declare const _default: "#version 300 es\n#define SHADER_NAME path-layer-vertex-shader\n\nin vec2 positions;\n\nin float instanceTypes;\nin vec3 instanceStartPositions;\nin vec3 instanceEndPositions;\nin vec3 instanceLeftPositions;\nin vec3 instanceRightPositions;\nin vec3 instanceLeftPositions64Low;\nin vec3 instanceStartPositions64Low;\nin vec3 instanceEndPositions64Low;\nin vec3 instanceRightPositions64Low;\nin float instanceStrokeWidths;\nin vec4 instanceColors;\nin vec3 instancePickingColors;\n\nuniform float opacity;\n\nout vec4 vColor;\nout vec2 vCornerOffset;\nout float vMiterLength;\nout vec2 vPathPosition;\nout float vPathLength;\nout float vJointType;\n\nconst float EPSILON = 0.001;\nconst vec3 ZERO_OFFSET = vec3(0.0);\n\nfloat flipIfTrue(bool flag) {\n return -(float(flag) * 2. - 1.);\n}\n\n// calculate line join positions\nvec3 getLineJoinOffset(\n vec3 prevPoint, vec3 currPoint, vec3 nextPoint,\n vec2 width\n) {\n bool isEnd = positions.x > 0.0;\n // side of the segment - -1: left, 0: center, 1: right\n float sideOfPath = positions.y;\n float isJoint = float(sideOfPath == 0.0);\n\n vec3 deltaA3 = (currPoint - prevPoint);\n vec3 deltaB3 = (nextPoint - currPoint);\n\n mat3 rotationMatrix;\n bool needsRotation = !path.billboard && project_needs_rotation(currPoint, rotationMatrix);\n if (needsRotation) {\n deltaA3 = deltaA3 * rotationMatrix;\n deltaB3 = deltaB3 * rotationMatrix;\n }\n vec2 deltaA = deltaA3.xy / width;\n vec2 deltaB = deltaB3.xy / width;\n\n float lenA = length(deltaA);\n float lenB = length(deltaB);\n\n vec2 dirA = lenA > 0. ? normalize(deltaA) : vec2(0.0, 0.0);\n vec2 dirB = lenB > 0. ? normalize(deltaB) : vec2(0.0, 0.0);\n\n vec2 perpA = vec2(-dirA.y, dirA.x);\n vec2 perpB = vec2(-dirB.y, dirB.x);\n\n // tangent of the corner\n vec2 tangent = dirA + dirB;\n tangent = length(tangent) > 0. ? normalize(tangent) : perpA;\n // direction of the corner\n vec2 miterVec = vec2(-tangent.y, tangent.x);\n // direction of the segment\n vec2 dir = isEnd ? dirA : dirB;\n // direction of the extrusion\n vec2 perp = isEnd ? perpA : perpB;\n // length of the segment\n float L = isEnd ? lenA : lenB;\n\n // A = angle of the corner\n float sinHalfA = abs(dot(miterVec, perp));\n float cosHalfA = abs(dot(dirA, miterVec));\n\n // -1: right, 1: left\n float turnDirection = flipIfTrue(dirA.x * dirB.y >= dirA.y * dirB.x);\n\n // relative position to the corner:\n // -1: inside (smaller side of the angle)\n // 0: center\n // 1: outside (bigger side of the angle)\n float cornerPosition = sideOfPath * turnDirection;\n\n float miterSize = 1.0 / max(sinHalfA, EPSILON);\n // trim if inside corner extends further than the line segment\n miterSize = mix(\n min(miterSize, max(lenA, lenB) / max(cosHalfA, EPSILON)),\n miterSize,\n step(0.0, cornerPosition)\n );\n\n vec2 offsetVec = mix(miterVec * miterSize, perp, step(0.5, cornerPosition))\n * (sideOfPath + isJoint * turnDirection);\n\n // special treatment for start cap and end cap\n bool isStartCap = lenA == 0.0 || (!isEnd && (instanceTypes == 1.0 || instanceTypes == 3.0));\n bool isEndCap = lenB == 0.0 || (isEnd && (instanceTypes == 2.0 || instanceTypes == 3.0));\n bool isCap = isStartCap || isEndCap;\n\n // extend out a triangle to envelope the round cap\n if (isCap) {\n offsetVec = mix(perp * sideOfPath, dir * path.capType * 4.0 * flipIfTrue(isStartCap), isJoint);\n vJointType = path.capType;\n } else {\n vJointType = path.jointType;\n }\n\n // Generate variables for fragment shader\n vPathLength = L;\n vCornerOffset = offsetVec;\n vMiterLength = dot(vCornerOffset, miterVec * turnDirection);\n vMiterLength = isCap ? isJoint : vMiterLength;\n\n vec2 offsetFromStartOfPath = vCornerOffset + deltaA * float(isEnd);\n vPathPosition = vec2(\n dot(offsetFromStartOfPath, perp),\n dot(offsetFromStartOfPath, dir)\n );\n geometry.uv = vPathPosition;\n\n float isValid = step(instanceTypes, 3.5);\n vec3 offset = vec3(offsetVec * width * isValid, 0.0);\n\n if (needsRotation) {\n offset = rotationMatrix * offset;\n }\n return offset;\n}\n\n// In clipspace extrusion, if a line extends behind the camera, clip it to avoid visual artifacts\nvoid clipLine(inout vec4 position, vec4 refPosition) {\n if (position.w < EPSILON) {\n float r = (EPSILON - refPosition.w) / (position.w - refPosition.w);\n position = refPosition + (position - refPosition) * r;\n }\n}\n\nvoid main() {\n geometry.pickingColor = instancePickingColors;\n\n vColor = vec4(instanceColors.rgb, instanceColors.a * layer.opacity);\n\n float isEnd = positions.x;\n\n vec3 prevPosition = mix(instanceLeftPositions, instanceStartPositions, isEnd);\n vec3 prevPosition64Low = mix(instanceLeftPositions64Low, instanceStartPositions64Low, isEnd);\n\n vec3 currPosition = mix(instanceStartPositions, instanceEndPositions, isEnd);\n vec3 currPosition64Low = mix(instanceStartPositions64Low, instanceEndPositions64Low, isEnd);\n\n vec3 nextPosition = mix(instanceEndPositions, instanceRightPositions, isEnd);\n vec3 nextPosition64Low = mix(instanceEndPositions64Low, instanceRightPositions64Low, isEnd);\n\n geometry.worldPosition = currPosition;\n vec2 widthPixels = vec2(clamp(\n project_size_to_pixel(instanceStrokeWidths * path.widthScale, path.widthUnits),\n path.widthMinPixels, path.widthMaxPixels) / 2.0);\n vec3 width;\n\n if (path.billboard) {\n // Extrude in clipspace\n vec4 prevPositionScreen = project_position_to_clipspace(prevPosition, prevPosition64Low, ZERO_OFFSET);\n vec4 currPositionScreen = project_position_to_clipspace(currPosition, currPosition64Low, ZERO_OFFSET, geometry.position);\n vec4 nextPositionScreen = project_position_to_clipspace(nextPosition, nextPosition64Low, ZERO_OFFSET);\n\n clipLine(prevPositionScreen, currPositionScreen);\n clipLine(nextPositionScreen, currPositionScreen);\n clipLine(currPositionScreen, mix(nextPositionScreen, prevPositionScreen, isEnd));\n\n width = vec3(widthPixels, 0.0);\n DECKGL_FILTER_SIZE(width, geometry);\n\n vec3 offset = getLineJoinOffset(\n / prevPositionScreen.w,\n / currPositionScreen.w,\n / nextPositionScreen.w,\n project_pixel_size_to_clipspace(width.xy)\n );\n\n DECKGL_FILTER_GL_POSITION(currPositionScreen, geometry);\n gl_Position = vec4( + offset * currPositionScreen.w, currPositionScreen.w);\n } else {\n // Extrude in commonspace\n prevPosition = project_position(prevPosition, prevPosition64Low);\n currPosition = project_position(currPosition, currPosition64Low);\n nextPosition = project_position(nextPosition, nextPosition64Low);\n\n width = vec3(project_pixel_size(widthPixels), 0.0);\n DECKGL_FILTER_SIZE(width, geometry);\n\n vec3 offset = getLineJoinOffset(prevPosition, currPosition, nextPosition, width.xy);\n geometry.position = vec4(currPosition + offset, 1.0);\n gl_Position = project_common_position_to_clipspace(geometry.position);\n DECKGL_FILTER_GL_POSITION(gl_Position, geometry);\n }\n DECKGL_FILTER_COLOR(vColor, geometry);\n}\n"; export default _default; //#