import { Layer } from ''; import { Model } from ''; import PathTesselator from "./path-tesselator.js"; import type { LayerProps, LayerDataSource, Color, Accessor, AccessorFunction, Unit, UpdateParameters, GetPickingInfoParams, PickingInfo, DefaultProps } from ''; import type { PathGeometry } from "./path.js"; type _PathLayerProps = { data: LayerDataSource; /** The units of the line width, one of `'meters'`, `'common'`, and `'pixels'` * @default 'meters' */ widthUnits?: Unit; /** * Path width multiplier. * @default 1 */ widthScale?: number; /** * The minimum path width in pixels. This prop can be used to prevent the path from getting too thin when zoomed out. * @default 0 */ widthMinPixels?: number; /** * The maximum path width in pixels. This prop can be used to prevent the path from getting too thick when zoomed in. * @default Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER */ widthMaxPixels?: number; /** * Type of joint. If `true`, draw round joints. Otherwise draw miter joints. * @default false */ jointRounded?: boolean; /** * Type of caps. If `true`, draw round caps. Otherwise draw square caps. * @default false */ capRounded?: boolean; /** * The maximum extent of a joint in ratio to the stroke width. Only works if `jointRounded` is `false`. * @default 4 */ miterLimit?: number; /** * If `true`, extrude the path in screen space (width always faces the camera). * If `false`, the width always faces up (z). * @default false */ billboard?: boolean; /** * (Experimental) If `'loop'` or `'open'`, will skip normalizing the coordinates returned by `getPath` and instead assume all paths are to be loops or open paths. * When normalization is disabled, paths must be specified in the format of flat array. Open paths must contain at least 2 vertices and closed paths must contain at least 3 vertices. * @default null */ _pathType?: null | 'loop' | 'open'; /** * Path geometry accessor. */ getPath?: AccessorFunction; /** * Path color accessor. * @default [0, 0, 0, 255] */ getColor?: Accessor; /** * Path width accessor. * @default 1 */ getWidth?: Accessor; /** * @deprecated Use `jointRounded` and `capRounded` instead */ rounded?: boolean; }; export type PathLayerProps = _PathLayerProps & LayerProps; /** Render lists of coordinate points as extruded polylines with mitering. */ export default class PathLayer extends Layer>> { static defaultProps: DefaultProps>; static layerName: string; state: { model?: Model; pathTesselator: PathTesselator; }; getShaders(): any; get wrapLongitude(): boolean; getBounds(): [number[], number[]] | null; initializeState(): void; updateState(params: UpdateParameters): void; getPickingInfo(params: GetPickingInfoParams): PickingInfo; /** Override base Layer method */ disablePickingIndex(objectIndex: number): void; draw({ uniforms }: { uniforms: any; }): void; protected _getModel(): Model; protected calculatePositions(attribute: any): void; protected calculateSegmentTypes(attribute: any): void; } export {}; //#