/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Naoyuki Kanezawa @nkzawa */ "use strict"; const EntryOptionPlugin = require("./EntryOptionPlugin"); const EntryPlugin = require("./EntryPlugin"); const EntryDependency = require("./dependencies/EntryDependency"); /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryDescriptionNormalized} EntryDescriptionNormalized */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryDynamicNormalized} EntryDynamic */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryItem} EntryItem */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").EntryStaticNormalized} EntryStatic */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ class DynamicEntryPlugin { /** * @param {string} context the context path * @param {EntryDynamic} entry the entry value */ constructor(context, entry) { this.context = context; this.entry = entry; } /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( "DynamicEntryPlugin", (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => { compilation.dependencyFactories.set( EntryDependency, normalModuleFactory ); } ); compiler.hooks.make.tapPromise("DynamicEntryPlugin", compilation => Promise.resolve(this.entry()) .then(entry => { const promises = []; for (const name of Object.keys(entry)) { const desc = entry[name]; const options = EntryOptionPlugin.entryDescriptionToOptions( compiler, name, desc ); for (const entry of /** @type {NonNullable<EntryDescriptionNormalized["import"]>} */ ( desc.import )) { promises.push( new Promise( /** * @param {(value?: any) => void} resolve resolve * @param {(reason?: Error) => void} reject reject */ (resolve, reject) => { compilation.addEntry( this.context, EntryPlugin.createDependency(entry, options), options, err => { if (err) return reject(err); resolve(); } ); } ) ); } } return Promise.all(promises); }) .then(x => {}) ); } } module.exports = DynamicEntryPlugin;