declare const _default: "#version 300 es\n#define SHADER_NAME arc-layer-vertex-shader\n\nin vec4 instanceSourceColors;\nin vec4 instanceTargetColors;\nin vec3 instanceSourcePositions;\nin vec3 instanceSourcePositions64Low;\nin vec3 instanceTargetPositions;\nin vec3 instanceTargetPositions64Low;\nin vec3 instancePickingColors;\nin float instanceWidths;\nin float instanceHeights;\nin float instanceTilts;\n\nout vec4 vColor;\nout vec2 uv;\nout float isValid;\n\nfloat paraboloid(float distance, float sourceZ, float targetZ, float ratio) {\n // d: distance on the xy plane\n // r: ratio of the current point\n // p: ratio of the peak of the arc\n // h: height multiplier\n // z = f(r) = sqrt(r * (p * 2 - r)) * d * h\n // f(0) = 0\n // f(1) = dz\n\n float deltaZ = targetZ - sourceZ;\n float dh = distance * instanceHeights;\n if (dh == 0.0) {\n return sourceZ + deltaZ * ratio;\n }\n float unitZ = deltaZ / dh;\n float p2 = unitZ * unitZ + 1.0;\n\n // sqrt does not deal with negative values, manually flip source and target if delta.z < 0\n float dir = step(deltaZ, 0.0);\n float z0 = mix(sourceZ, targetZ, dir);\n float r = mix(ratio, 1.0 - ratio, dir);\n return sqrt(r * (p2 - r)) * dh + z0;\n}\n\n// offset vector by strokeWidth pixels\n// offset_direction is -1 (left) or 1 (right)\nvec2 getExtrusionOffset(vec2 line_clipspace, float offset_direction, float width) {\n // normalized direction of the line\n vec2 dir_screenspace = normalize(line_clipspace * project.viewportSize);\n // rotate by 90 degrees\n dir_screenspace = vec2(-dir_screenspace.y, dir_screenspace.x);\n\n return dir_screenspace * offset_direction * width / 2.0;\n}\n\nfloat getSegmentRatio(float index) {\n return smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, index / (arc.numSegments - 1.0));\n}\n\nvec3 interpolateFlat(vec3 source, vec3 target, float segmentRatio) {\n float distance = length(source.xy - target.xy);\n float z = paraboloid(distance, source.z, target.z, segmentRatio);\n\n float tiltAngle = radians(instanceTilts);\n vec2 tiltDirection = normalize(target.xy - source.xy);\n vec2 tilt = vec2(-tiltDirection.y, tiltDirection.x) * z * sin(tiltAngle);\n\n return vec3(\n mix(source.xy, target.xy, segmentRatio) + tilt,\n z * cos(tiltAngle)\n );\n}\n\n/* Great circle interpolation\n *\n */\nfloat getAngularDist (vec2 source, vec2 target) {\n vec2 sourceRadians = radians(source);\n vec2 targetRadians = radians(target);\n vec2 sin_half_delta = sin((sourceRadians - targetRadians) / 2.0);\n vec2 shd_sq = sin_half_delta * sin_half_delta;\n\n float a = shd_sq.y + cos(sourceRadians.y) * cos(targetRadians.y) * shd_sq.x;\n return 2.0 * asin(sqrt(a));\n}\n\nvec3 interpolateGreatCircle(vec3 source, vec3 target, vec3 source3D, vec3 target3D, float angularDist, float t) {\n vec2 lngLat;\n\n // if the angularDist is PI, linear interpolation is applied. otherwise, use spherical interpolation\n if(abs(angularDist - PI) < 0.001) {\n lngLat = (1.0 - t) * source.xy + t * target.xy;\n } else {\n float a = sin((1.0 - t) * angularDist);\n float b = sin(t * angularDist);\n vec3 p = source3D.yxz * a + target3D.yxz * b;\n lngLat = degrees(vec2(atan(p.y, -p.x), atan(p.z, length(p.xy))));\n }\n\n float z = paraboloid(angularDist * EARTH_RADIUS, source.z, target.z, t);\n\n return vec3(lngLat, z);\n}\n\n/* END GREAT CIRCLE */\n\nvoid main(void) {\n geometry.worldPosition = instanceSourcePositions;\n geometry.worldPositionAlt = instanceTargetPositions;\n\n /*\n * --(i, -1)-----------_(i+1, -1)--\n * | _,-\" |\n * o _,-\" o\n * | _,-\" |\n * --(i, 1)\"-------------(i+1, 1)--\n */\n float segmentIndex = float(gl_VertexID / 2);\n float segmentSide = mod(float(gl_VertexID), 2.) == 0. ? -1. : 1.;\n float segmentRatio = getSegmentRatio(segmentIndex);\n float prevSegmentRatio = getSegmentRatio(max(0.0, segmentIndex - 1.0));\n float nextSegmentRatio = getSegmentRatio(min(arc.numSegments - 1.0, segmentIndex + 1.0));\n\n // if it's the first point, use next - current as direction\n // otherwise use current - prev\n float indexDir = mix(-1.0, 1.0, step(segmentIndex, 0.0));\n isValid = 1.0;\n\n uv = vec2(segmentRatio, segmentSide);\n geometry.uv = uv;\n geometry.pickingColor = instancePickingColors;\n\n vec4 curr;\n vec4 next;\n vec3 source;\n vec3 target;\n\n if ((arc.greatCircle || project.projectionMode == PROJECTION_MODE_GLOBE) && project.coordinateSystem == COORDINATE_SYSTEM_LNGLAT) {\n source = project_globe_(vec3(instanceSourcePositions.xy, 0.0));\n target = project_globe_(vec3(instanceTargetPositions.xy, 0.0));\n float angularDist = getAngularDist(instanceSourcePositions.xy, instanceTargetPositions.xy);\n\n vec3 prevPos = interpolateGreatCircle(instanceSourcePositions, instanceTargetPositions, source, target, angularDist, prevSegmentRatio);\n vec3 currPos = interpolateGreatCircle(instanceSourcePositions, instanceTargetPositions, source, target, angularDist, segmentRatio);\n vec3 nextPos = interpolateGreatCircle(instanceSourcePositions, instanceTargetPositions, source, target, angularDist, nextSegmentRatio);\n\n if (abs(currPos.x - prevPos.x) > 180.0) {\n indexDir = -1.0;\n isValid = 0.0;\n } else if (abs(currPos.x - nextPos.x) > 180.0) {\n indexDir = 1.0;\n isValid = 0.0;\n }\n nextPos = indexDir < 0.0 ? prevPos : nextPos;\n nextSegmentRatio = indexDir < 0.0 ? prevSegmentRatio : nextSegmentRatio;\n\n if (isValid == 0.0) {\n // split at the 180th meridian\n nextPos.x += nextPos.x > 0.0 ? -360.0 : 360.0;\n float t = ((currPos.x > 0.0 ? 180.0 : -180.0) - currPos.x) / (nextPos.x - currPos.x);\n currPos = mix(currPos, nextPos, t);\n segmentRatio = mix(segmentRatio, nextSegmentRatio, t);\n }\n\n vec3 currPos64Low = mix(instanceSourcePositions64Low, instanceTargetPositions64Low, segmentRatio);\n vec3 nextPos64Low = mix(instanceSourcePositions64Low, instanceTargetPositions64Low, nextSegmentRatio);\n \n curr = project_position_to_clipspace(currPos, currPos64Low, vec3(0.0), geometry.position);\n next = project_position_to_clipspace(nextPos, nextPos64Low, vec3(0.0));\n \n } else {\n vec3 source_world = instanceSourcePositions;\n vec3 target_world = instanceTargetPositions;\n if (arc.useShortestPath) {\n source_world.x = mod(source_world.x + 180., 360.0) - 180.;\n target_world.x = mod(target_world.x + 180., 360.0) - 180.;\n\n float deltaLng = target_world.x - source_world.x;\n if (deltaLng > 180.) target_world.x -= 360.;\n if (deltaLng < -180.) source_world.x -= 360.;\n }\n source = project_position(source_world, instanceSourcePositions64Low);\n target = project_position(target_world, instanceTargetPositions64Low);\n\n // common x at longitude=-180\n float antiMeridianX = 0.0;\n\n if (arc.useShortestPath) {\n if (project.projectionMode == PROJECTION_MODE_WEB_MERCATOR_AUTO_OFFSET) {\n antiMeridianX = -(project.coordinateOrigin.x + 180.) / 360. * TILE_SIZE;\n }\n float thresholdRatio = (antiMeridianX - source.x) / (target.x - source.x);\n\n if (prevSegmentRatio <= thresholdRatio && nextSegmentRatio > thresholdRatio) {\n isValid = 0.0;\n indexDir = sign(segmentRatio - thresholdRatio);\n segmentRatio = thresholdRatio;\n }\n }\n\n nextSegmentRatio = indexDir < 0.0 ? prevSegmentRatio : nextSegmentRatio;\n vec3 currPos = interpolateFlat(source, target, segmentRatio);\n vec3 nextPos = interpolateFlat(source, target, nextSegmentRatio);\n\n if (arc.useShortestPath) {\n if (nextPos.x < antiMeridianX) {\n currPos.x += TILE_SIZE;\n nextPos.x += TILE_SIZE;\n }\n }\n\n curr = project_common_position_to_clipspace(vec4(currPos, 1.0));\n next = project_common_position_to_clipspace(vec4(nextPos, 1.0));\n geometry.position = vec4(currPos, 1.0);\n }\n\n // Multiply out width and clamp to limits\n // mercator pixels are interpreted as screen pixels\n float widthPixels = clamp(\n project_size_to_pixel(instanceWidths * arc.widthScale, arc.widthUnits),\n arc.widthMinPixels, arc.widthMaxPixels\n );\n\n // extrude\n vec3 offset = vec3(\n getExtrusionOffset((next.xy - curr.xy) * indexDir, segmentSide, widthPixels),\n 0.0);\n DECKGL_FILTER_SIZE(offset, geometry);\n DECKGL_FILTER_GL_POSITION(curr, geometry);\n gl_Position = curr + vec4(project_pixel_size_to_clipspace(offset.xy), 0.0, 0.0);\n\n vec4 color = mix(instanceSourceColors, instanceTargetColors, segmentRatio);\n vColor = vec4(color.rgb, color.a * layer.opacity);\n DECKGL_FILTER_COLOR(vColor, geometry);\n}\n"; export default _default; //#