declare const _default: "#version 300 es\n#define SHADER_NAME line-layer-vertex-shader\n\nin vec3 positions;\nin vec3 instanceSourcePositions;\nin vec3 instanceTargetPositions;\nin vec3 instanceSourcePositions64Low;\nin vec3 instanceTargetPositions64Low;\nin vec4 instanceColors;\nin vec3 instancePickingColors;\nin float instanceWidths;\n\nuniform float opacity;\nuniform float widthScale;\nuniform float widthMinPixels;\nuniform float widthMaxPixels;\nuniform float useShortestPath;\nuniform int widthUnits;\n\nout vec4 vColor;\nout vec2 uv;\n\n// offset vector by strokeWidth pixels\n// offset_direction is -1 (left) or 1 (right)\nvec2 getExtrusionOffset(vec2 line_clipspace, float offset_direction, float width) {\n // normalized direction of the line\n vec2 dir_screenspace = normalize(line_clipspace * project_uViewportSize);\n // rotate by 90 degrees\n dir_screenspace = vec2(-dir_screenspace.y, dir_screenspace.x);\n\n return dir_screenspace * offset_direction * width / 2.0;\n}\n\nvec3 splitLine(vec3 a, vec3 b, float x) {\n float t = (x - a.x) / (b.x - a.x);\n return vec3(x, mix(a.yz, b.yz, t));\n}\n\nvoid main(void) {\n geometry.worldPosition = instanceSourcePositions;\n geometry.worldPositionAlt = instanceTargetPositions;\n\n vec3 source_world = instanceSourcePositions;\n vec3 target_world = instanceTargetPositions;\n vec3 source_world_64low = instanceSourcePositions64Low;\n vec3 target_world_64low = instanceTargetPositions64Low;\n\n if (useShortestPath > 0.5 || useShortestPath < -0.5) {\n source_world.x = mod(source_world.x + 180., 360.0) - 180.;\n target_world.x = mod(target_world.x + 180., 360.0) - 180.;\n float deltaLng = target_world.x - source_world.x;\n\n if (deltaLng * useShortestPath > 180.) {\n source_world.x += 360. * useShortestPath;\n source_world = splitLine(source_world, target_world, 180. * useShortestPath);\n source_world_64low = vec3(0.0);\n } else if (deltaLng * useShortestPath < -180.) {\n target_world.x += 360. * useShortestPath;\n target_world = splitLine(source_world, target_world, 180. * useShortestPath);\n target_world_64low = vec3(0.0);\n } else if (useShortestPath < 0.) {\n // Line is not split, abort\n gl_Position = vec4(0.);\n return;\n }\n }\n\n // Position\n vec4 source_commonspace;\n vec4 target_commonspace;\n vec4 source = project_position_to_clipspace(source_world, source_world_64low, vec3(0.), source_commonspace);\n vec4 target = project_position_to_clipspace(target_world, target_world_64low, vec3(0.), target_commonspace);\n \n // linear interpolation of source & target to pick right coord\n float segmentIndex = positions.x;\n vec4 p = mix(source, target, segmentIndex);\n geometry.position = mix(source_commonspace, target_commonspace, segmentIndex);\n uv = positions.xy;\n geometry.uv = uv;\n geometry.pickingColor = instancePickingColors;\n\n // Multiply out width and clamp to limits\n float widthPixels = clamp(\n project_size_to_pixel(instanceWidths * widthScale, widthUnits),\n widthMinPixels, widthMaxPixels\n );\n\n // extrude\n vec3 offset = vec3(\n getExtrusionOffset(target.xy - source.xy, positions.y, widthPixels),\n 0.0);\n DECKGL_FILTER_SIZE(offset, geometry);\n DECKGL_FILTER_GL_POSITION(p, geometry);\n gl_Position = p + vec4(project_pixel_size_to_clipspace(offset.xy), 0.0, 0.0);\n\n // Color\n vColor = vec4(instanceColors.rgb, instanceColors.a * opacity);\n DECKGL_FILTER_COLOR(vColor, geometry);\n}\n"; export default _default; //#