/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const asyncLib = require("neo-async"); const { ConcatSource, RawSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const Compilation = require("./Compilation"); const ModuleFilenameHelpers = require("./ModuleFilenameHelpers"); const ProgressPlugin = require("./ProgressPlugin"); const SourceMapDevToolModuleOptionsPlugin = require("./SourceMapDevToolModuleOptionsPlugin"); const createSchemaValidation = require("./util/create-schema-validation"); const createHash = require("./util/createHash"); const { relative, dirname } = require("./util/fs"); const { makePathsAbsolute } = require("./util/identifier"); /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").MapOptions} MapOptions */ /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/plugins/SourceMapDevToolPlugin").SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions} SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./Cache").Etag} Etag */ /** @typedef {import("./CacheFacade").ItemCacheFacade} ItemCacheFacade */ /** @typedef {import("./Chunk")} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("./Compilation").Asset} Asset */ /** @typedef {import("./Compilation").AssetInfo} AssetInfo */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("./NormalModule").SourceMap} SourceMap */ /** @typedef {import("./TemplatedPathPlugin").TemplatePath} TemplatePath */ /** @typedef {import("./util/Hash")} Hash */ /** @typedef {import("./util/createHash").Algorithm} Algorithm */ /** @typedef {import("./util/fs").OutputFileSystem} OutputFileSystem */ const validate = createSchemaValidation( require("../schemas/plugins/SourceMapDevToolPlugin.check.js"), () => require("../schemas/plugins/SourceMapDevToolPlugin.json"), { name: "SourceMap DevTool Plugin", baseDataPath: "options" } ); /** * @typedef {object} SourceMapTask * @property {Source} asset * @property {AssetInfo} assetInfo * @property {(string | Module)[]} modules * @property {string} source * @property {string} file * @property {SourceMap} sourceMap * @property {ItemCacheFacade} cacheItem cache item */ const METACHARACTERS_REGEXP = /[-[\]\\/{}()*+?.^$|]/g; const CONTENT_HASH_DETECT_REGEXP = /\[contenthash(:\w+)?\]/; const CSS_AND_JS_MODULE_EXTENSIONS_REGEXP = /\.((c|m)?js|css)($|\?)/i; const CSS_EXTENSION_DETECT_REGEXP = /\.css($|\?)/i; const MAP_URL_COMMENT_REGEXP = /\[map\]/g; const URL_COMMENT_REGEXP = /\[url\]/g; const URL_FORMATTING_REGEXP = /^\n\/\/(.*)$/; /** * Reset's .lastIndex of stateful Regular Expressions * For when `test` or `exec` is called on them * @param {RegExp} regexp Stateful Regular Expression to be reset * @returns {void} */ const resetRegexpState = regexp => { regexp.lastIndex = -1; }; /** * Escapes regular expression metacharacters * @param {string} str String to quote * @returns {string} Escaped string */ const quoteMeta = str => str.replace(METACHARACTERS_REGEXP, "\\$&"); /** * Creating {@link SourceMapTask} for given file * @param {string} file current compiled file * @param {Source} asset the asset * @param {AssetInfo} assetInfo the asset info * @param {MapOptions} options source map options * @param {Compilation} compilation compilation instance * @param {ItemCacheFacade} cacheItem cache item * @returns {SourceMapTask | undefined} created task instance or `undefined` */ const getTaskForFile = ( file, asset, assetInfo, options, compilation, cacheItem ) => { let source; /** @type {SourceMap} */ let sourceMap; /** * Check if asset can build source map */ if (asset.sourceAndMap) { const sourceAndMap = asset.sourceAndMap(options); sourceMap = /** @type {SourceMap} */ (sourceAndMap.map); source = sourceAndMap.source; } else { sourceMap = /** @type {SourceMap} */ (asset.map(options)); source = asset.source(); } if (!sourceMap || typeof source !== "string") return; const context = /** @type {string} */ (compilation.options.context); const root = compilation.compiler.root; const cachedAbsolutify = makePathsAbsolute.bindContextCache(context, root); const modules = sourceMap.sources.map(source => { if (!source.startsWith("webpack://")) return source; source = cachedAbsolutify(source.slice(10)); const module = compilation.findModule(source); return module || source; }); return { file, asset, source, assetInfo, sourceMap, modules, cacheItem }; }; class SourceMapDevToolPlugin { /** * @param {SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions} [options] options object * @throws {Error} throws error, if got more than 1 arguments */ constructor(options = {}) { validate(options); this.sourceMapFilename = /** @type {string | false} */ (options.filename); /** @type {false | TemplatePath}} */ this.sourceMappingURLComment = options.append === false ? false : // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-concat options.append || "\n//# source" + "MappingURL=[url]"; /** @type {string | Function} */ this.moduleFilenameTemplate = options.moduleFilenameTemplate || "webpack://[namespace]/[resourcePath]"; /** @type {string | Function} */ this.fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate = options.fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate || "webpack://[namespace]/[resourcePath]?[hash]"; /** @type {string} */ this.namespace = options.namespace || ""; /** @type {SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions} */ this.options = options; } /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { const outputFs = /** @type {OutputFileSystem} */ ( compiler.outputFileSystem ); const sourceMapFilename = this.sourceMapFilename; const sourceMappingURLComment = this.sourceMappingURLComment; const moduleFilenameTemplate = this.moduleFilenameTemplate; const namespace = this.namespace; const fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate = this.fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate; const requestShortener = compiler.requestShortener; const options = this.options; options.test = options.test || CSS_AND_JS_MODULE_EXTENSIONS_REGEXP; const matchObject = ModuleFilenameHelpers.matchObject.bind( undefined, options ); compiler.hooks.compilation.tap("SourceMapDevToolPlugin", compilation => { new SourceMapDevToolModuleOptionsPlugin(options).apply(compilation); compilation.hooks.processAssets.tapAsync( { name: "SourceMapDevToolPlugin", stage: Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_DEV_TOOLING, additionalAssets: true }, (assets, callback) => { const chunkGraph = compilation.chunkGraph; const cache = compilation.getCache("SourceMapDevToolPlugin"); /** @type {Map<string | Module, string>} */ const moduleToSourceNameMapping = new Map(); /** * @type {Function} * @returns {void} */ const reportProgress = ProgressPlugin.getReporter(compilation.compiler) || (() => {}); /** @type {Map<string, Chunk>} */ const fileToChunk = new Map(); for (const chunk of compilation.chunks) { for (const file of chunk.files) { fileToChunk.set(file, chunk); } for (const file of chunk.auxiliaryFiles) { fileToChunk.set(file, chunk); } } /** @type {string[]} */ const files = []; for (const file of Object.keys(assets)) { if (matchObject(file)) { files.push(file); } } reportProgress(0); /** @type {SourceMapTask[]} */ const tasks = []; let fileIndex = 0; asyncLib.each( files, (file, callback) => { const asset = /** @type {Readonly<Asset>} */ (compilation.getAsset(file)); if (asset.info.related && asset.info.related.sourceMap) { fileIndex++; return callback(); } const chunk = fileToChunk.get(file); const sourceMapNamespace = compilation.getPath(this.namespace, { chunk }); const cacheItem = cache.getItemCache( file, cache.mergeEtags( cache.getLazyHashedEtag(asset.source), sourceMapNamespace ) ); cacheItem.get((err, cacheEntry) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } /** * If presented in cache, reassigns assets. Cache assets already have source maps. */ if (cacheEntry) { const { assets, assetsInfo } = cacheEntry; for (const cachedFile of Object.keys(assets)) { if (cachedFile === file) { compilation.updateAsset( cachedFile, assets[cachedFile], assetsInfo[cachedFile] ); } else { compilation.emitAsset( cachedFile, assets[cachedFile], assetsInfo[cachedFile] ); } /** * Add file to chunk, if not presented there */ if (cachedFile !== file && chunk !== undefined) chunk.auxiliaryFiles.add(cachedFile); } reportProgress( (0.5 * ++fileIndex) / files.length, file, "restored cached SourceMap" ); return callback(); } reportProgress( (0.5 * fileIndex) / files.length, file, "generate SourceMap" ); /** @type {SourceMapTask | undefined} */ const task = getTaskForFile( file, asset.source, asset.info, { module: options.module, columns: options.columns }, compilation, cacheItem ); if (task) { const modules = task.modules; for (let idx = 0; idx < modules.length; idx++) { const module = modules[idx]; if ( typeof module === "string" && /^(data|https?):/.test(module) ) { moduleToSourceNameMapping.set(module, module); continue; } if (!moduleToSourceNameMapping.get(module)) { moduleToSourceNameMapping.set( module, ModuleFilenameHelpers.createFilename( module, { moduleFilenameTemplate, namespace: sourceMapNamespace }, { requestShortener, chunkGraph, hashFunction: compilation.outputOptions.hashFunction } ) ); } } tasks.push(task); } reportProgress( (0.5 * ++fileIndex) / files.length, file, "generated SourceMap" ); callback(); }); }, err => { if (err) { return callback(err); } reportProgress(0.5, "resolve sources"); /** @type {Set<string>} */ const usedNamesSet = new Set(moduleToSourceNameMapping.values()); /** @type {Set<string>} */ const conflictDetectionSet = new Set(); /** * all modules in defined order (longest identifier first) * @type {Array<string | Module>} */ const allModules = Array.from( moduleToSourceNameMapping.keys() ).sort((a, b) => { const ai = typeof a === "string" ? a : a.identifier(); const bi = typeof b === "string" ? b : b.identifier(); return ai.length - bi.length; }); // find modules with conflicting source names for (let idx = 0; idx < allModules.length; idx++) { const module = allModules[idx]; let sourceName = /** @type {string} */ (moduleToSourceNameMapping.get(module)); let hasName = conflictDetectionSet.has(sourceName); if (!hasName) { conflictDetectionSet.add(sourceName); continue; } // try the fallback name first sourceName = ModuleFilenameHelpers.createFilename( module, { moduleFilenameTemplate: fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate, namespace }, { requestShortener, chunkGraph, hashFunction: compilation.outputOptions.hashFunction } ); hasName = usedNamesSet.has(sourceName); if (!hasName) { moduleToSourceNameMapping.set(module, sourceName); usedNamesSet.add(sourceName); continue; } // otherwise just append stars until we have a valid name while (hasName) { sourceName += "*"; hasName = usedNamesSet.has(sourceName); } moduleToSourceNameMapping.set(module, sourceName); usedNamesSet.add(sourceName); } let taskIndex = 0; asyncLib.each( tasks, (task, callback) => { const assets = Object.create(null); const assetsInfo = Object.create(null); const file = task.file; const chunk = fileToChunk.get(file); const sourceMap = task.sourceMap; const source = task.source; const modules = task.modules; reportProgress( 0.5 + (0.5 * taskIndex) / tasks.length, file, "attach SourceMap" ); const moduleFilenames = modules.map(m => moduleToSourceNameMapping.get(m) ); sourceMap.sources = /** @type {string[]} */ (moduleFilenames); if (options.noSources) { sourceMap.sourcesContent = undefined; } sourceMap.sourceRoot = options.sourceRoot || ""; sourceMap.file = file; const usesContentHash = sourceMapFilename && CONTENT_HASH_DETECT_REGEXP.test(sourceMapFilename); resetRegexpState(CONTENT_HASH_DETECT_REGEXP); // If SourceMap and asset uses contenthash, avoid a circular dependency by hiding hash in `file` if (usesContentHash && task.assetInfo.contenthash) { const contenthash = task.assetInfo.contenthash; const pattern = Array.isArray(contenthash) ? contenthash.map(quoteMeta).join("|") : quoteMeta(contenthash); sourceMap.file = sourceMap.file.replace( new RegExp(pattern, "g"), m => "x".repeat(m.length) ); } /** @type {false | TemplatePath} */ let currentSourceMappingURLComment = sourceMappingURLComment; const cssExtensionDetected = CSS_EXTENSION_DETECT_REGEXP.test(file); resetRegexpState(CSS_EXTENSION_DETECT_REGEXP); if ( currentSourceMappingURLComment !== false && typeof currentSourceMappingURLComment !== "function" && cssExtensionDetected ) { currentSourceMappingURLComment = currentSourceMappingURLComment.replace( URL_FORMATTING_REGEXP, "\n/*$1*/" ); } const sourceMapString = JSON.stringify(sourceMap); if (sourceMapFilename) { const filename = file; const sourceMapContentHash = /** @type {string} */ ( usesContentHash && createHash( /** @type {Algorithm} */ (compilation.outputOptions.hashFunction) ) .update(sourceMapString) .digest("hex") ); const pathParams = { chunk, filename: options.fileContext ? relative( outputFs, `/${options.fileContext}`, `/${filename}` ) : filename, contentHash: sourceMapContentHash }; const { path: sourceMapFile, info: sourceMapInfo } = compilation.getPathWithInfo( sourceMapFilename, pathParams ); const sourceMapUrl = options.publicPath ? options.publicPath + sourceMapFile : relative( outputFs, dirname(outputFs, `/${file}`), `/${sourceMapFile}` ); /** @type {Source} */ let asset = new RawSource(source); if (currentSourceMappingURLComment !== false) { // Add source map url to compilation asset, if currentSourceMappingURLComment is set asset = new ConcatSource( asset, compilation.getPath(currentSourceMappingURLComment, { url: sourceMapUrl, ...pathParams }) ); } const assetInfo = { related: { sourceMap: sourceMapFile } }; assets[file] = asset; assetsInfo[file] = assetInfo; compilation.updateAsset(file, asset, assetInfo); // Add source map file to compilation assets and chunk files const sourceMapAsset = new RawSource(sourceMapString); const sourceMapAssetInfo = { ...sourceMapInfo, development: true }; assets[sourceMapFile] = sourceMapAsset; assetsInfo[sourceMapFile] = sourceMapAssetInfo; compilation.emitAsset( sourceMapFile, sourceMapAsset, sourceMapAssetInfo ); if (chunk !== undefined) chunk.auxiliaryFiles.add(sourceMapFile); } else { if (currentSourceMappingURLComment === false) { throw new Error( "SourceMapDevToolPlugin: append can't be false when no filename is provided" ); } if (typeof currentSourceMappingURLComment === "function") { throw new Error( "SourceMapDevToolPlugin: append can't be a function when no filename is provided" ); } /** * Add source map as data url to asset */ const asset = new ConcatSource( new RawSource(source), currentSourceMappingURLComment .replace(MAP_URL_COMMENT_REGEXP, () => sourceMapString) .replace( URL_COMMENT_REGEXP, () => `data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,${Buffer.from( sourceMapString, "utf-8" ).toString("base64")}` ) ); assets[file] = asset; assetsInfo[file] = undefined; compilation.updateAsset(file, asset); } task.cacheItem.store({ assets, assetsInfo }, err => { reportProgress( 0.5 + (0.5 * ++taskIndex) / tasks.length, task.file, "attached SourceMap" ); if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(); }); }, err => { reportProgress(1); callback(err); } ); } ); } ); }); } } module.exports = SourceMapDevToolPlugin;