# JUnit Reporter for Mocha

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Produces JUnit-style XML test results.

## Installation

$ npm install mocha-junit-reporter --save-dev

or as a global module
$ npm install -g mocha-junit-reporter

## Usage
Run mocha with `mocha-junit-reporter`:

$ mocha test --reporter mocha-junit-reporter
This will output a results file at `./test-results.xml`.
You may optionally declare an alternate location for results XML file by setting
the environment variable `MOCHA_FILE` or specifying `mochaFile` in `reporterOptions`:

$ MOCHA_FILE=./path_to_your/file.xml mocha test --reporter mocha-junit-reporter
$ mocha test --reporter mocha-junit-reporter --reporter-options mochaFile=./path_to_your/file.xml
var mocha = new Mocha({
    reporter: 'mocha-junit-reporter',
    reporterOptions: {
        mochaFile: './path_to_your/file.xml'

### Append properties to testsuite

You can also add properties to the report under `testsuite`. This is useful if you want your CI environment to add extra build props to the report for analytics purposes

      <property name="BUILD_ID" value="4291"/>

To do so pass them in via env variable:
PROPERTIES=BUILD_ID:4291 mocha test --reporter mocha-junit-reporter
var mocha = new Mocha({
    reporter: 'mocha-junit-reporter',
    reporterOptions: {
        properties: {
            BUILD_ID: 4291

### Results Report

Results XML filename can contain `[hash]`, e.g. `./path_to_your/test-results.[hash].xml`. `[hash]` is replaced by MD5 hash of test results XML. This enables support of parallel execution of multiple `mocha-junit-reporter`'s writing test results in separate files.

In order to display full suite title (including parents) just specify `testsuitesTitle` option
var mocha = new Mocha({
    reporter: 'mocha-junit-reporter',
    reporterOptions: {
        testsuitesTitle: true,
        suiteTitleSeparatedBy: '.' // suites separator, default is space (' ')

If you want to **switch classname and name** of the generated testCase XML entries, you can use the `testCaseSwitchClassnameAndName` reporter option.

var mocha = new Mocha({
    reporter: 'mocha-junit-reporter',
    reporterOptions: {
        testCaseSwitchClassnameAndName: true

Here is an example of the XML output when using the `testCaseSwitchClassnameAndName` option:

| value             | XML output                                                                              |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `true`            | `<testcase name="should behave like so" classname="Super Suite should behave like so">` |
| `false` (default) | `<testcase name="Super Suite should behave like so" classname="should behave like so">` |

You can also configure the `testsuites.name` attribute by setting `reporterOptions.testsuitesTitle` and the root suite's `name` attribute by setting `reporterOptions.rootSuiteTitle`.

### System out and system err
The JUnit format defines a pair of tags - `<system-out/>` and `<system-err/>` - for describing a test's generated output
and error streams, respectively. It is possible to pass the test outputs/errors as an array of text lines:
it ('should report output', function () {
  this.test.consoleOutputs = [ 'line 1 of output', 'line 2 of output' ];
it ('should report error', function () {
  this.test.consoleErrors = [ 'line 1 of errors', 'line 2 of errors' ];

Since this module is only a reporter and not a self-contained test runner, it does not perform
output capture itself. Thus, the author of the tests is responsible for providing a mechanism
via which the outputs/errors array will be populated.

If capturing only console.log/console.error is an option, a simple (if a bit hack-ish) solution is to replace
the implementations of these functions globally, like so:
var util = require('util');

describe('my console tests', function () {
  var originalLogFunction = console.log;
  var originalErrorFunction = console.error;
  beforeEach(function _mockConsoleFunctions() {
    var currentTest = this.currentTest;
    console.log = function captureLog() {
      var formattedMessage = util.format.apply(util, arguments);
      currentTest.consoleOutputs = (currentTest.consoleOutputs || []).concat(formattedMessage);
    console.error = function captureError() {
      var formattedMessage = util.format.apply(util, arguments);
      currentTest.consoleErrors = (currentTest.consoleErrors || []).concat(formattedMessage);
  afterEach(function _restoreConsoleFunctions() {
    console.log = originalLogFunction;
    console.error = originalErrorFunction;
  it('should output something to the console', function() {
    // This should end up in <system-out>:
    console.log('hello, %s', 'world');

Remember to run with `--reporter-options outputs=true` if you want test outputs in XML.

### Attachments
enabling the `attachments` configuration option will allow for attaching files and screenshots in [JUnit Attachments Plugin](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/JUnit+Attachments+Plugin) format.

Attachment path can be injected into the test object
it ('should include attachment', function () {
  this.test.attachments = ['/absolut/path/to/file.png'];

If both attachments and outputs are enabled, and a test injects both consoleOutputs and attachments, then
the XML output will look like the following:
<system-out>output line 1
output line 2

### Full configuration options

| Parameter                      | Default                | Effect                                                                                                                  |
| ------------------------------ | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| mochaFile                      | `test-results.xml`     | configures the file to write reports to                                                                                 |
| includePending                 | `false`                | if set to a truthy value pending tests will be included in the report                                                   |
| properties                     | `null`                 | a hash of additional properties to add to each test suite                                                               |
| toConsole                      | `false`                | if set to a truthy value the produced XML will be logged to the console                                                 |
| useFullSuiteTitle              | `false`                | if set to a truthy value nested suites' titles will show the suite lineage                                              |
| suiteTitleSeparedBy            | ` ` (space)            | the character to use to separate nested suite titles. (defaults to ' ')                                                 |
| testCaseSwitchClassnameAndName | `false`                | set to a truthy value to switch name and classname values                                                               |
| rootSuiteTitle                 | `Root Suite`           | the name for the root suite. (defaults to 'Root Suite')                                                                 |
| testsuitesTitle                | `Mocha Tests`          | the name for the `testsuites` tag (defaults to 'Mocha Tests')                                                           |
| outputs                        | `false`                | if set to truthy value will include console output and console error output                                             |
| attachments                    | `false`                | if set to truthy value will attach files to report in `JUnit Attachments Plugin` format (after console outputs, if any) |
| antMode                        | `false`                | set to truthy value to return xml compatible with [Ant JUnit schema][ant-schema]                                        |
| antHostname                    | `process.env.HOSTNAME` | hostname to use when running in `antMode`  will default to environment `HOSTNAME`                                       |
| jenkinsMode                    | `false`                | if set to truthy value will return xml that will display nice results in Jenkins                                        |

[travis-badge]: https://travis-ci.org/michaelleeallen/mocha-junit-reporter.svg?branch=master
[travis-build]: https://travis-ci.org/michaelleeallen/mocha-junit-reporter
[npm-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/mocha-junit-reporter.svg?maxAge=2592000
[npm-listing]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/mocha-junit-reporter
[ant-schema]: http://windyroad.org/dl/Open%20Source/JUnit.xsd