declare const _default: "#version 300 es\n\n#define SHADER_NAME column-layer-vertex-shader\n\nin vec3 positions;\nin vec3 normals;\n\nin vec3 instancePositions;\nin float instanceElevations;\nin vec3 instancePositions64Low;\nin vec4 instanceFillColors;\nin vec4 instanceLineColors;\nin float instanceStrokeWidths;\n\nin vec3 instancePickingColors;\n\n// Custom uniforms\nuniform float opacity;\nuniform float radius;\nuniform float angle;\nuniform vec2 offset;\nuniform bool extruded;\nuniform bool stroked;\nuniform bool isStroke;\nuniform float coverage;\nuniform float elevationScale;\nuniform float edgeDistance;\nuniform float widthScale;\nuniform float widthMinPixels;\nuniform float widthMaxPixels;\nuniform int radiusUnits;\nuniform int widthUnits;\n\n// Result\nout vec4 vColor;\n#ifdef FLAT_SHADING\nout vec4 position_commonspace;\n#endif\n\nvoid main(void) {\n geometry.worldPosition = instancePositions;\n\n vec4 color = isStroke ? instanceLineColors : instanceFillColors;\n // rotate primitive position and normal\n mat2 rotationMatrix = mat2(cos(angle), sin(angle), -sin(angle), cos(angle));\n\n // calculate elevation, if 3d not enabled set to 0\n // cylindar gemoetry height are between -1.0 to 1.0, transform it to between 0, 1\n float elevation = 0.0;\n // calculate stroke offset\n float strokeOffsetRatio = 1.0;\n\n if (extruded) {\n elevation = instanceElevations * (positions.z + 1.0) / 2.0 * elevationScale;\n } else if (stroked) {\n float widthPixels = clamp(\n project_size_to_pixel(instanceStrokeWidths * widthScale, widthUnits),\n widthMinPixels, widthMaxPixels) / 2.0;\n float halfOffset = project_pixel_size(widthPixels) / project_size(edgeDistance * coverage * radius);\n if (isStroke) {\n strokeOffsetRatio -= sign(positions.z) * halfOffset;\n } else {\n strokeOffsetRatio -= halfOffset;\n }\n }\n\n // if alpha == 0.0 or z < 0.0, do not render element\n float shouldRender = float(color.a > 0.0 && instanceElevations >= 0.0);\n float dotRadius = radius * coverage * shouldRender;\n\n geometry.pickingColor = instancePickingColors;\n\n // project center of column\n vec3 centroidPosition = vec3(instancePositions.xy, instancePositions.z + elevation);\n vec3 centroidPosition64Low = instancePositions64Low;\n vec2 offset = (rotationMatrix * positions.xy * strokeOffsetRatio + offset) * dotRadius;\n if (radiusUnits == UNIT_METERS) {\n offset = project_size(offset);\n }\n vec3 pos = vec3(offset, 0.);\n DECKGL_FILTER_SIZE(pos, geometry);\n\n gl_Position = project_position_to_clipspace(centroidPosition, centroidPosition64Low, pos, geometry.position);\n geometry.normal = project_normal(vec3(rotationMatrix * normals.xy, normals.z));\n DECKGL_FILTER_GL_POSITION(gl_Position, geometry);\n\n // Light calculations\n if (extruded && !isStroke) {\n#ifdef FLAT_SHADING\n position_commonspace = geometry.position;\n vColor = vec4(color.rgb, color.a * opacity);\n#else\n vec3 lightColor = lighting_getLightColor(color.rgb, project_uCameraPosition,, geometry.normal);\n vColor = vec4(lightColor, color.a * opacity);\n#endif\n } else {\n vColor = vec4(color.rgb, color.a * opacity);\n }\n DECKGL_FILTER_COLOR(vColor, geometry);\n}\n"; export default _default; //#