayCtor); let value; const ptr = this.draco._malloc(byteLength); try { const dracoAttribute = this.decoder.GetAttribute(dracoGeometry, attribute.attribute_index); this.decoder.GetAttributeDataArrayForAllPoints(dracoGeometry, dracoAttribute, dataType, byteLength, ptr); value = new TypedArrayCtor(this.draco.HEAPF32.buffer, ptr, numValues).slice(); } finally { this.draco._free(ptr); } return { value, size: numComponents }; } // Attribute names /** * DRACO does not store attribute names - We need to deduce an attribute name * for each attribute _getAttributeNames( dracoGeometry: Mesh | PointCloud, options: DracoParseOptions ): {[unique_id: number]: string} { const attributeNames: {[unique_id: number]: string} = {}; for (let attributeId = 0; attributeId < dracoGeometry.num_attributes(); attributeId++) { const dracoAttribute = this.decoder.GetAttribute(dracoGeometry, attributeId); const attributeName = this._deduceAttributeName(dracoAttribute, options); attributeNames[attributeName] = attributeName; } return attributeNames; } */ /** * Deduce an attribute name. * @note DRACO does not save attribute names, just general type (POSITION, COLOR) * to help optimize compression. We generate GLTF compatible names for the Draco-recognized * types * @param attributeData */ _deduceAttributeName(attribute, options) { // Deduce name based on application provided map const uniqueId = attribute.unique_id; for (const [attributeName, attributeUniqueId] of Object.entries(options.extraAttributes || {})) { if (attributeUniqueId === uniqueId) { return attributeName; } } // Deduce name based on attribute type const thisAttributeType = attribute.attribute_type; for (const dracoAttributeConstant in DRACO_TO_GLTF_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAP) { const attributeType = this.draco[dracoAttributeConstant]; if (attributeType === thisAttributeType) { // TODO - Return unique names if there multiple attributes per type // (e.g. multiple TEX_COORDS or COLORS) return DRACO_TO_GLTF_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAP[dracoAttributeConstant]; } } // Look up in metadata // TODO - shouldn't this have priority? const entryName = options.attributeNameEntry || 'name'; if (attribute.metadata[entryName]) { return attribute.metadata[entryName].string; } // Attribute of "GENERIC" type, we need to assign some name return `CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_${uniqueId}`; } // METADATA EXTRACTION /** Get top level metadata */ _getTopLevelMetadata(dracoGeometry) { const dracoMetadata = this.decoder.GetMetadata(dracoGeometry); return this._getDracoMetadata(dracoMetadata); } /** Get per attribute metadata */ _getAttributeMetadata(dracoGeometry, attributeId) { const dracoMetadata = this.decoder.GetAttributeMetadata(dracoGeometry, attributeId); return this._getDracoMetadata(dracoMetadata); } /** * Extract metadata field values * @param dracoMetadata * @returns */ _getDracoMetadata(dracoMetadata) { // The not so wonderful world of undocumented Draco APIs :( if (!dracoMetadata || !dracoMetadata.ptr) { return {}; } const result = {}; const numEntries = this.metadataQuerier.NumEntries(dracoMetadata); for (let entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < numEntries; entryIndex++) { const entryName = this.metadataQuerier.GetEntryName(dracoMetadata, entryIndex); result[entryName] = this._getDracoMetadataField(dracoMetadata, entryName); } return result; } /** * Extracts possible values for one metadata entry by name * @param dracoMetadata * @param entryName */ _getDracoMetadataField(dracoMetadata, entryName) { const dracoArray = new this.draco.DracoInt32Array(); try { // Draco metadata fields can hold int32 arrays this.metadataQuerier.GetIntEntryArray(dracoMetadata, entryName, dracoArray); const intArray = getInt32Array(dracoArray); return { int: this.metadataQuerier.GetIntEntry(dracoMetadata, entryName), string: this.metadataQuerier.GetStringEntry(dracoMetadata, entryName), double: this.metadataQuerier.GetDoubleEntry(dracoMetadata, entryName), intArray }; } finally { this.draco.destroy(dracoArray); } } // QUANTIZED ATTRIBUTE SUPPORT (NO DECOMPRESSION) /** Skip transforms for specific attribute types */ _disableAttributeTransforms(options) { const { quantizedAttributes = [], octahedronAttributes = [] } = options; const skipAttributes = [...quantizedAttributes, ...octahedronAttributes]; for (const dracoAttributeName of skipAttributes) { this.decoder.SkipAttributeTransform(this.draco[dracoAttributeName]); } } /** * Extract (and apply?) Position Transform * @todo not used */ _getQuantizationTransform(dracoAttribute, options) { const { quantizedAttributes = [] } = options; const attribute_type = dracoAttribute.attribute_type(); const skip = quantizedAttributes.map((type) => this.decoder[type]).includes(attribute_type); if (skip) { const transform = new this.draco.AttributeQuantizationTransform(); try { if (transform.InitFromAttribute(dracoAttribute)) { return { quantization_bits: transform.quantization_bits(), range: transform.range(), min_values: new Float32Array([1, 2, 3]).map((i) => transform.min_value(i)) }; } } finally { this.draco.destroy(transform); } } return null; } _getOctahedronTransform(dracoAttribute, options) { const { octahedronAttributes = [] } = options; const attribute_type = dracoAttribute.attribute_type(); const octahedron = octahedronAttributes .map((type) => this.decoder[type]) .includes(attribute_type); if (octahedron) { const transform = new this.draco.AttributeQuantizationTransform(); try { if (transform.InitFromAttribute(dracoAttribute)) { return { quantization_bits: transform.quantization_bits() }; } } finally { this.draco.destroy(transform); } } return null; } } /** * Get draco specific data type by TypedArray constructor type * @param attributeType * @returns draco specific data type */ function getDracoDataType(draco, attributeType) { switch (attributeType) { case Float32Array: return draco.DT_FLOAT32; case Int8Array: return draco.DT_INT8; case Int16Array: return draco.DT_INT16; case Int32Array: return draco.DT_INT32; case Uint8Array: return draco.DT_UINT8; case Uint16Array: return draco.DT_UINT16; case Uint32Array: return draco.DT_UINT32; default: return draco.DT_INVALID; } } /** * Copy a Draco int32 array into a JS typed array */ function getInt32Array(dracoArray) { const numValues = dracoArray.size(); const intArray = new Int32Array(numValues); for (let i = 0; i < numValues; i++) { intArray[i] = dracoArray.GetValue(i); } return intArray; } /** * Copy a Draco int32 array into a JS typed array */ function getUint32Array(dracoArray) { const numValues = dracoArray.size(); const intArray = new Int32Array(numValues); for (let i = 0; i < numValues; i++) { intArray[i] = dracoArray.GetValue(i); } return intArray; }