import { Layer } from ''; import { Model } from ''; import type { LayerProps, LayerDataSource, UpdateParameters, Accessor, Unit, Position, Color, DefaultProps } from ''; /** All props supported by the ScatterplotLayer */ export type ScatterplotLayerProps = _ScatterplotLayerProps & LayerProps; /** Props added by the ScatterplotLayer */ type _ScatterplotLayerProps = { data: LayerDataSource; /** * The units of the radius, one of `'meters'`, `'common'`, and `'pixels'`. * @default 'meters' */ radiusUnits?: Unit; /** * Radius multiplier. * @default 1 */ radiusScale?: number; /** * The minimum radius in pixels. This prop can be used to prevent the circle from getting too small when zoomed out. * @default 0 */ radiusMinPixels?: number; /** * The maximum radius in pixels. This prop can be used to prevent the circle from getting too big when zoomed in. * @default Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER */ radiusMaxPixels?: number; /** * The units of the stroke width, one of `'meters'`, `'common'`, and `'pixels'`. * @default 'meters' */ lineWidthUnits?: Unit; /** * Stroke width multiplier. * @default 1 */ lineWidthScale?: number; /** * The minimum stroke width in pixels. This prop can be used to prevent the line from getting too thin when zoomed out. * @default 0 */ lineWidthMinPixels?: number; /** * The maximum stroke width in pixels. This prop can be used to prevent the circle from getting too thick when zoomed in. * @default Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER */ lineWidthMaxPixels?: number; /** * Draw the outline of points. * @default false */ stroked?: boolean; /** * Draw the filled area of points. * @default true */ filled?: boolean; /** * If `true`, rendered circles always face the camera. If `false` circles face up (i.e. are parallel with the ground plane). * @default false */ billboard?: boolean; /** * If `true`, circles are rendered with smoothed edges. If `false`, circles are rendered with rough edges. Antialiasing can cause artifacts on edges of overlapping circles. * @default true */ antialiasing?: boolean; /** * Center position accessor. */ getPosition?: Accessor; /** * Radius accessor. * @default 1 */ getRadius?: Accessor; /** * Fill color accessor. * @default [0, 0, 0, 255] */ getFillColor?: Accessor; /** * Stroke color accessor. * @default [0, 0, 0, 255] */ getLineColor?: Accessor; /** * Stroke width accessor. * @default 1 */ getLineWidth?: Accessor; /** * @deprecated Use `getLineWidth` instead */ strokeWidth?: number; /** * @deprecated Use `stroked` instead */ outline?: boolean; /** * @deprecated Use `getFillColor` and `getLineColor` instead */ getColor?: Accessor; }; /** Render circles at given coordinates. */ export default class ScatterplotLayer extends Layer>> { static defaultProps: DefaultProps>; static layerName: string; state: { model?: Model; }; getShaders(): any; initializeState(): void; updateState(params: UpdateParameters): void; draw({ uniforms }: { uniforms: any; }): void; protected _getModel(): Model; } export {}; //#