// deck.gl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors import { Layer, project32, picking, COORDINATE_SYSTEM } from '@deck.gl/core'; import { Model, Geometry } from '@luma.gl/engine'; import { gouraudMaterial } from '@luma.gl/shadertools'; // Polygon geometry generation is managed by the polygon tesselator import PolygonTesselator from "./polygon-tesselator.js"; import { solidPolygonUniforms } from "./solid-polygon-layer-uniforms.js"; import vsTop from "./solid-polygon-layer-vertex-top.glsl.js"; import vsSide from "./solid-polygon-layer-vertex-side.glsl.js"; import fs from "./solid-polygon-layer-fragment.glsl.js"; const DEFAULT_COLOR = [0, 0, 0, 255]; const defaultProps = { filled: true, extruded: false, wireframe: false, _normalize: true, _windingOrder: 'CW', _full3d: false, elevationScale: { type: 'number', min: 0, value: 1 }, getPolygon: { type: 'accessor', value: (f) => f.polygon }, getElevation: { type: 'accessor', value: 1000 }, getFillColor: { type: 'accessor', value: DEFAULT_COLOR }, getLineColor: { type: 'accessor', value: DEFAULT_COLOR }, material: true }; const ATTRIBUTE_TRANSITION = { enter: (value, chunk) => { return chunk.length ? chunk.subarray(chunk.length - value.length) : value; } }; class SolidPolygonLayer extends Layer { getShaders(type) { return super.getShaders({ vs: type === 'top' ? vsTop : vsSide, fs, defines: { RING_WINDING_ORDER_CW: !this.props._normalize && this.props._windingOrder === 'CCW' ? 0 : 1 }, modules: [project32, gouraudMaterial, picking, solidPolygonUniforms] }); } get wrapLongitude() { return false; } getBounds() { return this.getAttributeManager()?.getBounds(['vertexPositions']); } initializeState() { const { viewport } = this.context; let { coordinateSystem } = this.props; const { _full3d } = this.props; if (viewport.isGeospatial && coordinateSystem === COORDINATE_SYSTEM.DEFAULT) { coordinateSystem = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.LNGLAT; } let preproject; if (coordinateSystem === COORDINATE_SYSTEM.LNGLAT) { if (_full3d) { preproject = viewport.projectPosition.bind(viewport); } else { preproject = viewport.projectFlat.bind(viewport); } } this.setState({ numInstances: 0, polygonTesselator: new PolygonTesselator({ // Lnglat coordinates are usually projected non-linearly, which affects tesselation results // Provide a preproject function if the coordinates are in lnglat preproject, fp64: this.use64bitPositions(), IndexType: Uint32Array }) }); const attributeManager = this.getAttributeManager(); const noAlloc = true; attributeManager.remove(['instancePickingColors']); /* eslint-disable max-len */ attributeManager.add({ indices: { size: 1, isIndexed: true, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method update: this.calculateIndices, noAlloc }, vertexPositions: { size: 3, type: 'float64', stepMode: 'dynamic', fp64: this.use64bitPositions(), transition: ATTRIBUTE_TRANSITION, accessor: 'getPolygon', // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method update: this.calculatePositions, noAlloc, shaderAttributes: { nextVertexPositions: { vertexOffset: 1 } } }, instanceVertexValid: { size: 1, type: 'uint16', stepMode: 'instance', // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method update: this.calculateVertexValid, noAlloc }, elevations: { size: 1, stepMode: 'dynamic', transition: ATTRIBUTE_TRANSITION, accessor: 'getElevation' }, fillColors: { size: this.props.colorFormat.length, type: 'unorm8', stepMode: 'dynamic', transition: ATTRIBUTE_TRANSITION, accessor: 'getFillColor', defaultValue: DEFAULT_COLOR }, lineColors: { size: this.props.colorFormat.length, type: 'unorm8', stepMode: 'dynamic', transition: ATTRIBUTE_TRANSITION, accessor: 'getLineColor', defaultValue: DEFAULT_COLOR }, pickingColors: { size: 4, type: 'uint8', stepMode: 'dynamic', accessor: (object, { index, target: value }) => this.encodePickingColor(object && object.__source ? object.__source.index : index, value) } }); /* eslint-enable max-len */ } getPickingInfo(params) { const info = super.getPickingInfo(params); const { index } = info; const data = this.props.data; // Check if data comes from a composite layer, wrapped with getSubLayerRow if (data[0] && data[0].__source) { // index decoded from picking color refers to the source index info.object = data.find(d => d.__source.index === index); } return info; } disablePickingIndex(objectIndex) { const data = this.props.data; // Check if data comes from a composite layer, wrapped with getSubLayerRow if (data[0] && data[0].__source) { // index decoded from picking color refers to the source index for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].__source.index === objectIndex) { this._disablePickingIndex(i); } } } else { super.disablePickingIndex(objectIndex); } } draw({ uniforms }) { const { extruded, filled, wireframe, elevationScale } = this.props; const { topModel, sideModel, wireframeModel, polygonTesselator } = this.state; const renderUniforms = { extruded: Boolean(extruded), elevationScale, isWireframe: false }; // Note - the order is important if (wireframeModel && wireframe) { wireframeModel.setInstanceCount(polygonTesselator.instanceCount - 1); wireframeModel.shaderInputs.setProps({ solidPolygon: { ...renderUniforms, isWireframe: true } }); wireframeModel.draw(this.context.renderPass); } if (sideModel && filled) { sideModel.setInstanceCount(polygonTesselator.instanceCount - 1); sideModel.shaderInputs.setProps({ solidPolygon: renderUniforms }); sideModel.draw(this.context.renderPass); } if (topModel && filled) { topModel.setVertexCount(polygonTesselator.vertexCount); topModel.shaderInputs.setProps({ solidPolygon: renderUniforms }); topModel.draw(this.context.renderPass); } } updateState(updateParams) { super.updateState(updateParams); this.updateGeometry(updateParams); const { props, oldProps, changeFlags } = updateParams; const attributeManager = this.getAttributeManager(); const regenerateModels = changeFlags.extensionsChanged || props.filled !== oldProps.filled || props.extruded !== oldProps.extruded; if (regenerateModels) { this.state.models?.forEach(model => model.destroy()); this.setState(this._getModels()); attributeManager.invalidateAll(); } } updateGeometry({ props, oldProps, changeFlags }) { const geometryConfigChanged = changeFlags.dataChanged || (changeFlags.updateTriggersChanged && (changeFlags.updateTriggersChanged.all || changeFlags.updateTriggersChanged.getPolygon)); // When the geometry config or the data is changed, // tessellator needs to be invoked if (geometryConfigChanged) { const { polygonTesselator } = this.state; const buffers = props.data.attributes || {}; polygonTesselator.updateGeometry({ data: props.data, normalize: props._normalize, geometryBuffer: buffers.getPolygon, buffers, getGeometry: props.getPolygon, positionFormat: props.positionFormat, wrapLongitude: props.wrapLongitude, // TODO - move the flag out of the viewport resolution: this.context.viewport.resolution, fp64: this.use64bitPositions(), dataChanged: changeFlags.dataChanged, full3d: props._full3d }); this.setState({ numInstances: polygonTesselator.instanceCount, startIndices: polygonTesselator.vertexStarts }); if (!changeFlags.dataChanged) { // Base `layer.updateState` only invalidates all attributes on data change // Cover the rest of the scenarios here this.getAttributeManager().invalidateAll(); } } } _getModels() { const { id, filled, extruded } = this.props; let topModel; let sideModel; let wireframeModel; if (filled) { const shaders = this.getShaders('top'); shaders.defines.NON_INSTANCED_MODEL = 1; const bufferLayout = this.getAttributeManager().getBufferLayouts({ isInstanced: false }); topModel = new Model(this.context.device, { ...shaders, id: `${id}-top`, topology: 'triangle-list', bufferLayout, isIndexed: true, userData: { excludeAttributes: { instanceVertexValid: true } } }); } if (extruded) { const bufferLayout = this.getAttributeManager().getBufferLayouts({ isInstanced: true }); sideModel = new Model(this.context.device, { ...this.getShaders('side'), id: `${id}-side`, bufferLayout, geometry: new Geometry({ topology: 'triangle-strip', attributes: { // top right - top left - bottom right - bottom left positions: { size: 2, value: new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]) } } }), isInstanced: true, userData: { excludeAttributes: { indices: true } } }); wireframeModel = new Model(this.context.device, { ...this.getShaders('side'), id: `${id}-wireframe`, bufferLayout, geometry: new Geometry({ topology: 'line-strip', attributes: { // top right - top left - bottom left - bottom right positions: { size: 2, value: new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) } } }), isInstanced: true, userData: { excludeAttributes: { indices: true } } }); } return { models: [sideModel, wireframeModel, topModel].filter(Boolean), topModel, sideModel, wireframeModel }; } calculateIndices(attribute) { const { polygonTesselator } = this.state; attribute.startIndices = polygonTesselator.indexStarts; attribute.value = polygonTesselator.get('indices'); } calculatePositions(attribute) { const { polygonTesselator } = this.state; attribute.startIndices = polygonTesselator.vertexStarts; attribute.value = polygonTesselator.get('positions'); } calculateVertexValid(attribute) { attribute.value = this.state.polygonTesselator.get('vertexValid'); } } SolidPolygonLayer.defaultProps = defaultProps; SolidPolygonLayer.layerName = 'SolidPolygonLayer'; export default SolidPolygonLayer; //# sourceMappingURL=solid-polygon-layer.js.map