import { Layer, UpdateParameters, LayerProps, LayerDataSource, Unit, AccessorFunction, Position, Accessor, Color, DefaultProps } from ''; import { Model } from ''; /** All properties supported by ArcLayer. */ export type ArcLayerProps = _ArcLayerProps & LayerProps; /** Properties added by ArcLayer. */ type _ArcLayerProps = { data: LayerDataSource; /** * If `true`, create the arc along the shortest path on the earth surface. * @default false */ greatCircle?: boolean; /** * The number of segments used to draw each arc. * @default 50 */ numSegments?: number; /** * The units of the line width, one of `'meters'`, `'common'`, and `'pixels'` * @default 'pixels' */ widthUnits?: Unit; /** * The scaling multiplier for the width of each line. * @default 1 */ widthScale?: number; /** * The minimum line width in pixels. * @default 0 */ widthMinPixels?: number; /** * The maximum line width in pixels. * @default Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER */ widthMaxPixels?: number; /** * Method called to retrieve the source position of each object. * @default object => object.sourcePosition */ getSourcePosition?: AccessorFunction; /** * Method called to retrieve the target position of each object. * @default object => object.targetPosition */ getTargetPosition?: AccessorFunction; /** * The rgba color is in the format of `[r, g, b, [a]]`. * @default [0, 0, 0, 255] */ getSourceColor?: Accessor; /** * The rgba color is in the format of `[r, g, b, [a]]`. * @default [0, 0, 0, 255] */ getTargetColor?: Accessor; /** * The line width of each object, in units specified by `widthUnits`. * @default 1 */ getWidth?: Accessor; /** * Multiplier of layer height. `0` will make the layer flat. * @default 1 */ getHeight?: Accessor; /** * Use to tilt the arc to the side if you have multiple arcs with the same source and target positions. * @default 0 */ getTilt?: Accessor; }; /** Render raised arcs joining pairs of source and target coordinates. */ export default class ArcLayer extends Layer>> { static layerName: string; static defaultProps: DefaultProps>; state: { model?: Model; }; getBounds(): [number[], number[]] | null; getShaders(): any; get wrapLongitude(): boolean; initializeState(): void; updateState(params: UpdateParameters): void; draw({ uniforms }: { uniforms: any; }): void; protected _getModel(): Model; } export {}; //#