# exponential-backoff A utility that allows retrying a function with an exponential delay between attempts. ## Installation ``` npm i exponential-backoff ``` ## Usage The `backOff<T>` function takes a promise-returning function to retry, and an optional `BackOffOptions` object. It returns a `Promise<T>`. ```ts function backOff<T>( request: () => Promise<T>, options?: BackOffOptions ): Promise<T>; ``` Here is an example retrying a function that calls a hypothetical weather endpoint: ```js import { backOff } from "exponential-backoff"; function getWeather() { return fetch("weather-endpoint"); } async function main() { try { const response = await backOff(() => getWeather()); // process response } catch (e) { // handle error } } main(); ``` Migrating across major versions? Here are our [breaking changes](https://github.com/coveo/exponential-backoff/tree/master/doc/migration-guide.md). ### `BackOffOptions` - `delayFirstAttempt?: boolean` Decides whether the `startingDelay` should be applied before the first call. If `false`, the first call will occur without a delay. Default value is `false`. - `jitter?: JitterType | string` Decides whether a [jitter](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/exponential-backoff-and-jitter/) should be applied to the delay. Possible values are `full` and `none`. Default value is `none`. - `maxDelay?: number` The maximum delay, in milliseconds, between two consecutive attempts. Default value is `Infinity`. - `numOfAttempts?: number` The maximum number of times to attempt the function. Default value is `10`. Minimum value is `1`. - `retry?: (e: any, attemptNumber: number) => boolean | Promise<boolean>` The `retry` function can be used to run logic after every failed attempt (e.g. logging a message, assessing the last error, etc.). It is called with the last error and the upcoming attempt number. Returning `true` will retry the function as long as the `numOfAttempts` has not been exceeded. Returning `false` will end the execution. Default value is a function that always returns `true`. - `startingDelay?: number` The delay, in milliseconds, before executing the function for the first time. Default value is `100` ms. - `timeMultiple?: number` The `startingDelay` is multiplied by the `timeMultiple` to increase the delay between reattempts. Default value is `2`.