import {LayerExtension} from ''; import {patternShaders} from './shader-module'; import type { Layer, LayerContext, DefaultProps, Accessor, AccessorFunction, TextureSource, UpdateParameters } from ''; import type {Texture} from ''; const defaultProps: DefaultProps = { fillPatternEnabled: true, fillPatternAtlas: { type: 'image', value: null, async: true, parameters: {lodMaxClamp: 0} }, fillPatternMapping: {type: 'object', value: {}, async: true}, fillPatternMask: true, getFillPattern: {type: 'accessor', value: d => d.pattern}, getFillPatternScale: {type: 'accessor', value: 1}, getFillPatternOffset: {type: 'accessor', value: [0, 0]} }; export type FillStyleExtensionProps = { /** Cheap toggle to enable/disable pattern fill. Requires the `pattern` option to be on. * @default true */ fillPatternEnabled?: boolean; /** Sprite image url or texture that packs all your patterns into one layout. */ fillPatternAtlas?: string | TextureSource; /** Pattern names mapped to pattern definitions, or a url that points to a JSON file. */ fillPatternMapping?: | string | Record< string, { /** Left position of the pattern on the atlas */ x: number; /** Top position of the pattern on the atlas */ y: number; /** Width of the pattern */ width: number; /** Height of the pattern */ height: number; } >; /** * Whether to treat the patterns as transparency masks. * @default true */ fillPatternMask?: boolean; /** Accessor for the name of the pattern. */ getFillPattern?: AccessorFunction; /** Accessor for the scale of the pattern, relative to the original size. If the pattern is 24 x 24 pixels, scale `1` roughly yields 24 meters. * @default 1 */ getFillPatternScale?: Accessor; /** * Accessor for the offset of the pattern, relative to the original size. Offset `[0.5, 0.5]` shifts the pattern alignment by half. * @default [0, 0] */ getFillPatternOffset?: Accessor; }; export type FillStyleExtensionOptions = { /** If `true`, adds the ability to tile the filled area with a pattern. * @default false */ pattern: boolean; }; /** Adds selected features to layers that render a "fill", such as the `PolygonLayer` and `ScatterplotLayer`. */ export default class FillStyleExtension extends LayerExtension { static defaultProps = defaultProps; static extensionName = 'FillStyleExtension'; constructor({pattern = false}: Partial = {}) { super({pattern}); } isEnabled(layer: Layer): boolean { return layer.getAttributeManager() !== null && !('pathTesselator' in layer.state); } getShaders(this: Layer, extension: this): any { if (!extension.isEnabled(this)) { return null; } return { modules: [extension.opts.pattern && patternShaders].filter(Boolean) }; } initializeState(this: Layer, context: LayerContext, extension: this) { if (!extension.isEnabled(this)) { return; } const attributeManager = this.getAttributeManager(); if (extension.opts.pattern) { attributeManager!.add({ fillPatternFrames: { size: 4, stepMode: 'dynamic', accessor: 'getFillPattern', transform: extension.getPatternFrame.bind(this) }, fillPatternScales: { size: 1, stepMode: 'dynamic', accessor: 'getFillPatternScale', defaultValue: 1 }, fillPatternOffsets: { size: 2, stepMode: 'dynamic', accessor: 'getFillPatternOffset' } }); } this.setState({ emptyTexture: this.context.device.createTexture({ data: new Uint8Array(4), width: 1, height: 1 }) }); } updateState( this: Layer, {props, oldProps}: UpdateParameters>, extension: this ) { if (!extension.isEnabled(this)) { return; } if (props.fillPatternMapping && props.fillPatternMapping !== oldProps.fillPatternMapping) { this.getAttributeManager()!.invalidate('getFillPattern'); } } draw(this: Layer, params: any, extension: this) { if (!extension.isEnabled(this)) { return; } const {fillPatternAtlas} = this.props; this.setModuleParameters({ fillPatternTexture: fillPatternAtlas || this.state.emptyTexture }); } finalizeState(this: Layer) { const emptyTexture = this.state.emptyTexture as Texture; emptyTexture?.delete(); } getPatternFrame(this: Layer, name: string) { const {fillPatternMapping} = this.getCurrentLayer()!.props; const def = fillPatternMapping && fillPatternMapping[name]; return def ? [def.x, def.y, def.width, def.height] : [0, 0, 0, 0]; } }