'use-strict'; var xml = require('xml'); var Base = require('mocha').reporters.Base; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var debug = require('debug')('mocha-junit-reporter'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var md5 = require('md5'); var stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi'); var createStatsCollector; var mocha6plus; try { var json = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(path.dirname(require.resolve('mocha')) + "/package.json", "utf8") ); var version = json.version; if (version >= "6") { createStatsCollector = require("mocha/lib/stats-collector"); mocha6plus = true; } else { mocha6plus = false; } } catch (e) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn("Couldn't determine Mocha version"); } module.exports = MochaJUnitReporter; // A subset of invalid characters as defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#charsets that can occur in e.g. stacktraces // regex lifted from https://github.com/MylesBorins/xml-sanitizer/ (licensed MIT) var INVALID_CHARACTERS_REGEX = /[\u0000-\u0008\u000B\u000C\u000E-\u001F\u007f-\u0084\u0086-\u009f\uD800-\uDFFF\uFDD0-\uFDFF\uFFFF\uC008]/g; //eslint-disable-line no-control-regex function findReporterOptions(options) { debug('Checking for options in', options); if (!options) { debug('No options provided'); return {}; } if (!mocha6plus) { debug('Options for pre mocha@6'); return options.reporterOptions || {}; } if (options.reporterOptions) { debug('Command-line options for mocha@6+'); return options.reporterOptions; } // this is require to handle .mocharc.js files debug('Looking for .mocharc.js options'); return Object.keys(options).filter(function(key) { return key.indexOf('reporterOptions.') === 0; }) .reduce(function(reporterOptions, key) { reporterOptions[key.substring('reporterOptions.'.length)] = options[key]; return reporterOptions; }, {}); } function configureDefaults(options) { var config = findReporterOptions(options); debug('options', config); config.mochaFile = getSetting(config.mochaFile, 'MOCHA_FILE', 'test-results.xml'); config.attachments = getSetting(config.attachments, 'ATTACHMENTS', false); config.antMode = getSetting(config.antMode, 'ANT_MODE', false); config.jenkinsMode = getSetting(config.jenkinsMode, 'JENKINS_MODE', false); config.properties = getSetting(config.properties, 'PROPERTIES', null, parsePropertiesFromEnv); config.toConsole = !!config.toConsole; config.rootSuiteTitle = config.rootSuiteTitle || 'Root Suite'; config.testsuitesTitle = config.testsuitesTitle || 'Mocha Tests'; if (config.antMode) { updateOptionsForAntMode(config); } if (config.jenkinsMode) { updateOptionsForJenkinsMode(config); } config.suiteTitleSeparedBy = config.suiteTitleSeparedBy || ' '; config.suiteTitleSeparatedBy = config.suiteTitleSeparatedBy || config.suiteTitleSeparedBy; return config; } function updateOptionsForAntMode(options) { options.antHostname = getSetting(options.antHostname, 'ANT_HOSTNAME', process.env.HOSTNAME); if (!options.properties) { options.properties = {}; } } function updateOptionsForJenkinsMode(options) { if (options.useFullSuiteTitle === undefined) { options.useFullSuiteTitle = true; } debug('jenkins mode - testCaseSwitchClassnameAndName', options.testCaseSwitchClassnameAndName); if (options.testCaseSwitchClassnameAndName === undefined) { options.testCaseSwitchClassnameAndName = true; } if (options.suiteTitleSeparedBy === undefined) { options.suiteTitleSeparedBy = '.'; } } /** * Determine an option value. * 1. If `key` is present in the environment, then use the environment value * 2. If `value` is specified, then use that value * 3. Fall back to `defaultVal` * @module mocha-junit-reporter * @param {Object} value - the value from the reporter options * @param {String} key - the environment variable to check * @param {Object} defaultVal - the fallback value * @param {function} transform - a transformation function to be used when loading values from the environment */ function getSetting(value, key, defaultVal, transform) { if (process.env[key] !== undefined) { var envVal = process.env[key]; return (typeof transform === 'function') ? transform(envVal) : envVal; } if (value !== undefined) { return value; } return defaultVal; } function defaultSuiteTitle(suite) { if (suite.root && suite.title === '') { return stripAnsi(this._options.rootSuiteTitle); } return stripAnsi(suite.title); } function fullSuiteTitle(suite) { var parent = suite.parent; var title = [ suite.title ]; while (parent) { if (parent.root && parent.title === '') { title.unshift(this._options.rootSuiteTitle); } else { title.unshift(parent.title); } parent = parent.parent; } return stripAnsi(title.join(this._options.suiteTitleSeparatedBy)); } function isInvalidSuite(suite) { return (!suite.root && suite.title === '') || (suite.tests.length === 0 && suite.suites.length === 0); } function parsePropertiesFromEnv(envValue) { if (envValue) { debug('Parsing from env', envValue); return envValue.split(',').reduce(function(properties, prop) { var property = prop.split(':'); properties[property[0]] = property[1]; return properties; }, []); } return null; } function generateProperties(options) { var props = options.properties; if (!props) { return []; } return Object.keys(props).reduce(function(properties, name) { var value = props[name]; properties.push({ property: { _attr: { name: name, value: value } } }); return properties; }, []); } function getJenkinsClassname (test) { debug('Building jenkins classname for', test); var parent = test.parent; var titles = []; while (parent) { parent.title && titles.unshift(parent.title); parent = parent.parent; } return titles.join('.'); } /** * JUnit reporter for mocha.js. * @module mocha-junit-reporter * @param {EventEmitter} runner - the test runner * @param {Object} options - mocha options */ function MochaJUnitReporter(runner, options) { if (mocha6plus) { createStatsCollector(runner); } this._options = configureDefaults(options); this._runner = runner; this._generateSuiteTitle = this._options.useFullSuiteTitle ? fullSuiteTitle : defaultSuiteTitle; this._antId = 0; var testsuites = []; function lastSuite() { return testsuites[testsuites.length - 1].testsuite; } // get functionality from the Base reporter Base.call(this, runner); // remove old results this._runner.on('start', function() { if (fs.existsSync(this._options.mochaFile)) { debug('removing report file', this._options.mochaFile); fs.unlinkSync(this._options.mochaFile); } }.bind(this)); this._runner.on('suite', function(suite) { if (!isInvalidSuite(suite)) { testsuites.push(this.getTestsuiteData(suite)); } }.bind(this)); this._runner.on('pass', function(test) { lastSuite().push(this.getTestcaseData(test)); }.bind(this)); this._runner.on('fail', function(test, err) { lastSuite().push(this.getTestcaseData(test, err)); }.bind(this)); if (this._options.includePending) { this._runner.on('pending', function(test) { var testcase = this.getTestcaseData(test); testcase.testcase.push({ skipped: null }); lastSuite().push(testcase); }.bind(this)); } this._runner.on('end', function(){ this.flush(testsuites); }.bind(this)); } /** * Produces an xml node for a test suite * @param {Object} suite - a test suite * @return {Object} - an object representing the xml node */ MochaJUnitReporter.prototype.getTestsuiteData = function(suite) { var antMode = this._options.antMode; var _attr = { name: this._generateSuiteTitle(suite), timestamp: new Date().toISOString().slice(0,-5), tests: suite.tests.length }; var testSuite = { testsuite: [ { _attr: _attr } ] }; if(suite.file) { testSuite.testsuite[0]._attr.file = suite.file; } var properties = generateProperties(this._options); if (properties.length || antMode) { testSuite.testsuite.push({ properties: properties }); } if (antMode) { _attr.package = _attr.name; _attr.hostname = this._options.antHostname; _attr.id = this._antId; _attr.errors = 0; this._antId += 1; } return testSuite; }; /** * Produces an xml config for a given test case. * @param {object} test - test case * @param {object} err - if test failed, the failure object * @returns {object} */ MochaJUnitReporter.prototype.getTestcaseData = function(test, err) { var jenkinsMode = this._options.jenkinsMode; var flipClassAndName = this._options.testCaseSwitchClassnameAndName; var name = stripAnsi(jenkinsMode ? getJenkinsClassname(test) : test.fullTitle()); var classname = stripAnsi(test.title); var testcase = { testcase: [{ _attr: { name: flipClassAndName ? classname : name, time: (typeof test.duration === 'undefined') ? 0 : test.duration / 1000, classname: flipClassAndName ? name : classname } }] }; // We need to merge console.logs and attachments into one <system-out> - // see JUnit schema (only accepts 1 <system-out> per test). var systemOutLines = []; if (this._options.outputs && (test.consoleOutputs && test.consoleOutputs.length > 0)) { systemOutLines = systemOutLines.concat(test.consoleOutputs); } if (this._options.attachments && test.attachments && test.attachments.length > 0) { systemOutLines = systemOutLines.concat(test.attachments.map( function (file) { return '[[ATTACHMENT|' + file + ']]'; } )); } if (systemOutLines.length > 0) { testcase.testcase.push({'system-out': this.removeInvalidCharacters(stripAnsi(systemOutLines.join('\n')))}); } if (this._options.outputs && (test.consoleErrors && test.consoleErrors.length > 0)) { testcase.testcase.push({'system-err': this.removeInvalidCharacters(stripAnsi(test.consoleErrors.join('\n')))}); } if (err) { var message; if (err.message && typeof err.message.toString === 'function') { message = err.message + ''; } else if (typeof err.inspect === 'function') { message = err.inspect() + ''; } else { message = ''; } var failureMessage = err.stack || message; var failureElement = { _attr: { message: this.removeInvalidCharacters(message) || '', type: err.name || '' }, _cdata: this.removeInvalidCharacters(failureMessage) }; testcase.testcase.push({failure: failureElement}); } return testcase; }; /** * @param {string} input * @returns {string} without invalid characters */ MochaJUnitReporter.prototype.removeInvalidCharacters = function(input){ if (!input) { return input; } return input.replace(INVALID_CHARACTERS_REGEX, ''); }; /** * Writes xml to disk and ouputs content if "toConsole" is set to true. * @param {Array.<Object>} testsuites - a list of xml configs */ MochaJUnitReporter.prototype.flush = function(testsuites){ var xml = this.getXml(testsuites); this.writeXmlToDisk(xml, this._options.mochaFile); if (this._options.toConsole === true) { console.log(xml); // eslint-disable-line no-console } }; /** * Produces an XML string from the given test data. * @param {Array.<Object>} testsuites - a list of xml configs * @returns {string} */ MochaJUnitReporter.prototype.getXml = function(testsuites) { var totalSuitesTime = 0; var totalTests = 0; var stats = this._runner.stats; var antMode = this._options.antMode; var hasProperties = (!!this._options.properties) || antMode; testsuites.forEach(function(suite) { var _suiteAttr = suite.testsuite[0]._attr; // testsuite is an array: [attrs, properties?, testcase, testcase, …] // we want to make sure that we are grabbing test cases at the correct index var _casesIndex = hasProperties ? 2 : 1; var _cases = suite.testsuite.slice(_casesIndex); var missingProps; _suiteAttr.time = 0; _suiteAttr.failures = 0; _suiteAttr.skipped = 0; var suiteTime = 0; _cases.forEach(function(testcase) { var lastNode = testcase.testcase[testcase.testcase.length - 1]; _suiteAttr.skipped += Number('skipped' in lastNode); _suiteAttr.failures += Number('failure' in lastNode); suiteTime += testcase.testcase[0]._attr.time; testcase.testcase[0]._attr.time = testcase.testcase[0]._attr.time.toFixed(4); }); _suiteAttr.time = suiteTime.toFixed(4); if (antMode) { missingProps = ['system-out', 'system-err']; suite.testsuite.forEach(function(item) { missingProps = missingProps.filter(function(prop) { return !item[prop]; }); }); missingProps.forEach(function(prop) { var obj = {}; obj[prop] = []; suite.testsuite.push(obj); }); } if (!_suiteAttr.skipped) { delete _suiteAttr.skipped; } totalSuitesTime += suiteTime; totalTests += _suiteAttr.tests; }); if (!antMode) { var rootSuite = { _attr: { name: this._options.testsuitesTitle, time: totalSuitesTime.toFixed(4), tests: totalTests, failures: stats.failures } }; if (stats.pending) { rootSuite._attr.skipped = stats.pending; } testsuites = [ rootSuite ].concat(testsuites); } return xml({ testsuites: testsuites }, { declaration: true, indent: ' ' }); }; /** * Writes a JUnit test report XML document. * @param {string} xml - xml string * @param {string} filePath - path to output file */ MochaJUnitReporter.prototype.writeXmlToDisk = function(xml, filePath){ if (filePath) { if (filePath.indexOf('[hash]') !== -1) { filePath = filePath.replace('[hash]', md5(xml)); } debug('writing file to', filePath); mkdirp.sync(path.dirname(filePath)); try { fs.writeFileSync(filePath, xml, 'utf-8'); } catch (exc) { debug('problem writing results: ' + exc); } debug('results written successfully'); } };