# utils-extend
Extend nodejs util api, and it is light weight and simple.
var util = require('utils-extend');
### install
npm install utils-extend --save
## API
### util
Extend api in nodejs util module, 

### util.extend
Deep clone soure object to target
var target = {};
var source = {
  k: 'v',
  k2: []
var source2 = {
  k3: { }  

util.extend(target, source, source2);

### util.isObject
Check target is object, array and function return false.

### util.isArray
Chck target is array
uitl.isArray = Array.isArray

### util.isNumber

### util.isDate

### util.isRegExp

### util.isFunction

### util.isString

### util.isUndefined

### util.noop
Empty function

### util.unique
Make array unique.
var arr = [4, 5, 5, 6];
var result = uitl.unique(arr);
### util.pick
Return a copy of the object with list keys
util.pick({ key: 'value' }, 'key');
util.pick({ key: 'value' }, function(value, key, object) { });

### util.escape
Escapes a string for insertion into HTML, replacing &, <, >, ", `, and ' characters.
var html = '<div></div>'
var result = util.escape('<div></div>')

### util.unescape
The opposite of escape

### util.path.isAbsolute
Return true is path isabsolute, otherwise return false.
util.path.isAbsolute('C:\\file\\path');          // windows
util.path.isAbsolute('/file/path');              // unix

### util.path.unixifyPath
Normalize \ paths to / paths.