import type {NumericArray} from ''; import {parsePBRMaterial, ParsedPBRMaterial} from ''; import {pbr} from ''; import {Model} from ''; import type {MeshAttribute, MeshAttributes} from ''; import type {UpdateParameters, DefaultProps, LayerContext} from ''; import {SimpleMeshLayer, SimpleMeshLayerProps} from ''; import vs from './mesh-layer-vertex.glsl'; import fs from './mesh-layer-fragment.glsl'; export type Mesh = { attributes: MeshAttributes; indices?: MeshAttribute; }; function validateGeometryAttributes(attributes: MeshAttributes) { const positionAttribute = attributes.positions || attributes.POSITION; const vertexCount = positionAttribute.value.length / positionAttribute.size; const hasColorAttribute = attributes.COLOR_0 || attributes.colors; if (!hasColorAttribute) { attributes.colors = { size: 4, value: new Uint8Array(vertexCount * 4).fill(255), normalized: true }; } } const defaultProps: DefaultProps = { pbrMaterial: {type: 'object', value: null}, featureIds: {type: 'array', value: null, optional: true} }; /** All properties supported by MeshLayer. */ export type MeshLayerProps = _MeshLayerProps & SimpleMeshLayerProps; /** Properties added by MeshLayer. */ type _MeshLayerProps = { /** * PBR material object. _lighting must be pbr for this to work */ pbrMaterial?: any; // TODO add type when converting Tile3DLayer /** * List of feature ids. */ featureIds?: NumericArray | null; }; export default class MeshLayer extends SimpleMeshLayer< DataT, Required<_MeshLayerProps> & ExtraProps > { static layerName = 'MeshLayer'; static defaultProps = defaultProps; getShaders() { const shaders = super.getShaders(); const modules = shaders.modules; modules.push(pbr); return {...shaders, vs, fs}; } initializeState() { const {featureIds} = this.props; super.initializeState(); const attributeManager = this.getAttributeManager(); if (featureIds) { // attributeManager is always defined in a primitive layer attributeManager!.add({ featureIdsPickingColors: { type: 'uint8', size: 3, noAlloc: true, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method update: this.calculateFeatureIdsPickingColors } }); } } updateState(params: UpdateParameters) { super.updateState(params); const {props, oldProps} = params; if (props.pbrMaterial !== oldProps.pbrMaterial) { this.updatePbrMaterialUniforms(props.pbrMaterial); } } draw(opts) { const {featureIds} = this.props; if (!this.state.model) { return; } this.state.model.setUniforms({ // Needed for PBR (TODO: find better way to get it) // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase u_Camera: this.state.model.uniforms.project_uCameraPosition, pickFeatureIds: Boolean(featureIds) }); super.draw(opts); } protected getModel(mesh: Mesh): Model { const {id, pbrMaterial} = this.props; const parsedPBRMaterial = this.parseMaterial(pbrMaterial, mesh); // Keep material to explicitly remove textures this.setState({parsedPBRMaterial}); const shaders = this.getShaders(); validateGeometryAttributes(mesh.attributes); const model = new Model(this.context.device, { ...this.getShaders(), id, geometry: mesh, bufferLayout: this.getAttributeManager()!.getBufferLayouts(), defines: { ...shaders.defines, ...parsedPBRMaterial?.defines, HAS_UV_REGIONS: mesh.attributes.uvRegions ? 1 : 0 }, parameters: parsedPBRMaterial?.parameters, isInstanced: true }); return model; } updatePbrMaterialUniforms(pbrMaterial) { const {model} = this.state; if (model) { const {mesh} = this.props; const parsedPBRMaterial = this.parseMaterial(pbrMaterial, mesh as Mesh); // Keep material to explicitly remove textures this.setState({parsedPBRMaterial}); model.setBindings(parsedPBRMaterial.bindings); model.setUniforms(parsedPBRMaterial.uniforms); } } parseMaterial(pbrMaterial, mesh: Mesh): ParsedPBRMaterial { const unlit = Boolean( pbrMaterial.pbrMetallicRoughness && pbrMaterial.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture ); return parsePBRMaterial( this.context.device, {unlit, ...pbrMaterial}, {NORMAL: mesh.attributes.normals, TEXCOORD_0: mesh.attributes.texCoords}, { pbrDebug: false, lights: true, useTangents: false } ); } calculateFeatureIdsPickingColors(attribute) { // This updater is only called if featureIds is not null const featureIds = this.props.featureIds!; const value = new Uint8ClampedArray(featureIds.length * attribute.size); const pickingColor = []; for (let index = 0; index < featureIds.length; index++) { this.encodePickingColor(featureIds[index], pickingColor); value[index * 3] = pickingColor[0]; value[index * 3 + 1] = pickingColor[1]; value[index * 3 + 2] = pickingColor[2]; } attribute.value = value; } finalizeState(context: LayerContext) { super.finalizeState(context); this.state.parsedPBRMaterial?.generatedTextures.forEach(texture => texture.destroy()); this.setState({parsedPBRMaterial: null}); } }