prebuild-install [options] --download -d [url] (download prebuilds, no url means github) --target -t version (version to install for) --runtime -r runtime (Node runtime [node or electron] to build or install for, default is node) --path -p path (make a prebuild-install here) --token -T gh-token (github token for private repos) --arch arch (target CPU architecture, see Node OS module docs, default is current arch) --platform platform (target platform, see Node OS module docs, default is current platform) --tag-prefix <prefix> (github tag prefix, default is "v") --force (always use prebuilt binaries when available) --build-from-source (skip prebuild download) --verbose (log verbosely) --libc (use provided libc rather than system default) --debug (set Debug or Release configuration) --version (print prebuild-install version and exit)