import type { NumericArray } from ''; export type Character = { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; layoutWidth: number; layoutHeight: number; layoutOffsetY?: number; }; export type CharacterMapping = Record; export declare function nextPowOfTwo(number: number): number; /** * Generate character mapping table or update from an existing mapping table */ export declare function buildMapping({ characterSet, getFontWidth, fontHeight, buffer, maxCanvasWidth, mapping, xOffset, yOffset }: { /** list of characters */ characterSet: Set; /** function to get width of each character */ getFontWidth: (char: string) => number; /** height of font */ fontHeight: number; /** bleeding buffer surround each character */ buffer: number; /** max width of font atlas */ maxCanvasWidth: number; /** cached mapping table */ mapping?: CharacterMapping; /** x position of last character in the existing mapping table */ xOffset?: number; /** y position of last character in the existing mapping table */ yOffset?: number; }): { /** new mapping table */ mapping: CharacterMapping; /** x position of last character in the new mapping table */ xOffset: number; /** y position of last character in the new mapping table */ yOffset: number; /** height of the font atlas canvas, power of 2 */ canvasHeight: number; }; /** * Wrap the given text so that each line does not exceed the given max width. * Returns a list of indices where line breaks should be inserted. */ export declare function autoWrapping(text: string[], wordBreak: 'break-all' | 'break-word', maxWidth: number, iconMapping: CharacterMapping, startIndex: number | undefined, endIndex: number): number[]; /** * Transform a text paragraph to an array of characters, each character contains */ export declare function transformParagraph(paragraph: string, /** CSS line-height */ lineHeight: number, /** CSS word-break option */ wordBreak: 'break-word' | 'break-all', /** CSS max-width */ maxWidth: number, /** character mapping table for retrieving a character from font atlas */ iconMapping: CharacterMapping): { /** x position of each character */ x: number[]; /** y position of each character */ y: number[]; /** the current row width of each character */ rowWidth: number[]; /** the width and height of the paragraph */ size: [number, number]; }; export declare function getTextFromBuffer({ value, length, stride, offset, startIndices, characterSet }: { value: Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array; length: number; stride?: number; offset?: number; startIndices: NumericArray; characterSet?: Set; }): { texts: string[]; characterCount: number; }; //#