import {Viewport} from ''; import {RequestScheduler} from ''; import {Matrix4, equals, NumericArray} from ''; import {Tile2DHeader} from './tile-2d-header'; import {getTileIndices, tileToBoundingBox, getCullBounds} from './utils'; import {Bounds, TileIndex, ZRange} from './types'; import {TileLoadProps} from './types'; import {memoize} from './memoize'; // bit masks const TILE_STATE_VISITED = 1; const TILE_STATE_VISIBLE = 2; /* show cached parent tile if children are loading +-----------+ +-----+ +-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --> +-----+-----+ -> +-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------+ +-----+ +-----+-----+ show cached children tiles when parent is loading +-------+---- +------------ | | | | | | | | | +-------+---- --> | | | | */ export const STRATEGY_NEVER = 'never'; export const STRATEGY_REPLACE = 'no-overlap'; export const STRATEGY_DEFAULT = 'best-available'; export type RefinementStrategyFunction = (tiles: Tile2DHeader[]) => void; export type RefinementStrategy = | 'never' | 'no-overlap' | 'best-available' | RefinementStrategyFunction; const DEFAULT_CACHE_SCALE = 5; const STRATEGIES = { [STRATEGY_DEFAULT]: updateTileStateDefault, [STRATEGY_REPLACE]: updateTileStateReplace, [STRATEGY_NEVER]: () => {} }; export type Tileset2DProps = { /** `getTileData` is called to retrieve the data of each tile. */ getTileData: (props: TileLoadProps) => Promise | DataT; /** The bounding box of the layer's data. */ extent?: number[] | null; /** The pixel dimension of the tiles, usually a power of 2. */ tileSize?: number; /** The max zoom level of the layer's data. @default null */ maxZoom?: number | null; /** The min zoom level of the layer's data. @default 0 */ minZoom?: number | null; /** The maximum number of tiles that can be cached. */ maxCacheSize?: number | null; /** The maximum memory used for caching tiles. @default null */ maxCacheByteSize?: number | null; /** How the tile layer refines the visibility of tiles. @default 'best-available' */ refinementStrategy?: RefinementStrategy; /** Range of minimum and maximum heights in the tile. */ zRange?: ZRange | null; /** The maximum number of concurrent getTileData calls. @default 6 */ maxRequests?: number; /** Queue tile requests until no new tiles have been requested for at least `debounceTime` milliseconds. @default 0 */ debounceTime?: number; /** Changes the zoom level at which the tiles are fetched. Needs to be an integer. @default 0 */ zoomOffset?: number; /** Called when a tile successfully loads. */ onTileLoad?: (tile: Tile2DHeader) => void; /** Called when a tile is cleared from cache. */ onTileUnload?: (tile: Tile2DHeader) => void; /** Called when a tile failed to load. */ onTileError?: (err: any, tile: Tile2DHeader) => void; // onTileLoad: (tile: Tile2DHeader) => void; // onTileUnload: (tile: Tile2DHeader) => void; // onTileError: (error: any, tile: Tile2DHeader) => void; /** Called when all tiles in the current viewport are loaded. */ // sonViewportLoad?: ((tiles: Tile2DHeader[]) => void) | null; }; export const DEFAULT_TILESET2D_PROPS: Omit, 'getTileData'> = { extent: null, tileSize: 512, maxZoom: null, minZoom: null, maxCacheSize: null, maxCacheByteSize: null, refinementStrategy: 'best-available', zRange: null, maxRequests: 6, debounceTime: 0, zoomOffset: 0, // onTileLoad: (tile: Tile2DHeader) => void, // onTileUnload: (tile: Tile2DHeader) => void, // onTileError: (error: any, tile: Tile2DHeader) => void, /** Called when all tiles in the current viewport are loaded. */ // onViewportLoad: ((tiles: Tile2DHeader[]) => void) | null, onTileLoad: () => {}, onTileUnload: () => {}, onTileError: () => {} }; /** * Manages loading and purging of tile data. This class caches recently visited tiles * and only creates new tiles if they are present. */ export class Tileset2D { protected opts: Required; private _requestScheduler: RequestScheduler; private _cache: Map; private _dirty: boolean; private _tiles: Tile2DHeader[]; private _cacheByteSize: number; private _viewport: Viewport | null; private _zRange: ZRange | null; private _selectedTiles: Tile2DHeader[] | null; private _frameNumber: number; private _modelMatrix: Matrix4; private _modelMatrixInverse: Matrix4; private _maxZoom?: number; private _minZoom?: number; private onTileLoad: (tile: Tile2DHeader) => void; /** * Takes in a function that returns tile data, a cache size, and a max and a min zoom level. * Cache size defaults to 5 * number of tiles in the current viewport */ constructor(opts: Tileset2DProps) { this.opts = {...DEFAULT_TILESET2D_PROPS, ...opts}; this.setOptions(this.opts); this.onTileLoad = tile => { this.opts.onTileLoad?.(tile); if (this.opts.maxCacheByteSize != null) { this._cacheByteSize += tile.byteLength; this._resizeCache(); } }; this._requestScheduler = new RequestScheduler({ throttleRequests: this.opts.maxRequests > 0 || this.opts.debounceTime > 0, maxRequests: this.opts.maxRequests, debounceTime: this.opts.debounceTime }); // Maps tile id in string {z}-{x}-{y} to a Tile object this._cache = new Map(); this._tiles = []; this._dirty = false; this._cacheByteSize = 0; // Cache the last processed viewport this._viewport = null; this._zRange = null; this._selectedTiles = null; this._frameNumber = 0; this._modelMatrix = new Matrix4(); this._modelMatrixInverse = new Matrix4(); } /* Public API */ get tiles() { return this._tiles; } get selectedTiles(): Tile2DHeader[] | null { return this._selectedTiles; } get isLoaded(): boolean { return this._selectedTiles !== null && this._selectedTiles.every(tile => tile.isLoaded); } get needsReload(): boolean { return this._selectedTiles !== null && this._selectedTiles.some(tile => tile.needsReload); } setOptions(opts: Tileset2DProps): void { Object.assign(this.opts, opts); if (Number.isFinite(opts.maxZoom)) { this._maxZoom = Math.floor(opts.maxZoom as number); } if (Number.isFinite(opts.minZoom)) { this._minZoom = Math.ceil(opts.minZoom as number); } } // Clean up any outstanding tile requests. finalize(): void { for (const tile of this._cache.values()) { if (tile.isLoading) { tile.abort(); } } this._cache.clear(); this._tiles = []; this._selectedTiles = null; } reloadAll(): void { for (const id of this._cache.keys()) { const tile = this._cache.get(id) as Tile2DHeader; if (!this._selectedTiles || !this._selectedTiles.includes(tile)) { this._cache.delete(id); } else { tile.setNeedsReload(); } } } /** * Update the cache with the given viewport and model matrix and triggers callback onUpdate. */ update( viewport: Viewport, {zRange, modelMatrix}: {zRange: ZRange | null; modelMatrix: NumericArray | null} = { zRange: null, modelMatrix: null } ): number { const modelMatrixAsMatrix4 = modelMatrix ? new Matrix4(modelMatrix) : new Matrix4(); const isModelMatrixNew = !modelMatrixAsMatrix4.equals(this._modelMatrix); if ( !this._viewport || !viewport.equals(this._viewport) || !equals(this._zRange, zRange) || isModelMatrixNew ) { if (isModelMatrixNew) { this._modelMatrixInverse = modelMatrixAsMatrix4.clone().invert(); this._modelMatrix = modelMatrixAsMatrix4; } this._viewport = viewport; this._zRange = zRange; const tileIndices = this.getTileIndices({ viewport, maxZoom: this._maxZoom, minZoom: this._minZoom, zRange, modelMatrix: this._modelMatrix, modelMatrixInverse: this._modelMatrixInverse }); this._selectedTiles = => this._getTile(index, true)); if (this._dirty) { // Some new tiles are added this._rebuildTree(); } // Check for needed reloads explicitly even if the view/matrix has not changed. } else if (this.needsReload) { this._selectedTiles = this._selectedTiles!.map(tile => this._getTile(tile.index, true)); } // Update tile states const changed = this.updateTileStates(); this._pruneRequests(); if (this._dirty) { // cache size is either the user defined maxSize or 5 * number of current tiles in the viewport. this._resizeCache(); } if (changed) { this._frameNumber++; } return this._frameNumber; } // eslint-disable-next-line complexity isTileVisible( tile: Tile2DHeader, cullRect?: {x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number} ): boolean { if (!tile.isVisible) { return false; } if (cullRect && this._viewport) { const boundsArr = this._getCullBounds({ viewport: this._viewport, z: this._zRange, cullRect }); const {bbox} = tile; for (const [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] of boundsArr) { let overlaps; if ('west' in bbox) { overlaps = bbox.west < maxX && bbox.east > minX && bbox.south < maxY && bbox.north > minY; } else { // top/bottom could be swapped depending on the indexing system const y0 = Math.min(, bbox.bottom); const y1 = Math.max(, bbox.bottom); overlaps = bbox.left < maxX && bbox.right > minX && y0 < maxY && y1 > minY; } if (overlaps) { return true; } } return false; } return true; } /* Public interface for subclassing */ /** Returns array of tile indices in the current viewport */ getTileIndices({ viewport, maxZoom, minZoom, zRange, modelMatrix, modelMatrixInverse }: { viewport: Viewport; maxZoom?: number; minZoom?: number; zRange: ZRange | null; tileSize?: number; modelMatrix?: Matrix4; modelMatrixInverse?: Matrix4; zoomOffset?: number; }): TileIndex[] { const {tileSize, extent, zoomOffset} = this.opts; return getTileIndices({ viewport, maxZoom, minZoom, zRange, tileSize, extent: extent as Bounds | undefined, modelMatrix, modelMatrixInverse, zoomOffset }); } /** Returns unique string key for a tile index */ getTileId(index: TileIndex) { return `${index.x}-${index.y}-${index.z}`; } /** Returns a zoom level for a tile index */ getTileZoom(index: TileIndex) { return index.z; } /** Returns additional metadata to add to tile, bbox by default */ getTileMetadata(index: TileIndex): Record { const {tileSize} = this.opts; return {bbox: tileToBoundingBox(this._viewport!, index.x, index.y, index.z, tileSize)}; } /** Returns index of the parent tile */ getParentIndex(index: TileIndex) { const x = Math.floor(index.x / 2); const y = Math.floor(index.y / 2); const z = index.z - 1; return {x, y, z}; } // Returns true if any tile's visibility changed private updateTileStates() { const refinementStrategy = this.opts.refinementStrategy || STRATEGY_DEFAULT; const visibilities = new Array(this._cache.size); let i = 0; // Reset state for (const tile of this._cache.values()) { // save previous state visibilities[i++] = tile.isVisible; tile.isSelected = false; tile.isVisible = false; } // @ts-expect-error called only when _selectedTiles is already defined for (const tile of this._selectedTiles) { tile.isSelected = true; tile.isVisible = true; } // Strategy-specific state logic (typeof refinementStrategy === 'function' ? refinementStrategy : STRATEGIES[refinementStrategy])(Array.from(this._cache.values())); i = 0; // Check if any visibility has changed for (const tile of this._cache.values()) { if (visibilities[i++] !== tile.isVisible) { return true; } } return false; } /* Private methods */ private _getCullBounds = memoize(getCullBounds); private _pruneRequests(): void { const {maxRequests = 0} = this.opts; const abortCandidates: Tile2DHeader[] = []; let ongoingRequestCount = 0; for (const tile of this._cache.values()) { // Keep track of all the ongoing requests if (tile.isLoading) { ongoingRequestCount++; if (!tile.isSelected && !tile.isVisible) { abortCandidates.push(tile); } } } while (maxRequests > 0 && ongoingRequestCount > maxRequests && abortCandidates.length > 0) { // There are too many ongoing requests, so abort some that are unselected const tile = abortCandidates.shift()!; tile.abort(); ongoingRequestCount--; } } // This needs to be called every time some tiles have been added/removed from cache private _rebuildTree() { const {_cache} = this; // Reset states for (const tile of _cache.values()) { tile.parent = null; if (tile.children) { tile.children.length = 0; } } // Rebuild tree for (const tile of _cache.values()) { const parent = this._getNearestAncestor(tile); tile.parent = parent; if (parent?.children) { parent.children.push(tile); } } } /** * Clear tiles that are not visible when the cache is full */ /* eslint-disable complexity */ private _resizeCache() { const {_cache, opts} = this; const maxCacheSize = opts.maxCacheSize ?? // @ts-expect-error called only when selectedTiles is initialized (opts.maxCacheByteSize != null ? Infinity : DEFAULT_CACHE_SCALE * this.selectedTiles.length); const maxCacheByteSize = opts.maxCacheByteSize ?? Infinity; const overflown = _cache.size > maxCacheSize || this._cacheByteSize > maxCacheByteSize; if (overflown) { for (const [id, tile] of _cache) { if (!tile.isVisible && !tile.isSelected) { // delete tile this._cacheByteSize -= opts.maxCacheByteSize != null ? tile.byteLength : 0; _cache.delete(id); this.opts.onTileUnload?.(tile); } if (_cache.size <= maxCacheSize && this._cacheByteSize <= maxCacheByteSize) { break; } } this._rebuildTree(); this._dirty = true; } if (this._dirty) { // sort by zoom level so that smaller tiles are displayed on top this._tiles = Array.from(this._cache.values()).sort((t1, t2) => t1.zoom - t2.zoom); this._dirty = false; } } /* eslint-enable complexity */ private _getTile(index: TileIndex, create: true): Tile2DHeader; private _getTile(index: TileIndex, create?: false): Tile2DHeader | undefined; private _getTile(index: TileIndex, create?: boolean): Tile2DHeader | undefined { const id = this.getTileId(index); let tile = this._cache.get(id); let needsReload = false; if (!tile && create) { tile = new Tile2DHeader(index); Object.assign(tile, this.getTileMetadata(tile.index)); Object.assign(tile, {id, zoom: this.getTileZoom(tile.index)}); needsReload = true; this._cache.set(id, tile); this._dirty = true; } else if (tile && tile.needsReload) { needsReload = true; } if (tile && needsReload) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises tile.loadData({ getData: this.opts.getTileData, requestScheduler: this._requestScheduler, onLoad: this.onTileLoad, onError: this.opts.onTileError }); } return tile; } _getNearestAncestor(tile: Tile2DHeader): Tile2DHeader | null { const {_minZoom = 0} = this; let index = tile.index; while (this.getTileZoom(index) > _minZoom) { index = this.getParentIndex(index); const parent = this._getTile(index); if (parent) { return parent; } } return null; } } /* -- Refinement strategies --*/ /* eslint-disable max-depth */ // For all the selected && pending tiles: // - pick the closest ancestor as placeholder // - if no ancestor is visible, pick the closest children as placeholder function updateTileStateDefault(allTiles: Tile2DHeader[]) { for (const tile of allTiles) { tile.state = 0; } for (const tile of allTiles) { if (tile.isSelected && !getPlaceholderInAncestors(tile)) { getPlaceholderInChildren(tile); } } for (const tile of allTiles) { tile.isVisible = Boolean(tile.state! & TILE_STATE_VISIBLE); } } // Until a selected tile and all its selected siblings are loaded, use the closest ancestor as placeholder function updateTileStateReplace(allTiles: Tile2DHeader[]) { for (const tile of allTiles) { tile.state = 0; } for (const tile of allTiles) { if (tile.isSelected) { getPlaceholderInAncestors(tile); } } // Always process parents first const sortedTiles = Array.from(allTiles).sort((t1, t2) => t1.zoom - t2.zoom); for (const tile of sortedTiles) { tile.isVisible = Boolean(tile.state! & TILE_STATE_VISIBLE); if (tile.children && (tile.isVisible || tile.state! & TILE_STATE_VISITED)) { // If the tile is rendered, or if the tile has been explicitly hidden, hide all of its children for (const child of tile.children) { child.state = TILE_STATE_VISITED; } } else if (tile.isSelected) { getPlaceholderInChildren(tile); } } } // Walk up the tree until we find one ancestor that is loaded. Returns true if successful. function getPlaceholderInAncestors(startTile: Tile2DHeader) { let tile: Tile2DHeader | null = startTile; while (tile) { if (tile.isLoaded || tile.content) { tile.state! |= TILE_STATE_VISIBLE; return true; } tile = tile.parent; } return false; } // Recursively set children as placeholder function getPlaceholderInChildren(tile) { for (const child of tile.children) { if (child.isLoaded || child.content) { child.state |= TILE_STATE_VISIBLE; } else { getPlaceholderInChildren(child); } } }